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Featured After Erdoğan, Prime Minister Imran Khan condemns French President Macron over Islamophobia

Have the Arab leaders spoken against Macron and his extreme anti Islam targeted hatred?
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Its a chicken and egg situation which came first so is this teacher situation.
some drawings,
Who are you to decide how much or if it should hurt me. Would I be allowed to draw hitler painting saying Hail Hitler as a teacher in France would I be allowed to do that and teach French students about Hail Hitler what you think this coconut macroon will do.
You guys are not civilized you guys act civilized thats it.
freedom of press in France
Would i be able to spread Hail Hitler under the context of freedom of Speech? And would i be allowed to make fun of holocaust under the context of freedom of press? Or say the looser French of 1940s got kicked in rear by Hitler and therefore all those French who died during Ww2 were nothing but bunch of pussies and loosers. HITLER SENT panzer deep up in their asses until they were squealing like little piggies and died like pieces of crap. Thats my freedom of speech and my point of view about French people of WW2. They deserved to be fucked by Hitler.
I hope whatever I said above won't hurt you at all. Because ITS FREEDOM OF SPEECH
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Its a chicken and egg situation which came first so is this teacher situation.

Who are you to decide how much or if it should hurt me. Would I be allowed to draw hitler painting saying Hail Hitler as a teacher in France would I be allowed to do that and teach French students about Hail Hitler what you think this coconut macroon will do.
You guys are not civilized you guys act civilized thats it.

Would i be able to spread Hail Hitler under the context of freedom of Speech? And would i be allowed to make fun of holocaust under the context of freedom of press? Or say the looser French of 1940s got kicked in rear by Hitler and therefore all those French who died during Ww2 were nothing but bunch of pussies and loosers. HITLER SENT panzer deep up in their asses until they were squealing like little piggies and died like pieces of crap. Thats my freedom of speech and my point of view about French people of WW2. They deserved to be fucked by Hitler.
I hope whatever I said above won't hurt you at all. Because ITS FREEDOM OF SPEECH

I don't give a flying f*ck about your opinion,but you are free to express it. See. Muslims are too much emotional,things would be better if they just didn't pay attention to charlie hebdo drawings.
I don't understand what it is Macron said that has triggered this response, somebody care to quote me what was specifically objectionable in his speech? I'm looking around and haven't found much. He declared that Islamism in France is not welcome and a challenge to law and order, pls note 'Islamism' and not Islam. We've had TTP blowing up markets and schools in Pakistan, we didn't spare them. What should Macron do, embrace the people who refuse to respect French law, let alone values, and go around killing people based on provocation?
I guess you underatood it and rest of Muslims are jahil and do not understand. So Islamism is what TTP and AQ are now! Thankyou for revealing your self so clearly.
Previously western leaders used to attach an unfavorable adjective to Islam like “Radical“ Islam - which was also wrong and was dropped during Obama admin after pressure from Muslims for a long time - but now its just Islamism.

Maybe my english is weak but an -ism is the practice of a certain belief or philosophy. For example Capitalism, Socialism, Buddhism, - you cant say “Capitalism is evil” and then pretend its not referring to a Capitalist financial system. Islam is a religion and the practice of it can be called Islamism.

Here let me help you: Imagine Fayaz Chohan of your favorite party PTI says in a speech that Hinduism is not welcome in our society - Now just replace Chohan with Macron and Hindusim with Islamism; does your fake liberal self-hating a** get it now?
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I don't give a flying f*ck about your opinion,but you are free to express it. See. Muslims are too much emotional,things would be better if they just didn't pay attention to charlie hebdo drawings.

This is the fault of the French, they could have voted their way out of this a long time ago but didn't.

The irony is that Charlie Hebdo magazine was one of the leading forces in undermining Christianity and traditional French culture, as well as attacking people like Le Pen (the original, not the Zionist daughter) as evil Nazis, they got what they deserved in the end.
Holocaust which happened in Europe denial of it is anti Semitism, a hate crime.

