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same as Mikoyan helping CAC with consultancy or grumman helping the same in it's initial years ?

Russian Navy does, apparently. You should take a look at their new frigates.

Reference to this claim ?

Which Chinese SAM in Pakistani arsenal can intercept Brahmos ?

Su 30 MKI is a license produced aircraft & there are certain deals wrt sourcing of spares from the OEMs. My point is it's not PAC delivering the entire airframe.
Go to globalsecurity. Com you will find it there and we have LY-80 or HQ-16 and SPADA-2000, and for Navy we FN-90 which is Chinese ROLLING AIRFRAME MISSILE which is on our F-22P specially built for interception of supersonic anti ship missiles

:lol::rofl:This your crap prove show me some Russian or Chinese links so I can agree with you:blah:
for Navy we FN-90 which is Chinese ROLLING AIRFRAME MISSILE which is on our F-22P specially built for interception of supersonic anti ship missiles

Which is Chinese reverse engineered version of short ranged French Crotale SAM. Wouldn't do jack against a maneuverable, supersonic missile.

Com you will find it there and we have LY-80 or HQ-16

Buk & Aspide. It's funny to note that, IN which operates the Stihl missile system on Talwar & Delhi class never make such claims.

:lol::rofl:This your crap prove show me some Russian or Chinese links so I can agree with you:blah:

LMAO, flight international is a reputed aerospace magazine, even the first one perhaps.
Which is Chinese reverse engineered version of short ranged French Crotale SAM. Wouldn't do jack against a maneuverable, supersonic missile.

Buk & Aspide. It's funny to note that, IN which operates the Stihl missile system on Talwar & Delhi class never make such claims.

LMAO, flight international is a reputed aerospace magazine, even the first one perhaps.
FN-90 is not based on obsolete crotale SAM but rether than latest TY-90 and PL-9C air to air missiles, and your stihl missile is older than Buk and Aspide you don't know these system are massively upgraded by their manufacturer, you have to take pills of your mantel retardation
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You fcuker I am saying in addition to HQ-7 we have FN-90 onboard on F-22p and are you know what is the improvement on HQ-16 and SPADA-2000 have you brain fart

Lol retard, FM 90 is upgraded HQ-7 which still can't intercept Brahmos.

You need something like Barak 8 to intercept brahmos.
same as Mikoyan helping CAC with consultancy or grumman helping the same in it's initial years ?
Grumman was only involved in a feasibility study on the Sabre II project, nothing to do with JF-17.
And even if one was to believe in the involvement of Mikoyan involvement, unlike LCA, the results are before us within a decade, OTOH, what's happened with LCA is no secret.


Lol retard, FM 90 is upgraded HQ-7 which still can't intercept Brahmos.

You need something like Barak 8 to intercept brahmos.
:sarcastic::meeting:you knows better than Chinese who develop FN-90 from TY-90 and PL-9C:enjoy:what a logic you have:lol::rofl:
Go to globalsecurity. Com you will find it there and we have LY-80 or HQ-16 and SPADA-2000, and for Navy we FN-90 which is Chinese ROLLING AIRFRAME MISSILE which is on our F-22P specially built for interception of supersonic anti ship missiles

:lol::rofl:This your crap prove show me some Russian or Chinese links so I can agree with you:blah:
Fn 90 is not a rolling airframe missile.
This Missile can definitely shot down a supersonic cruise missile.
But here you are taking about a seaskimming and manoevering cruise missile with 15 km range the changes of interception are very less and if there is a saturated attack being carried out f 22p is a sitting duck unless you are getting a medium range Sam on your ship the result will remain the same.
Fn 90 is not a rolling airframe missile.
This Missile can definitely shot down a supersonic cruise missile.
But here you are taking about a seaskimming and manoevering cruise missile with 15 km range the changes of interception are very less and if there is a saturated attack being carried out f 22p is a sitting duck unless you are getting a medium range Sam on your ship the result will remain the same.
Are you better know the.manufacturer that which one is Chinese version of ROLLING AIRFRAME MISSILE:blah: oh I am really scaredYour crap invincible ,out of this universe, cow piss, vedic BrahMouse,:lol::rofl: and for your information US and EUROPEAN navies don't consider all supersonic missiles as a threat, they consider sizzler and TYPE-83K like weapons as a threat because those have low IR and radar signatures, because of their subsonic cruise phase and then supersonic Sprint toward the Target:p:
Are you better know the.manufacturer that which one is Chinese version of ROLLING AIRFRAME MISSILE:blah: oh I am really scaredYour crap invincible ,out of this universe, cow piss, vedic BrahMouse,:lol::rofl: and for your information US and EUROPEAN navies don't consider all supersonic missiles as a threat, they consider sizzler and TYPE-83K like weapons as a threat because those have low IR and radar signatures, because of their subsonic cruise phase and then supersonic Sprint toward the Target:p:
Fn 3000 is a RAM but this one is a copy of crotale. Otherwise show some proof.
Ok there is no logic in that post you wrote. The brahmos is a supersonic seaskimming missile of course it will have more IR signature but that doesn't mean it can be shot down that easily a subsonic missile gives you 3 -4 times to react to it ,mainly due to its speed it would require a medium Range SAM atleast.with a 15 km range Sam your chances are nearly zero


