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Aftermath of Removal of Article 35A and Article 370

You have absolutely no idea about Indian Muslims do you ? They want Kashmir Valley to be mainstreamed even more than other Indians and don't support the separatist movement there at all. In fact many might move to Kashmir Valley themselves if Article 35 A is removed.

Inability to detect sarcasm is a dead giveaway of having below-average IQ.
Thank you all for explanation. That is kind of like the West Bank, state sponsored transfer of civilians to alter demographics. In the West Bank it is random Jews from around the world known as 'settlers'.
Only in this case the supply pool is about 1,400,000,000 or 1/5 of earths population whereas the Kashmiri's only number few millions.
The Kashmiri muslims will oppose it with full force. Kashmir will be like Hong Kong with violence. Will depends on whether it is from the Supreme Court or from the Indian government. If the supreme court says its unconstitutional, the Kashmiri muslims may accept it.

The muslims from the rest of India will be with the rest of India. There will be no problem there.
Is this really because of what Trump said regarding mediation or was this campaign promise of Modi?
Any decent, peaceloving, freedom loving human being is aware of the beef lynchings, jayshreeram murders and rapes being committed against Muslims in the parts of India where they are not protected from demographic annihilation. Hence, these attempts by Hindutva to remove the safeguards the kashmiri Muslims have will be fiercely resisted. If Kashmir became Hindutva majority, the Muslims there will become second class slaves like the Muslims in the rest of India. Sane people in Pakistan and around the world must stop this looming genocide.
Have our generals and PM sprouted a pair?

I don't know. What I am precisely saying is that if these articles are removed, then Pakistan would not be able to continue its present policy. Circumstances would force Pakistan to either adopt a far more aggressive policy against India or to clearly forego the issue of Kashmir forever and settle it with India on their terms. I was merely signifying the importance of these articles.
@M.AsfandYar @Syed Hammad Ahmed @Psychic

Thank you all for explanation. That is kind of like the West Bank, state sponsored transfer of civilians to alter demographics. In the West Bank it is random Jews from around the world known as 'settlers'.
That is from where the Indian banyas got the idea from.

Alliance with Bibi is teaching them new tricks.

The flimsy link which tied Kashmir to India was this legislation which acknowledged the autonomous status of Kashmir. This granted Indians political legitimacy in the form of allegiance of Khinzeer-e-Kashmir Shiekh Abdullah who sold out his people real cheap.

Now, even the most avid boot-lickers of Indian occupation have turned against India. Including the political descendants of Sheikh Abdullah. Situation can be exploited by Pakistani state, but to do that, one needs to grow a pair first.
This would be very interesting. The gangus want to go the zionists way but it just might backfire spectacularly. I dont think Pakistan can/will do much about it given the current economy and the Afghanistan quagmire. However, for the Kashmiris it is what you call the last roll of the dice. The way i see it, they have only 2 choices now, to accept being a minority and go on with a miserable life or go down all guns blazing. Whichever path they choose shall decide the outcome of the their destiny. If they choose the path of jihad they might still lose but its reverberations will be felt throughout gangaland and perhaps even beyond. I see a bit of a Bangladesh 2.0 scenario being brewed here if they decide to throw in the kitchen sink with Pakistan sneaking in just at the right moment and 'liberating' Kashmir if things go out of the hands of ganga army.
They are as Indian as other Indians. In Pakistan we have a sample of them in Karachi, relics of migrants who high tailed it out of India in 1947 for economic or other reasons. There has been a continous issue in that city because of the Indian migrants failure to adjust with the natives of that part of Pakistan who are Sindhi. The most known Sindhi Pakistani was the late PM Benezir Bhutto.
Plz see this racist post admins. @waz @Arsalan @The Eagle @Irfan Baloch
Also itz is off topic
What's Article 35A for those of us who don't know? And what is the objective behind removing it?
It bars Non-Residents of the J&K state from buying land in there. Thus Indians cant settle there, neither can they start businesses as they cant buy any property.
Article 370 provides special powers to J&K where it can govern itself for all matters except for Foreign relations, defence and communications and basically show the middle finger to Central Government for all other matters.

Thus J&K is that spoiled child which gets the protection, finances (more than any other child) and spends it all with no personal growth to show for it and yet roams around the house with an immeasurable arrogance as nobody can do anything coz 35A and 370 are there for its protection.
I must say that's true.


But I responded to his first post which didn't seem sarcastic at all, unlike his subsequent posts which I read later.

The reason I believed his post was sarcastic is because if there's anyone in the world who's even more cowardly than Indian Hindus, it's the Indian Muslims.
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