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Not as Ironic as a Pakistani trying to explain something, when Pakistanis are notorious for never being knowledgeable.

Nirbhay means fearless.

Dear Indian,

Its going to burn you but realities are not always pleasant... try living with this bit of education;


Reference: https://scroll.in/article/729300/in...world-partly-because-of-a-preference-for-sons
Ironic for India, Nirbhay means "dependence" or "dependable" which is failing continuously.

No Nirbhay means fearless.

Nirbhay is not much of a needed weapon as the BrahMos missile with a range of 600 km is more than enough for Pakistan.

No it is very much necessary. It weight just 40% of Brahmos and shall have double the ranhe with half cost.
Why windy, did Pakistan's poor literacy rate break your bubble?
No the reality seems to bite you where sun don't shine.

This coming from a countryman who bring empty bowl for medical treatment. Have some self respect and don't send your people to my country.
You people will sell anything for few pennies, people may travel to India for cheap medical....just like Indians are desperate for their films to be screened in Pakistan....all about revenue.....however Indians do travel to Muslim countries to earn their rice bowl.
1970s ? The P800 had its first operational deployment in 2002. It's far more recent than most western origin CMs.

And don't forget that not many Nations have such technology even today. Definitely not Pakistan.

There are countries with certain capabilities that are acknowledged by others and then there are Indians ....
something to the effect, empty vessels.....
Awww....the reality that Pakistan has a lower literacy rate than India ? Sure, that's depressing for us Indians.
You know what's the icing on cake....Indians consider themselves in par with say like China but they always end up with Pakistan. :D
Oh, and it's not like Pakistan lacks medical care facilities. LOL.
No one is denying that....but people travel all over the world to get medical treatment.
don't you know the difference between earning and begging. I said empty bowl. And you can take all your brother who travel to Muslim country for earnings, our country will be a better place.
If you were worth your substance, you wouldn't need to keep adopting false ID to join a Pakistani forum.
There are countries with certain capabilities that are acknowledged by others and then there are Indians ....

Let me complete the sentence. ''whose capabilities are accepted by everyone except their butt-hurt neighbors?''

You're the same poster who was posting months old Google Earth images of Indian air bases here as some kind of achievement. Empty vessels do make a lot of noise.
your Brahmouse is not a invincible missile it can be easily intercepted LY- 80 and SPADA-2000 SAMS, its old 70's era technology from soviets:enjoy::p:
Brahmos might be a developed from oniks but it is way ahead of them interms of it's capability.
Unlike oniks brahmos carries out S- manoeuvre in it's final stage now think how hard it will be to shoot down a supersonic target pulling very high G's with a 18 km max range missile.
Ironic for India, Nirbhay means "dependence" or "dependable" which is failing continuously.
Come on man, now we are going to discuss missile on names now? It takes some time to master a technology, our approach always have lot of initial failures before we start to rock and roll like Agni and K series. We will get there on Cruise Missile too. With Bramhos getting extended range, the urgency is not really there.
Getting back on topic , though its good that drdo wants to take another trial with a different engine , a turbojet instead of a turbofan , its surprising that even at this stage the type of engine is not finalised.
I believe a turbojet is a simpler more inefficient engine.
Let me complete the sentence. ''whose capabilities are accepted by everyone except their butt-hurt neighbors?''
As i said if you were worth the achievements, you wouldn't need to gloat on a public forum, but obviously your piles are making life difficult for you.
You're the same poster who was posting months old Google Earth images of Indian air bases here as some kind of achievement. Empty vessels do make a lot of noise.
So now we are comparing individuals with a country. :lol:
Even if they were months old, have the air stations being shifted elsewhere....when some Indian posts pictures of some incident or event in Pakistan..... is that meant to be an achievement. LoL

Don't get bothered, we are way ahead of you in this parameter and is catching up with China.
First try to produce a basic trainer for your airforce rather than purchasing something which first flew in 1966....

I don't see Indians travelling to Pakistan for the same.
Recently Indians were eating Pakistani Onions....what do you have to say about that.

You dare insult my country after your countrymen take free medical treatment. I would rather die than taking even paid medical treatment from enemy country. That is the difference between your countrymen and Indians. What false ID are you talking about I created ID just to show your countrymen hollowness and you insulting my country. If the reality hurts then ask your PM to pay for all medical treatment your countrymen took for free.You and this forum is not worth replying with my technical skills and I'm not a madarasa educated person.
Oh i love me....who do you love....damn noobs.

do you have even one person of stature of CEO of google and Microsoft?.
Don't ask me of persons like Hafiz saeed ,mazood azhar ..............Etc we have none. After a while post that shows Pakistani achievement like Mazood azhar, Hafiz saeed will be deleted.
lets see if they have guts to show 2 Indians and 2 Pakistani in same post.
Talking of Hafiz and Azhar, let me remind you, you elected a person as a PM who wasn't allowed to enter US....do i need to remind you of the reasons.
Getting back on topic , though its good that drdo wants to take another trial with a different engine , a turbojet instead of a turbofan , its surprising that even at this stage the type of engine is not finalised.
I believe a turbojet is a simpler more inefficient engine.
It may not be a bad choice. After all, cruise missiles are disposable so the cost matters. On the other hand, fighter jets are not disposable so efficiency matters.
It may not be a bad choice. After all, cruise missiles are disposable so the cost matters. On the other hand, fighter jets are not disposable so efficiency matters.
Well didnt they know this 5 yrs back at design stage ?
Also a more inefficient engine means more fuel required for same distance , Reducing the payload.
do you have even one person of stature of CEO of google and Microsoft?.
Don't ask me of persons like Hafiz saeed ,mazood azhar ..............Etc we have none. After a while post that shows Pakistani achievement like Mazood azhar, Hafiz saeed will be deleted.
lets see if they have guts to show 2 Indians and 2 Pakistani in same post.

Pakistani-American Shahid Khan is the Richest South Asian in America

With a net worth of $3.8 billion, Shahid Khan tops the Forbes list of the richest Americans of South Asian origin. Overall, Khan ranks 122nd on Forbes 400 list for 2013, up from 179th in 2012.

Born in Pakistani city of Lahore, 63 year old Shahid Khan is a mechanical engineer and a self-made billionaire who built his fortune as a top supplier of bumpers to the auto industry. Khan made history in 2011 by becoming the first non-white owner of a National Football League team when he bought Jacksonville Jaguars. Recently, he acquired an English soccer team Fullham for $300 million.

There are four Indian-Americans on Forbes 400 this year: Syntel chairman and co-founder Bharat Desai and his family, Symphony Technology Group founder and chairman Romesh T. Wadhwani, Google investor Kavitrak Ram Shriram and venture capitalist Vinod Khosla, according to India West newspaper.

Desai, 60, who lives in Fisher Island, Fla., is in 252nd place with a $2.2 billion net worth. He was in 239th place in 2012.

Wadhwani, 66, has a net worth of $2.1 billion, good for 260th place on the Forbes list. The resident of Palo Alto, Calif., was listed 250th last year.

Shriram, 56, a resident of Menlo Park, Calif., and a managing partner of Sherpalo Ventures, is in 325th place with assets of $1.75 billion. He dropped from the 298th spot in 2012.

Khosla, whose Khosla Ventures continues to invest in green energy and other forward-looking technologies, is in 352nd place with a worth of $1.5 billion. The 58-year-old Sun Microsystems co-founder was 328th last year. He lives in Portola Valley, Calif.

...now worth more than 6 billion USD.
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