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Aga Khan Speaks Out As Pakistan's Ismaili Shiites Reel From First Major Attack Against Community

Is it time for shiites in Pakistan to pack their bags and leave?

  • Yes

    Votes: 21 25.6%
  • No

    Votes: 54 65.9%
  • For limited duration until the war on terror is finished

    Votes: 5 6.1%
  • Not sure

    Votes: 2 2.4%

  • Total voters
They are not SUNNIS, but khawarij!

Narrated / Authority Of:
Abu Ghalib
that Abu Umamah said: “(The Khawarij) are the worst of the slain who are killed under heaven, and the best of the slain are those who were killed by them. Those (Khawarij) are the dogs of Hell. Those people were Muslims but they became disbelievers.” I said: “O Abu Umamah, is that your opinion?” He said: “Rather I heard it from the Messenger of Allah (saw).”
Ismailis are both Sunnis & Shias. I know a Ismaili family here who are practicing both.
India is an absolute shithole........ do you wish to emulate their model - if not, then why the comparison? Aim for something better at least!

And no, talking about it doesn't spread more hatred........ not talking about it does!
Wow buddy ppl are getting killed in Pakistan in sectarian violence/terrorism n you deducing India a shithole where all ppl of very diverse background living together comparatively in more peaceful manner in spite of fringe elements in every sects ... At least we are not slitting the throats unlike in the streets of Karachi... However we are not perfect we too have our own shortcomings......
shias should flee for their lives if they have any brain cells left ! :lol:
The problem with liberals like @Hyperion is that they limit the war of TTP to minorities. They make it TTP vs Minorities of Pakistan. While the fact is that TTP is fighting the state of Pakistan. And when it is fighting the state of Pakistan it is attacking and killing all the sections of the society.

Let's assume TTP kills all minority groups or forces them to leave this country. There is not a single shia, ismaili or christian in this country. Then will TTP lay down its weapons? The answer is a big NO. It would then start fighting Barelvis. Now lets assume all Barelvis are also eliminated. And only Deobandis and Salafis are left in Pakistan. Will it lay down its weapons then? The answer is again NO. IT would start eliminating all those Deobandis or Salafis who oppose them. Once it would kill all anti TTP deobandis and Salafis then will it lay down its weapons? The answer yet again is NO.

The TTP isn't going to lay down weapons till it gets complete control of Pakistan. It isn't about shias. It isn't about ismailis. It isn't about Christians. Its goal is to control Islamabad. And even then it won't lay down its weapons but after controlling Pakistani state it would start attacking other countries of the region. The goal of TTP, ISIS, Jundullah are global and here our "liberals" want to limit it to Sunnis vs Shia or Muslims vs Christians. It is funny to see people limiting global goals of TTP. ISIS etc to just one or two groups or sects.

At least TTP and other groups like it are very clear in their objectives. Hope our "liberals" and "conservatives" also clear their minds about those goals and objectives.

Go ahead. Limit it to one sect or group. you guys are just fooling yourself and nothing else. Go whine on Facebook and forums like this one that how majority is killing minority. TTP apologists and supporters who use internet would surely laugh at your moaning and whining.

Bro you are giving too much weight to TTP's goals and objectives. Thugs like Mangal Bagh (a bus conductor by profession) etc have only one objective and it is to sell your own mother for money if you have to. Its all a business, you could have gone there and rented Uzbeks for a reasonable price to do your killing or whatever, irrespective of whether you were going to kill a sunni or a shia. A suicide bomber's price would have been 400k to 450k.

Ask any person from Swat how Mullah Radio fed people to believe that Pakistan Army is infidel and how people were shocked to see our soldiers praying and reciting Holy Quran. Unfortunately liberals of Pakistan are the most confused biased people, take example of Asma Jahangir (liberal I guess) and see how she prevented hangings of these bastards.

And when a suicide bomber goes off the ball bearings and explosive does not distinguish between shia sunni christian hindu sikh' blood, its all same red.
Pakistani Shias are more Patriotic than the Pakistani Sunni Extremist. I doubt they will go anywhere.

Besides where are you going to send 40 Million Shia Pakistanis ?

