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After US, who will invade Afghanistan in 20 years?

Nobody, Afghanistan with Pakistan and the rest of the Muslim world will be a superpower. The sleeping giant Islamic Empire has alreadly opened one eye.

i pity Afghans... Afghanistan a land decimated by war which has not been stable since the Durrani empire but then again they did get screwed by the Durand agreement

They didn't get screwed by the Durand line. They get screwed by screwing with the Durand Line.

The whole mess is because of the non-sense ideological differences between Capitalism and Communism, which caused Cold War..
Now everybody knows that both the systems are flawed..
Only if the two industrial superpowers were not eager to spread their ideology to new nations and halt the spread of the other's, World would have been a much better place to live..Both were so involved in their own machoism that they screwed the whole world..
Nobody, Afghanistan with Pakistan and the rest of the Muslim world will be a superpower. The sleeping giant Islamic Empire has alreadly opened one eye.
so the other eye is on standby mode, i guess ? :D

---------- Post added at 11:12 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:10 AM ----------

no will invade.... now will be the time for Afghanistan to rise as a peaceful, prosperous country !
we too hope the same for our friends :)
now a days i met many muslim in our locality and u know i found tht Muslim people of INDIA are praying for the destruction of Anglo- American Empire ,infact not only Indian but Pakistani muslims and central Asian Muslim are very much counting on something like "The Curse of Afganistan ", it simply means whoever invades afganistan ,then invader's whole Empire get "Daffan" into the Dust of Afganistan...it reminded me of Ancient Gandharva story,"The Eternal Gandharvaa Curse (Akhand Gandharee Shraph'ethe) " in both of the version ,there's One EMPIRE which invaded Gandharva "Afganistan(Uph-gana-Sthanam )" i.e ISLAM invaded afganistan,i guess u got the hint abt what is actually is happening...

peace :)
Nobody, Afghanistan with Pakistan and the rest of the Muslim world will be a superpower. The sleeping giant Islamic Empire has alreadly opened one eye.

Don't mock ourselves again. Where are the rest of the stupid Muslim world rescue Pakistan from WOT last ten years ?

Pakistan in loss of economy more than 70 billions dollars. Who will cover these costs?

Pakistan is in slow declined due to insecurities, rise of extremisms, sucide bombings, unstable government, sect religions fightings, minorities, bribes/corrupts, diseases disorders, blood-revenges, killing entertainments, terrorists sympthasiers, and so on. Is this Islamic country?

Raptor, who cares about Afghanistan? Our country is Pakistan - we just need to enforce strict security measures around our borders areas as well as within the entire country not just for next time BUT for any time.

Iran also shares a large proportion of their border with Afghanistan and I don't see them having any problems. No problems from the U.S. or from militants. :undecided:

Pakistan can't ignore neighbors i.e Afghanistan. After US leaving, those same groups will start to revenge attacks on Pakistan next years. Afghanistan is always important to Pakistan as we can't close our eyes.

Today Pakistan has transformed to become more revenges, killings, destroying and money. That's our cultures of Islamic country. Strict security measures doesn't help much, they are more experiences last ten years to access Pakistan borders.

China will most likely be the next superpower, but China has no intentions of invading Muslim countries. It has always stayed out of internal affairs of Muslim countries. China's focus has always been on Taiwan, Mongolia, and other East Asian Oriental Countries....never countries of the Muslim world.

What is so great about Afghanistan that all superpowers want to invade it is the question we all want answered :cheesy:

Yeah, good answered we received but not good for Pakistan's images, bad reputations and terrible economy. Afghanistan and its people is now against Pakistan.

After US, who is next superpower to invade Afghanistan 20 years later?

My guess is Iran and Russia with the help of NA..

reports are also suggesting the same.

Willing to help US exit Afghanistan honourably: Hekmatyar - GEO.tv

Interesting, I don't think, Russia willing to waste their times again on Afganistan issues but they do keep eyes, not invade. Iran maybe but they are not superpower. A secret of third superpower invading on Afghanistan is still unknown, definitely not China. And India know it is very risky.

no one will invade.... now will be the time for Afghanistan to rise as a peaceful, prosperous country !

It will not happened because it is not easy due to different factors in Afghanistan. Instability Afghanistan will make instability unrest situations in Pakistan long-terms, I don't think Pakistan realize it until the hammer hit their head harder and harder (maybe after 20 years later). See the current situations examples. Pakistan's real enemy is in itself within own people who willing to destroy them.
Through history, Afghanistan is very unique places for foreginer invaders, it is possible another unknown superpowers likely to invade Afghanistan after the US withdrawn in 2014. I don't think Pakistan should celebrate of happy ending as we should consider another threats coming after Soviet, USA, and who is next (maybe 20 or 30 years) ??

Is Pakistan willing to do start all over again for more violences and regular attacks?

Nobody, Afghanistan with Pakistan and the rest of the Muslim world will be a superpower. The sleeping giant Islamic Empire has alreadly opened one eye.
There's a prediction of Dr. Israr Ahmad on this topic & I kind of agree to that...

He said he believe Pakistan & Afghanistan will join together in future & become one country... !!!

If that happens , I don't think it would be result of invasion, rather of mutual-agreement...
There's a prediction of Dr. Israr Ahmad on this topic & I kind of agree to that...

He said he believe Pakistan & Afghanistan will join together in future & become one country... !!!

If that happens , I don't think it would be result of invasion, rather of mutual-agreement...

How it will become one country? These both countries are in disagreements and arguments daily. Do you means, talibans and other safe havan become free roaming around in one country ?? The world will view Pakistan/Afghanistan a more lethal threats. In my opinion, I don't think one country because no country in history will willing to join another country becoming one. Today Afghanistan asked US to more pressure on Pakistan, Afghans people are protesting and Afghan barked angrily at us.

Dr. Israr Ahmad I have seen him, not accurate and it was now outdated.
Don't mock ourselves again. Where are the rest of the stupid Muslim world rescue Pakistan from WOT last ten years ?

Pakistan in loss of economy more than 70 billions dollars. Who will cover these costs?

Pakistan is in slow declined due to insecurities, rise of extremisms, sucide bombings, unstable government, sect religions fightings, minorities, bribes/corrupts, diseases disorders, blood-revenges, killing entertainments, terrorists sympthasiers, and so on. Is this Islamic country?

Order only comes out of chaos.

What you are missing is the potential of Pakistan as the Muslim world's leader. When Pakistan became nuclear the western commentators dubbed it the 'Islamic bomb' for a very good reason.

Your main issue is terrorism when terrorism can't even be defined universally, it's an open definition. Turmoil in the country is down to many factors but mainly Pakistan being under covert attack from those who worry about Pakistan's future leadership potential. When the US leaves the region it will be followed by leaving the Arab world, this is when Pakistan will move in to fill the gap left by the Americans. Unity will previal to such an extent it will be the rise of the Islamic Empire even if it's a new format.

Empires come and go but only one Empire was dorment but now active. Pakistan will lead the new empire in a new era of geo-politics, the ememies aren't attacking us because of Zahid Hamid.
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