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After health card, education card to be started once PTI is back. Imran khan

We have the resources
Might be ur the lucky one to have enough cash for health related expenditures
Millions are not so lucky
And it make hospital more profitable, salaries will increase, more investment will be made in healthcare. At least better then real estate

How much are we paying for running loss making PSE?
We can close those pse and direct money to education
If we have the resources to provide universal healthcare to 240 million people (when no other developing country can do so)

We have the resources to service our huge debts

We have the resources to build our infrastructure (IE motorways, dams, rail lines)

We have the resources to provide free universal education to all Pakistanis (I support it but we need to cut down our budget)

We have the resources to fullfil our defense needs to protect ourselves against 7 times bigger enemy and on top of that fight separatist insurgencies, Taliban

Not to mention those loss making huge state owned companies

All of this while we are a $1600 per Capita GDP country, suffering from BOP crisis , imports oil and gas to meet our energy demands, no significant natural resources to meet our own needs forget exporting those natural resources

and on top of that our exports are mostly textiles - please help me make sense of it all, surely I am not the only one to see the obvious issue here??

Ofcourse we have to take out more loans, I can't possibly imagine a fiscally responsible way of taking care of all of our current problems and on top of that churning out populist welfare schemes

So IDK man, I don't think we have the infinite resources to promise such grand schemes without further messing up our economic situation, this subsidy culture is bad for countries (whether those subsides are for the elites or the poor classes)
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Haan puttar, I'd rather have financial bankruptcy rather than intellectual bankcruptcy.

But who am I talking to, Maula Jutt wasn't particularly known for his academic prowess.
Disrespect me a 1000 times won't mind but Maula Jutt's too based for our petty forum arguments

He was a very smart man but misunderstood
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What do you guys think about this? Wouldn't this cost too much money?

The good old "promise everything to everybody" strategy for fools to believe in. Nothing new in Pakistan.
This moron's going to bankrupt our country

Decency and dignity for the poor should be the cornerstone of policy. Need to move away from this dog eat dog harsh society the Sharifs and Zardaris have created.
I'd rather have financial bankruptcy rather than intellectual bankcruptcy.

That is fine as a strategy, but it will work only if someone actually commits suicide rather than go to the IMF abegging yet again. Maybe such a step is actually needed at this point.
Criticize someone pulling moronic moves

Youthiyas- pulls up with even bigger morons to prove how their moron is a better moron so worship him, kiss his feet and never once point out anything wrong with what he says or his policies or else my only logical response to that is not to disprove you and prove you wrong or making sense of his expensive sehat and education card schemes in a debt ridden country

But shift blame and point towards what's wrong with

Bhai tu Itna genius hai toh bata kidhar SE pay kare gi GOP education and sehat card? Paisa kahaan SE ayega?
Same place the government was paying from before????

There is so much corruption that when the numbers come out people will go bonkers. You start by closing leakages which is draining resources, increase tax revenue and streamline government expenditure.

These steps alone will save money for a lot of government expenditure.
Honestly I'd much rather have education card than sehat card - education is x10 more important than universal healthcare for a young country like ours

free quality education till Fcs, FA is probably (not sure) less expensive than health insurance

I hope this education card also covers adult education (as in incentivize night schools to educate illiterate adults)

I want them to dump sehat card, I don't think we have the resources to afford such a program

We should cut budgets and govt spending, end all elite subsidies, raise more taxes to fund both these programs.

We should even have free university education at point of access like the UK. In the UK govt gives you a loan to get a degree and then once you start working you pay it back with interest.

I think we should limit the funding to degree courses that the country requires (not arts) and extend it to vocational training too.

Spend a few lakhs on a teenager to give him a skill or qualification and he'll earn money and pay it back many times in taxes over a lifetime.

The Sehat Card was a good step and helped a lot of poverty stricken families. A healthy population can jumpstart a country’s GDP.

The same can be replicated in Education sector, and if it’s a success, can jumpstart Pakistan’s GDP.

You know what’s bankrupting Pakistan? Its the defense budget. This needs to be slashed by a good 30%.

Let's not forget the $14.5 billion a year we give away to the elite in subsidies.

Imagine what that could fund.

If we have the resources to provide universal healthcare to 240 million people (when no other developing country can do so)

We have the resources to service our huge debts

We have the resources to build our infrastructure (IE motorways, dams, rail lines)

We have the resources to provide free universal education to all Pakistanis (I support it but we need to cut down our budget)

We have the resources to fullfil our defense needs to protect ourselves against 7 times bigger enemy and on top of that fight separatist insurgencies, Taliban

Not to mention those loss making huge state owned companies

All of this while we are a $1600 per Capita GDP country, suffering from BOP crisis , imports oil and gas to meet our energy demands, no significant natural resources to meet our own needs forget exporting those natural resources

and on top of that our exports are mostly textiles - please help me make sense of it all, surely I am not the only one to see the obvious issue here??

Ofcourse we have to take out more loans, I can't possibly imagine a fiscally responsible way of taking care of all of our current problems and on top of that churning out populist welfare schemes

So IDK man, I don't think we have the infinite resources to promise such grand schemes without further messing up our economic situation, this subsidy culture is bad for countries (whether those subsides are for the elites or the poor classes)

It's health insurance cover and it doesn't cover minor ailments. It covers the types of ailments that economically cripple people.

We can afford to give land away for golf courses for Generals we can afford to pay for cancer treatment for people.
Start to hunt down tax dodgers among the elite.
Cut parliament down to a few dozen people.
Stop all perks to the general class.

There you go, magic money tree. :enjoy:
Honestly I'd much rather have education card than sehat card - education is x10 more important than universal healthcare for a young country like ours

free quality education till Fcs, FA is probably (not sure) less expensive than health insurance

I hope this education card also covers adult education (as in incentivize night schools to educate illiterate adults)

I want them to dump sehat card, I don't think we have the resources to afford such a program
Didn't seem it was bankrupting the country yet.

Reality is it added alot to the economy

7 lac limit is really nothing for essential surgeries

Though some misuse was noticed

What will and is bankrupting the country is govt run institutes corruption and lack of taxation
We should cut budgets and govt spending, end

We can afford to give land away for golf courses for Generals we can afford to pay for cancer treatment for people.
Oh we spend $17 billion in elite subsidies dude,

That's why we are bankrupt, we can't afford these subsidies

if IK cuts down their subsidize and focus on health and education, that's good for our country, especially education it's essential to our very survival as a people

But I'm pretty sure he can't even if he wanted to, cause those elite subsidies directly affects our army generals and to some extent bureaucracy, judiciary

There's no one powerful enough to take on all 3 of em, despite the mandate and public support

What I am 90% sure of and fear is that he'll probably compromise and keep up elite subsidies (to keep them loyal) while adding on welfare subsidies in the process making us even more financially unstable
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