But criticizing religious belief or making fun of it religious ideology can't be a crime in the similar fashion criticizing religious belief or making fun of a political ideology. Do you get it?

If violence takes place in the name of upholding religious or political values, that's radicalization e,g. Islamic(religious) or political (communist violence) which must be condemned and curbed in any free and democratic society.
Lolx criticism of Zionism is also anti semitism right ? And making fun of holocaust or its denial is ones choice why consider it crime ?

Radicalization like Hindutva aswell ? Or is it just bound to Islam only mate?
Do it in your own country. French has laws against holocaust. I don't understand what gives you the right to question anyone about secularism when you yourself are from a Islamic republic. Nobody gives a shit what you think about French secularism.
Lolx I am citizen of EU aswell mate... yeah I love the country I was born in but I also have a duel nationality that makes me and European aswell.. as for france been there many times people are nice had no problem but seems its becoming another india..
Talking of radicalization among Muslims which leads to such situations where men resort violent attacks isn't Islamophobia. Up holding rights of freedom of expression isn't Islamophobia. Muslim men living in France should adhere to French values of liberal society and learn to religion less seriously. They are in France and not in Pakistan.
Hate speech isn’t freedom of expression and we live in a civilized world where everyone has to adhere to the principles mutual respect and sensitivities. France is no exception. Liberal societies are built on inclusion, respect for all sections of the society. Not humiliating a minority and putting the boot on their faces to accept it on the savage principles of might is right.
Have the Arab leaders spoken against Macron and his extreme anti Islam targeted hatred?

Their busy sucking French dick and having their wife’s French body guards keep them busy as well.
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Is it hypocrisy to hate west and still want to be in west .
What you are saying is like someone gets punched on the face and still saying let him punch again for me to retaliate .
They grew on colonialism and now need to pay their due in the uplifting of people they looted. Only fair.
I don't give a flying f*ck
Ouch someone is bit pissed.
things would be better if they just didn't pay attention to charlie hebdo drawings.
So now you are going to dictate us what we ought to pay attention too or what should be ignored. May be coconut Macroon should use this advice and mind his business before poking a nose in Islam reforms or whatever. And btw we are attacking one person called Macroon why are you defending his actions? We didn't say whole French People are responsible for his actions. So when you are defending Macroon you are sort of defending his actions right? Isn't it a tragedy that you asked me if I was defending a murderer?
Its time to take this matter at highest level join hands with turkey and who ever joins in islamic world is welcomed

With complete road map for int law for blashmy and held responsible those countries who provoke muslims than they have no obligation to complain
I don't give a flying f*ck about your opinion,but you are free to express it. See. Muslims are too much emotional,things would be better if they just didn't pay attention to charlie hebdo drawings.

You will find out soon enough French frog. You have awoken Islamic nations. Continue on this unapologetic path. You will see what happens.
Hate speech isn’t freedom of expression and we live in a civilized world where everyone has to adhere to the principles mutual respect and sensitivities. France is no exception. Liberal societies are built on inclusion, respect for all sections of the society. Not humiliating a minority and putting the boot on their faces to accept it on the savage principles of might is right.

There is no such thing as "hats speech" there is either free speech or incitement to violence.
Its time to take this matter at highest level join hands with turkey and who ever joins in islamic world is welcomed

With complete road map for int law for blashmy and held responsible those countries who provoke muslims than they have no obligation to complain

A very good start would be to massively boycott French products in all Islamic nations. In fact also impose a trade ban. Every Islamic country should join in and this should be a coordinated effort. Arab nations should ideally lead this effort. Don't buy their cars, food, make-up etc. Make France apologise for their hateful demeanor. If they remain unapologetic, continue the boycott and also look at diplomatic options. Replace French products with others. If the Arabs wanted to really teach Macron the frog a good lesson, they would halt military purchases. These are big ticket sales. Put them on hold indefinitely.

I can bet you that Macron will come begging on his knees to apologise.
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