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After Google, Dell and GoDaddy mull pulling out

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Google is pulling out from China? Absolutely not. they moved their office from Beijing to Hongkong to evade china's laws. These cunning businessmen are still running their Google China service. Nothing has changed.

Hope they could chose their balls over money as they proclaim. Google is a whore who claims virginity .


I have to say my hat off to Google for their decision of pulling out of mainland China. Their action won't do them any good in any way but they still made it. They do it truly for their belief. The belief that people should have the right to speak freely. As a Chinese, I think we should feel more responsible to stand up, asking for our own rights!

Yes, technically Google still has the access to internet of mainland China. But that doesn't mean they are not taking great risk. Chinese government has blocked Google once (which forced them to establish google.cn). The very same government is highly probable to block it again.

I have to say my hat off to Google for their decision of pulling out of mainland China. Their action won't do them any good in any way but they still made it. They do it truly for their belief. The belief that people should have the right to speak freely. As a Chinese, I think we should feel more responsible to stand up, asking for our own rights!

Yes, technically Google still has the access to internet of mainland China. But that doesn't mean they are not taking great risk. Chinese government has blocked Google once (which forced them to establish google.cn). The very same government is highly probable to block it again.

we call them "TG" nowadays,什么年代了,还叫中共,你“out"了,要紧跟大陆潮流啊,兄弟
Well the google pull out definitely will have a negative impact on china's FDI's. The world will be more hesistant before investing in china..!!
Well the google pull out definitely will have a negative impact on china's FDI's. The world will be more hesistant before investing in china..!!

thanks to your concern,sir.but we have faith investor will still follow the money
we call them "TG" nowadays,什么年代了,还叫中共,你“out"了,要紧跟大陆潮流啊,兄弟

You know what's funny about the phrase? When I wrote something which has the phrase "中共" included on my kaixin001.com (开心网 a website which is similar to facebook) page, they got deleted very shortly(被河蟹了). So I have to type "中X" to avoid being censored by whatever it called for keeping it there. So I guess it could be a good idea to use "TG" instead. I will give it a try next time.
You know what's funny about the phrase? When I wrote something which has the phrase "中共" included on my kaixin001.com (开心网 a website which is similar to facebook) page, they got deleted very shortly(被河蟹了). So I have to type "中X" to avoid being censored by whatever it called for keeping it there. So I guess it could be a good idea to use "TG" instead. I will give it a try next time.

because only the “100 cent party"working for our opponent still use that name大陆方言这么烂,你怎么唾弃中共啊,别是老蒋的“徒子徒孙”吧
because only the “100 cent party"working for our opponent still use that name大陆方言这么烂,你怎么唾弃中共啊,别是老蒋的“徒子徒孙”吧

How many people do you think still believe in Communism in mainland China? And if you don't believe in communism, will you believe in communist party?

BTW, I only speak Mandarin and Shanghainese. "中共十七届四中全会" which is a very official language used by "中共" itself and you can see "中共" is only for abbreviation. So nothing weird and it's still in fashion...
while i agree with atlantis_cn that Chinese Communist Party is a piece of sh*t ( I copy: 中国共产党迟早有一天会被人民唾弃!) , make no mistake that Google fits into the same catagory.

Google won't give a hoot about freedom of speech of CHinese people that it says it upholds! Just ask Saudi or all other Arab states where google happily operate under different censors. It is a well known fact that India govt also has an ageement with Google to censor centain type of of info that India thinks as negative to its image.

This "iccident" of google is a clear orchestrated attempt within a well-organised larger campaign (alongwith Free Tibet, Free Xingjiang, meetings with Dalai, weapon sales to Taiwan, currency revaluation issue, etc. etc) to put presure on China (both the govt and the country as aa whole), with derailing Chinese economy as the ultimate goal.

Zionist-run `smearing China ( not only CCP) media campaign` is alive and kicking everywhere you look, because China´s rise directly threatens the number 1 position held by the US and its Jewish controlled govt.

Google is THE representative of Zionist Propaganda Machine which is directly controlled by the US interests groups. Hence for the long term prospoerity of CHina, especially at this particular moment where trade war btw China and the US is at stake, it is a GOOD news for Chinese that google is out when thinking strategically.

Freedom of Speech must be earned by Chinese people in the long run, not given by someone , especially by someone like Zionist Google, coz there is no `free lunch`in this world!

The time will come, but not ideal for the moment.
How many people do you think still believe in Communism in mainland China? And if you don't believe in communism, will you believe in communist party?

BTW, I only speak Mandarin and Shanghainese. "中共十七届四中全会" which is a very official language used by "中共" itself and you can see "中共" is only for abbreviation. So nothing weird and it's still in fashion...

less than 10%,come on ,who would trust politicians nowadays......,不过阁下也没必要上这来哭爹喊娘,耍大刀啊,谁管它TG的形象,可那些阿三哪是就事论事,根本就是诋毁中国,咱就别煽风点火了。谷歌有些特点是很好,不过大量淫秽违法信息也的确是通过谷歌在传播
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Nobody really believes it, but did you go to school in China? When you studied politics in school the text book says very clearly that communism is an ideology that cannot be achieved (for a very long time), what China currently has is a central planned market economy with a one party system. Do you feel like you are living in a communism society? what's "commu" about china now? In terms of socialism, the scandinavian countries have it even more extreme compared to China :D

What you are not happy about is essentially the one party rule system, but singapore is essentially a one party state as well and it managed to achieve democracy, what we need is gradual political reforms. This pressure has to come from within rather than without, people like us will gradually push for the boundaries of what is ok and what is not ok.
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"golden rupee" sir
at least we know 1rupee ≠ 45 U.S dollar,not gonna happen unless human move to another planet

it was just typo, Even u know that. But u seems to over obsessed with it.

So, u don't have any answer to my post.
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