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After health card, education card to be started once PTI is back. Imran khan

Dude wtf post # 2 had the audacity to say that pakistan would go bankrupt if we were to spend money on education? This post is beyond condemnable. I can see some dihati villlinager from from very underdeveloped area come up with this plan. I have no words... unbelievable! Anyhow I remember watching a documentary about some very small African nation that gained independence in 50 it 60 but its politicians decided that it was best to focus and invest in education. Long story short that nation is doing way better then most African nations with literacy rate well above 75% and gdp well over 250 billion.
What do you guys think about this? Wouldn't this cost too much money?

think of this way.. look at the cost of illiteracy..ie current state of Pakistan

now you have plenty of idiots thinking spending on education will bankrupt your nation. What they don't know is an educated and skilled population pays for its self. Besides if you can find money for corruption and war you can find for education.

Cuba is an example of a poor country that managed to educate their population with limited resources
If this ever gets to fruition, make it a permanent non revocable policy, no successive government should be allowed to stop this.

Apart from many other positives, one positive that I can clearly see is lesser fewer medrassah students and eventually better control on medrassahs.

I would prefer to be an educated bankrupt rather than an illiterate bankrupt.
Take this example into consideration.

A person who gets crippled by an accident or a disease but has a Sehat card to recover and contribute to the country’s GDP.

A person whose poverty stricken and has no avenue of joining an education institute but now has an Education card and eventually contributes to the country’s GDP.

This is a Cost Benefit analysis. The people who benefit and contribute (eventually) will far outweigh the cost the government will need to provide health and education.

This is far better than dead investments like defense, subsidies for elites, oil subsidies etc
If we have the resources to provide universal healthcare to 240 million people (when no other developing country can do so)

We have the resources to service our huge debts

We have the resources to build our infrastructure (IE motorways, dams, rail lines)

We have the resources to provide free universal education to all Pakistanis (I support it but we need to cut down our budget)

We have the resources to fullfil our defense needs to protect ourselves against 7 times bigger enemy and on top of that fight separatist insurgencies, Taliban

Not to mention those loss making huge state owned companies

All of this while we are a $1600 per Capita GDP country, suffering from BOP crisis , imports oil and gas to meet our energy demands, no significant natural resources to meet our own needs forget exporting those natural resources

and on top of that our exports are mostly textiles - please help me make sense of it all, surely I am not the only one to see the obvious issue here??

Ofcourse we have to take out more loans, I can't possibly imagine a fiscally responsible way of taking care of all of our current problems and on top of that churning out populist welfare schemes

So IDK man, I don't think we have the infinite resources to promise such grand schemes without further messing up our economic situation, this subsidy culture is bad for countries (whether those subsides are for the elites or the poor classes)
Ok then cut down the military, bureaucratic, PSE’s & development budget
If there is a will there is a way
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