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After Viraat, Navy to bid adieu to Albatross patrol aircraft


Aug 21, 2012
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NEW DELHI: Another iconic naval platform is now set for retirement after aircraft carrier INS Viraat. The Soviet-origin Tupolev-142M aircraft, which helped the force keep a hawk-eye on enemy warships and submarines in the Indian Ocean Region (IOR) for almost 30 years, will be decommissioned later this month.

The world's largest and fastest turboprop aircraft, aptly named the 'Albatross,' the Navy had inducted eight TU-142Ms since 1988. "They were the backbone of our long-range maritime reconnaissance (LRMR) and anti-submarine warfare operations. But only three are fully operational now. They will now be retired at the naval air station INS Rajali in Arakkonam in Tamil Nadu at a ceremony on March 29," said an officer.

The TU-142Ms are being replaced by the 12 Poseidon-8I long-range patrol aircraft- eight have already been inducted- acquired from the US for $3.2 billion. Packed with radars and armed with deadly Harpoon Block-II missiles, MK-54 lightweight torpedoes, rockets and depth charges to destroy enemy submarines, the Navy also operates the P-8Is from INS Rajali.

The fuel-guzzling TU-142M aircraft were the first true LRMR of the Indian Navy. With a 50-metre wing-span and a combat radius of 6,500-km, the TU-142M has a speed of around 850 kmph. "They also have the highest flying altitude among turboprops, with an operational ceiling of over 13,000 metre," said an officer.

With a 10-member crew, the TU-142Ms can also carry at least five torpedoes as well as free-fall bombs and depth charges. "But the sensors and weapon systems of TU-142Ms have become outdated with age, apart from requiring heavy maintenance and costly spare parts," said an officer.

"If the TU-142Ms were hawk-eyes, the P-8Is are far more potent intelligent hawk-eyes," he added. This comes in the backdrop of Chinese submarines, both conventional as well as nuclear, making forays into the IOR on a regular basis now, with an operational turnaround at Karachi, as was earlier reported by TOI.
Much like the TU-142Ms earlier, the P-8Is now work in conjunction with medium-range maritime reconnaissance aircraft like the IL-38s and Israeli Searcher-II and Heron UAVs (unmanned aerial vehicles) to establish a three-tier surveillance grid in IOR.

Apart from the need to take care of its primary area of strategic interest stretching from Persian Gulf to Malacca Strait, India also has a vast 5,422-km coastline, 1,197 islands and 2.01 million sq km of Exclusive Economic Zone to guard against all threats.

About Tu-142M
Tu-142M Long-Range Anti-Submarine Aircraft, Russia

Tupolev Design Bureau

Russian Navy and Indian Navy

Maximum Takeoff Weight

Fuel Load

Service Ceiling

Operating Range
3,977 miles

The Tu-142M is a long-range anti-submarine / reconnaissance aircraft designed by the Tupolev Design Bureau and manufactured by the Kuibyshev Aviation and Taganrog Machinery plants. The aircraft is developed to provide improved naval combat capabilities. It can be deployed primarily in anti-submarine warfare (ASW) operations, maritime reconnaissance and low-range patrol runs.

The aircraft is equipped with a set of anti-submarine weapons to protect territorial waters from potential enemy submarines. The aircraft have been in service with the Indian Navy's 312nd squadron (INAS 312) since 1988 and are deployed in anti-submarine warfare and patrol missions across the Indian Ocean.

Tu-142M orders and deliveries
Tupolev Design Bureau received an executive order to design and develop the Tu-142 aircraft, which is based on the long-range Tu-95 turboprop strategic bomber. The prototype aircraft was built at Kuibyshev Aviation Plant and made its first flight in June 1968. The first aircraft entered trail operation with the Soviet Naval Aviation in May 1970 and was officially commissioned into service in December 1972.

"The aircraft is equipped with a set of anti-submarine weapons to protect territorial waters from potential enemy submarines."
The first modernised Tu-142M aircraft equipped with advanced avionics performed its maiden flight in 1985. Eight Tu-142Ms (IN-311 to IN-318) in export version (Tu-142ME) were built between 1987 and 1988 at the Taganrog Aviation Plant (now TAVIA) for the Indian Navy. The aircraft were commissioned in 1988.

In 2006 and 2007, two of the Tu-142M aircraft operated by the Indian Navy were upgraded by TAVIA, a division of Beriev Aircraft Company. Two more aircraft were retrofitted in July 2010.

The Indian Navy received seventh modernised Tu-142ME (IN 317) aircraft in August 2014.

Tu-142M design and features
The Tu-142M anti-submarine aircraft features monoplane, mid-wing design. It is fitted with a single-fin tail and tricycle landing gear with controlled front wheels. It features a monocoque fuselage, which has a length of 46.4m and a maximum diameter of 2.9m.

The fuselage incorporates a set of longitudinal stringers, cross-set of frames with stressed skin. Two cargo compartments are located at the lower part of the fuselage. The tail section is fitted with a rear cannon mounting. The nose cone section is installed with an in-flight refuelling system. A hatch is located in the niche of the front leg to facilitate emergency access.

The aircraft is roughly 49.5m in overall length, 12.12m high and has wing span of approximately 50m. It has a maximum takeoff weight of 185,000kg and is operated by a crew of 11, including flight crew and navigators / observers.

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