I suggest you take a look at this.
It says 7 km range against > 600m/s target.and no mention of RAM either.
Fn 3000 is a RAM but this one is a copy of crotale. Otherwise show some proof.
Ok there is no logic in that post you wrote. The brahmos is a supersonic seaskimming missile of course it will have more IR signature but that doesn't mean it can be shot down that easily a subsonic missile gives you 3 -4 times to react to it ,mainly due to its speed it would require a medium Range SAM atleast.with a 15 km range Sam your chances are nearly zero
Proof me first kid that FN-90 is a copy of crotale SAMS, more IR signature:disagree: i would say extreme IR signature, you forget SR-71 and MIG-25 which are crusing Mach-3 at 80,000 ft and had a extreme IR signature your Brahmouse flies signafally lower that it has BIG IR AND RADAR RCS and can easily be intrcepted by semi active and IR guided SAMS, in 70's US easily intercepted supersonics missile with its RIM-7 sea sparrow SAM in tests Prove me that your crap Brahmouse can't be intercepted easily with neutral source not Indian source:blah:
If this time it fails, ask ISRO to make a space based ROD OF GOD.....or BHAGWAN KA BAMBOO.....:tup:
Proof me first kid that FN-90 is a copy of crotale SAMS, more IR signature:disagree: i would say extreme IR signature, you forget SR-71 and MIG-25 which are crusing Mach-3 at 80,000 ft and had a extreme IR signature your Brahmouse flies signafally lower that it has BIG IR AND RADAR RCS and can easily be intrcepted by semi active and IR guided SAMS, in 70's US easily intercepted supersonics missile with its RIM-7 sea sparrow SAM in tests Prove me that your crap Brahmouse can't be intercepted easily with neutral source not Indian source:blah:
You are deflecting from topic to prove your worth.
Still you can't prove fn 90 is a RAM. Because the fact is that it isn't one.
It's a reverse engineered crotale there is no surprise here everyone knows that.
And that's what I told about IR signature.
No matter how high the IR is you need a medium defence sam than a PDM to be safe from a missile of this type.
you do not have enough time to track a mach 3.5 target and shoot it down given that a saturated attack can also take place.

Also on a earlier Post you ridiculated shtl missile system.I hope you know that there are 8-9 different varients of shtl and each one of them is an improvement of the other. Shtl is the primary air defence missile of of Russian Navy and is used in their newest gringovich class Frigates.
You are deflecting from topic to prove your worth.
Still you can't prove fn 90 is a RAM. Because the fact is that it isn't one.
It's a reverse engineered crotale there is no surprise here everyone knows that.
And that's what I told about IR signature.
No matter how high the IR is you need a medium defence sam than a PDM to be safe from a missile of this type.
you do not have enough time to track a mach 3.5 target and shoot it down given that a saturated attack can also take place.

Also on a earlier Post you ridiculated shtl missile system.I hope you know that there are 8-9 different varients of shtl and each one of them is an improvement of the other. Shtl is the primary air defence missile of of Russian Navy and is used in their newest gringovich class Frigates.
Ok we are scared from you crap, out of this universe, cow piss, vedic Brohmouse we are defenseless now happy:p: so you can go to sleep:sleep::enjoy::lol::rofl::sarcastic::jester::man_in_love:
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