For heaven's sake use you BRAINS !

I stand with all the Pakistani Minorities and would take a bullet first before they are harmed.

Instead of asking them to move, stand up and fight alongside our Minority Brothers against these Extremist LOW LIVES that are bent upon destroying our Beautiful Country.

Prince Karim Agha Khan and his Community have done Greqt Service to Pakistan in Fields of Education and Health Care. We love these People.
Pakistan need to hunt down leadership weather of TTP or BLA or LEJ or MQM they all have to be hunted down to bring peace in Karachi and Pakistan
Oh please............ you and your logic....... explain that to the minorities!
Sir With due respect plz who made you PDF THINK TANK: ANALYST well sorry but you are talking no sense at all. Is this not what those terrorist bastards want once we start fighting each other than what. its time to stand together not against each other. Our brothers are dying every day not only shites but also sunnis. Attack on APS was it on shites no there were much more sunnis. please dont differ between two pakistanis on basis of secter because if you do so than the time will come when you regret it.
@Hyperion, It seems @Fracker's comprehension skills are lacking. He doesn't seem to know what sarcasm means. English is a foreign language which takes years to master! How old is he? :rolleyes1:
Obivously the your English skills are derived from your relationship with him which is why you able to see sarcasm in it. Which I did.

BTW I reported your post for personal attack.
Obivously the your English skills are derived from your relationship with him which is why you able to see sarcasm in it. Which I did.

BTW I reported your post for personal attack.
Did you know that for a Pakistani Passport and ID card, a new question on the form has been proposed....

The question goes like this.....

Q. Are you a Shia?

Actually, now you should shoot yourself...... period!

If this is being asked then reason may be you can ask the families who were deported from Dubai etc for no other reason just because they are Shiites. Hell my friend who is Sunni was told to leave just on a mere suspicion that his name resembles a Shia. I don't think GOP did it on purpose to divide people.

I know..... you are virulently opposed to anything Indian...... see how easy it was to feed upon your sensibilities? It was a walk in the park..... :P

I don't know much about you actually, however, from your mental profile, I judge you are something 23 - 25, and a female residing in a city not affected by terrorism..... I'd bet, either Islamabad or Lahore......... I maybe wrong! :P

What the hell.................................. really bro? Really Lahore and Islamabad have never been targeted? Come on please. You must be kidding I suppose.
Pakistani Shias are more Patriotic than the Pakistani Sunni Extremist. I doubt they will go anywhere.

Besides where are you going to send 40 Million Shia Pakistanis ?

For heaven's sake use you BRAINS !

I stand with all the Pakistani Minorities and would take a bullet first before they are harmed.

Instead of asking them to move, stand up and fight alongside our Minority Brothers against these Extremist LOW LIVES that are bent upon destroying our Beautiful Country.

Prince Karim Agha Khan and his Community have done Greqt Service to Pakistan in Fields of Education and Health Care. We love these People.
more sunnis have died then any other sect or religion... one day these pigs attack sunnis next day they attack some one else... lets not make this war on terrorism sound like its a war on our minoirities when its not becuase its a war on all of us pakistanis....
@Hyperion @Icewolf
Then wipe them out....If thee is a true Muslim then you would know Quran clearly tells us NO ONE will be responsible for each's deed not even a father for his son's and vice versa!

Quran also tells us, meaning of which is "Don't worry about people who have made sects in deen, leave them to ALLAH"

"And hang tightly to the rope of ALLAH and don't get divided in sects"

Tragedy Liberals would label you Mullah if you refer to Quran and Terrorists will keep confusing society with their own interpretation of Quran. We won't succeed unless we understand what Quran has to say and not how Mullah Radio wants us to believe what Quran has to say.
If this is being asked then reason may be you can ask the families who were deported from Dubai etc for no other reason just because they are Shiites. Hell my friend who is Sunni was told to leave just on a mere suspicion that his name resembles a Shia. I don't think GOP did it on purpose to divide people.
I live in UAE, when did this happen?
I live in UAE, when did this happen?

My friend got deported like 2 years back and my Shia friend told me about the families being deported. Why you think this has not happened?

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