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After initial balk, India reconsidering buying Iron Dome

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I guess if India and Pakistan are going to be friends, you will have to start a farm business or poultry business :D
It would be very easy to overcome a BMD like Iron Dome by saturating the attack. I don't think any radar system can differentiate between a conventional MBRL and Nasr system. So launching a Nasr in the midst of a MBRL salvo (A-100 MBRL) of a couple dozen rockets can be a very effective solution.
I don't think any radar system can differentiate between a conventional MBRL and Nasr system.

Taking into account that Iron dome's single battery costs $50 million and the same amount is for a single interceptor missile that too for Israel , the price will be much higher for export obviously , the system is useless unless of course it can do the required differentiation to make a difference .
A system who even not properly intercept ROCKET lol will counter NASR Tactical Nuclear Missile hahhahahahhahahahhahaha :omghaha:
Yara, this system is absolutely useless for a variable trajectory weapon such as Nasr. It has different attack vector profiles, almost impossible to intercept. Such weapons always are. Israelis are mostly hoo-ha because they have Arabs as adversaries, imagine having India, Pakistan or China being their neighbor or adversary. They'd have to stitch their own arses on a daily basis.

The version of Iron Dome (which is basically the Tamir SAM) supposed to be purchased by India
is not the same as the one used by Israel. It is modified to suit our specific needs and that may
include enhancements to make it more effective against Nasr.

Nasr may be maneuverable but you are not understanding that it's not like an IRBM or ICBM where
MARVed warheads can be useful. Nasr does not have the re-entry speeds needed to evade an interceptor.

It can maneuver, true. But if Tamir SAM can intercept a maneuvering aircraft, shooting down a
maneuvering missile is not a big deal. All that's needed is a software upgrade.

SPYDER can shoot down maneuvering cruise missile, same way ID can shoot down maneuvering

The objective is not to completely stop Nasr from hitting IA forces, but to reduce it's effectiveness,
e.g. if 10 Nasrs could hit an IA column without ID, the objective will be to decrease that to just
around 2-3 Nasrs managing to get across to hit IA columns, thereby reducing it's effectiveness by
Iron dome only neutralise rpg's and small scud rockets. It's ineffective against mbrls. Its non mobile.

Only israel news report it. In IA case,i don't know how it fill in!
Somebody fooling around? Or fishing ?
The version of Iron Dome (which is basically the Tamir SAM) supposed to be purchased by India
is not the same as the one used by Israel. It is modified to suit our specific needs and that may
include enhancements to make it effective against Nasr.

Can you post about it if anything is available on the public domain in such case ? I would be more interested in knowing if there's anything that can be done to bring the cost of interceptors down which is somewhere close to $50,000-90,000 for Israel , the export variants will be more expensive . Considering that thousands of artillery shells are fired in a duel , how Iron Dome can identify a particular Nasr fired in between or differentiate a MBRL/Artillery from a Battlefield BM? Keeping in mind that the system has been criticized heavily by the Israelis for its response time against Palestinian primitive rockets .
It would be very easy to overcome a BMD like Iron Dome by saturating the attack. I don't think any radar system can differentiate between a conventional MBRL and Nasr system. So launching a Nasr in the midst of a MBRL salvo (A-100 MBRL) of a couple dozen rockets can be a very effective solution.

This would be true provided ID tries to intercept every single projectile launched by PA,,,
but that is not the case. Read this: -

The most impressive capability of the Iron Dome system is it's selective target choice

For example, if PA fires 20 MBRLs (among them will be 1 Nasr) at an IA tank column that is in formation
covering an area of 100 meters wide and 50 meters long, an ID battery located among the tank column
can figure out what is the area supposed to be defended (100x50 meters), and it intercepts only those
projectiles who's calculated trajectory is supposed to land within that area (ofcourse the area numbers
are only for example).

Therefore a large number of MBRL's (most of which land away from the target) are
unlikely to confuse it.

But however even if a Nasr is going away from the target area and then maneuvers to hit
the column, ID can still hit it with a fair intercept probability because even those projectiles
that go outside of the defended area are monitored by the radar and control system.

Nasr can be intercepted by the salvo of Tamirs, when it comes within the defended circle's
@Secur read that^^
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This would be true provided ID tries to intercept every single projective launched by PA,,,
but that is not the case.

Israelis have the luxury of taking the time of their life for deciding to intercept the missile or not , whether it is going to fall in the cities or towns because Hamas fires a bunch of rockets by a delay of days , even then the successful intercept rate is close to 70% assuming that the Israelis aren't exaggerating , something which wont happen in a theater level warfare when both sides are heavily armed with sophisticated weaponry . There is no parallel , none at all . Tel Aviv faces different threats of different severity than you do . How much time do you have in such case ?

What if the artillery shells headed for the protected zones ( assuming your 100x50 meters area ) are simply in high number ? Think , just too many credible threats for the system to be feasible . After all , you cant field X systems of Iron Dome for X number of MBRLs/Artillery , right ? .

may be i was the 1st person who talked about it :lol:

check the sister defence forum 1st thread
Nasr a blessing in disguise for india & israel
Brilliant !!you seem to be visionary.
i am a person whose idea had been copied time & again.

BTW if u are new to forum u should check out my threads then only u would know more about me

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