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Aga Khan Speaks Out As Pakistan's Ismaili Shiites Reel From First Major Attack Against Community

Is it time for shiites in Pakistan to pack their bags and leave?

  • Yes

    Votes: 21 25.6%
  • No

    Votes: 54 65.9%
  • For limited duration until the war on terror is finished

    Votes: 5 6.1%
  • Not sure

    Votes: 2 2.4%

  • Total voters
My friend got deported like 2 years back and my Shia friend told me about the families being deported. Why you think this has not happened?

My Shiite friends are still here without any hassles whatsoever.
The only nationality being targeted are Bangladeshis for their much higher tendency to resort to illegal activities.
Too long, did not read.

Just show me one instance of random deobandi or wahaabis getting killed only because of their sect.

Tableeghi Jamaat activist killed in ‘sectarian’ attack - Newspaper - DAWN.COM

Tablighi Markaz attacked


and here one from India

African Tablighi Jamaat team attacked in MP; Muslim leaders condemn it, appeal for peace

Hi ..60,000 Sunnis killed .. You have examples of moon market and Islamabad court .. Etx ... Can you tell me something ... ! When a bomb explodes in a market or anyplace for that matter .. Does it differentiate between a Fukin sunni or a Fukin shia ?

Also are the shias invisible ? Do you think they don't die when it went off in moon market or Islamabad court or bomb blasts in karachi ?

But than again do "Sunnis" die when Hazaras are targeted in quetta ? When their funerals are targeted ? When they are pulled out of buses in GB or baluchistan ? When a imam bargah is bombed ? When they are assassinated in target killings ? Or when a bomb goes off in Ashura procession?

Do the "60,000" victims also not include shias ?

Can you explain these "facts" the the hazaras of quetta that have had to dig mass graves for hundreds of their dead? Or the doctors,professors etx who were shot for being from a different sect or the 47 Ismalilis (including 18 women and 3-4 kids) that died today in karaxhi ? Talk to me when you are targeted for being a sunni in your own country !

Calm down you are a reasonable person, and I would not like loosing another sane Pakistani to this complex problem at our hand.

At least the attack at wagah was on Pakistanis or was not it? And I don't believe people at Wagah were sunnis only. We have to fight this but not as ignorant and not by hating each other and divided.

Religious bigotry started after 1973 constitution when they officially declared Ismali as non Muslim. .

???????? Are you sure? Or you are mixing up Ismailis with Qadiyanis?

My Shiite friends are still here without any hassles whatsoever.
The only nationality being targeted are Bangladeshis for their much higher tendency to resort to illegal activities.

What can I say then except that what I told you is true. And they are conscious about it.

Say for a moment that you are right. Though you do not have any evidence for it. But say for the sake of the argument you are right.

Then who are these who have allied themselves with India? As you can be very much sure these attackers are not Hindus. They belong to a branch of Islam.

So who are these Muslims who have allied with India?

Another way to ask this question is which sect allied with India against the creation of Pakistan?

Which sect still predominately says the creation of Pakistan was a sin?

Any idea?

And as if Iran has not provided arms to "Afghan Taliban" after US invasion of Afghanistan. Right :what:
What a stupid question when we all know very well that india is trying very desperately to create unrest in Pakistan We should now start bombing and killing hindu extremists in indian hindu temples to start ethnic violence in india..
u are coming urself or will preach only?
Since the terrorists are unable to take over Pakistan or large chunks of Pakistan and their ability to carry out deadly attacks on forces has been subdued, they now want to start a Sunni Shia civil war in Pakistan. They want to provoke minorities to take up arms against majority, which will result in a civil war.
The problem with liberals like @Hyperion is that they limit the war of TTP to minorities. They make it TTP vs Minorities of Pakistan. While the fact is that TTP is fighting the state of Pakistan. And when it is fighting the state of Pakistan it is attacking and killing all the sections of the society.

Let's assume TTP kills all minority groups or forces them to leave this country. There is not a single shia, ismaili or christian in this country. Then will TTP lay down its weapons? The answer is a big NO. It would then start fighting Barelvis. Now lets assume all Barelvis are also eliminated. And only Deobandis and Salafis are left in Pakistan. Will it lay down its weapons then? The answer is again NO. IT would start eliminating all those Deobandis or Salafis who oppose them. Once it would kill all anti TTP deobandis and Salafis then will it lay down its weapons? The answer yet again is NO.

The TTP isn't going to lay down weapons till it gets complete control of Pakistan. It isn't about shias. It isn't about ismailis. It isn't about Christians. Its goal is to control Islamabad. And even then it won't lay down its weapons but after controlling Pakistani state it would start attacking other countries of the region. The goal of TTP, ISIS, Jundullah are global and here our "liberals" want to limit it to Sunnis vs Shia or Muslims vs Christians. It is funny to see people limiting global goals of TTP. ISIS etc to just one or two groups or sects.

At least TTP and other groups like it are very clear in their objectives. Hope our "liberals" and "conservatives" also clear their minds about those goals and objectives.

Go ahead. Limit it to one sect or group. you guys are just fooling yourself and nothing else. Go whine on Facebook and forums like this one that how majority is killing minority. TTP apologists and supporters who use internet would surely laugh at your moaning and whining.
@Horus @syedali73 it worth a +1.
u are coming urself or will preach only?

They are innocent. they do not have slightest idea of the conflicts and Do not know how to solve the things.
They want peace and war together in one plate. No one can guide them and they will continue to live like that.
it is now decades and continue their journey to downward.

Same applies to india too. you think india will remain safe from boko harams :lol:.
several dozen boko harams will rise in india after usa free india from the china problem.
That will be the laughing day. Indians will face disasters bigger than pakistanis :wave:

so do not think india is something special while usa is only holding it to deal china. :rofl:
I have said this before, and I will say it again.
This is extremely ironic coming from a country which has blamed the Jews, Saudis and Americans for all its problems since it's conception. For 40 years, Iran has continued to whine like a baby who has soiled its diapers, oblivious to its own patronage of dictators and militant organisations.
You whine about tafkiris and sectarian-minded terrorists, my friend. May I ask why Iran itself is arming solely Shia militant groups in Iraq? Why is Iran solely supporting Bashar-al-Assad? Why did it not support Muammar Gaddafi? Why did it not support the Bahraini government when it was under fire from protestors? Why did it mainly support Shia Mujahideen in Afghanistan? If Iran is so peaceful, how come it has been supporting organisations like Hezbollah which were formed a decade before Al Qaeda?
Supporting extrimists is kosher when "they" support them otherwise it is the evil wahabis, takfiri ideology and stuff like that.
I have said this before, and I will say it again.
This is extremely ironic coming from a country which has blamed the Jews, Saudis and Americans for all its problems since it's conception. For 40 years, Iran has continued to whine like a baby who has soiled its diapers, oblivious to its own patronage of dictators and militant organisations.
You whine about tafkiris and sectarian-minded terrorists, my friend. May I ask why Iran itself is arming solely Shia militant groups in Iraq? Why is Iran solely supporting Bashar-al-Assad? Why did it not support Muammar Gaddafi? Why did it not support the Bahraini government when it was under fire from protestors? Why did it mainly support Shia Mujahideen in Afghanistan? If Iran is so peaceful, how come it has been supporting organisations like Hezbollah which were formed a decade before Al Qaeda?

There will be no ending to cries when the shots are fired in wrong directions.

the problem in Pakistan are not shias or sunnis or ismaelis or chrisitans or hindus or Sikhs.

The only problem in Pakistan are the Monarchists and Saudi Lovers who control all institutions and playing with people of Pakistan and have corrupted every nook and corner of the country. >200 million nation with great and massive capabilities is hostage and forced to live on alms, aids, donations and loans.

This all has nothing to do with what you said. your hypocrisy will not solve things and will not help you out.

now see this.

Hezbullah was created to repel the Israeli occupation and is a popular political party in Lebanon and not a terrorist group in Lebanon.
Had Iran Supported Shia groups in Aghanistan they would not have been defeated. they got defeated as they trusted hypocrite Saudi tattoo. If Iran wants they will Rise up again. so do not blame Iran.
Iran should support Bahraini monarch ? LOL! Iran itself toppled monarchy. This credit goes to Iran that it is keeping Bahrain struggle peaceful while the Saudi lovers are using bombs to topple Bashar. No fault of Iran.
Iran support Bashar as NATO rebels trying to topple him thru weapons.
LOL! IRan should support it enemy criminal Qaddafi who is kidnapper of Imam Musa sadr. ?

Better educate yourself and check your own collar and stop blaming Glorious Islamic Revolution.

The day Hezbullah Rises in Pakistan then do not blame Iran as it belongs to Pakistani Shiites who are suffering a lot at hands of Saudi Lovers and monarchists and deliberately the pro-Saudi institutions remain silent spectator.
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Keep denying the wahabi problem, one day you will regret it when someone you love is the on the suffering end from heinous tragedies such as one today but hey lets ignore those stupid shiites that are creating sectarian issues in pakistan which don't exist.
Bring a book by founder of that movement which says kill shia's,i have myself listen a Shia Mullah call"All Sunnis are modern Yazidis"
A TTP apologist always talks about how deobandis are also dying. The deobandi who die are either in police or army, or die as collateral damage. No one has killed a deobandi for being a deobandi ever in Pakistan. These men on the other hand were targeted only because of their religion and no other reason. Suicide bombers have been sent to imambargahs, sufi shrines etc, but never to deobandi and salafi mosques.

Learn to speak the truth for a day, which haramkhour laanati maulvis never do. No wonder most of you have a very typical "manhoosat" on your faces, which even a thick disgusting beard doesn't hide.
What in the world are you ranting about you demented little prattler? I am absolutely clueless about this vomit of a post of yours........All i know is that mosques have also been the frequent targets of terrorists and i lost very dear friends in those mosques......There is no denying that you are a knee-jerk sectarist, who has been indoctrinated to spread hatred and i consider it beneath me to waste any of my wisdom on a wretched person of your ilk. Adios & Find some one else to fight your SECT-WARS with.
Quran also tells us, meaning of which is "Don't worry about people who have made sects in deen, leave them to ALLAH"

"And hang tightly to the rope of ALLAH and don't get divided in sects"

Tragedy Liberals would label you Mullah if you refer to Quran and Terrorists will keep confusing society with their own interpretation of Quran. We won't succeed unless we understand what Quran has to say and not how Mullah Radio wants us to believe what Quran has to say.
Quran says alot of things which people give a deaf ear to unless it comes out of the mouth of a Mullah :tsk:
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