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Featured After Erdoğan, Prime Minister Imran Khan condemns French President Macron over Islamophobia

Not to mention the South American rap star who was rapping and dancing for him inside the train station and also asking him if he was an arab............................:disagree:

What is wrong with pajeets and pajeetistanis? Whenever you critique their people they always either accuse you of being Pakistani (in the case of Indians) or Indians (in the case of Pakistanis)
There around 5000 converts to Islam each year in the UK. Most of these are White English women:

Same lot goes around Syria lybia and create ISIL bringing more shame to Islam. these gori chamri are nothing more than honey trap to brainwash young minds.
Here are the details of a book published in May 2020 that tries to explain why at least 1000s of White European women convert to Islam each year:

All the evidence in that book has been cross-referenced with watertight evidence and genuine sources. An appendix is provided at the end.
Sounds like someone who never left India.

Also note how desperate Indians are to put Pajeet on us, when it is one of their names.

We are more like Muhammad Alis, Omar Usmans, etc. If you want to stereotype

Never understood why so many indians try to claim that Pakistanis are the same race as them. Particularly as they hate Islam and Muslims so much.
Bhai I spilled my coffee on my white shirt... :D :D :D


Glad to see you have good taste in humor.

Here are the details of a book published in May 2020 that tries to explain why at least 1000s of White European women convert to Islam each year:

All the evidence in that book has been cross-referenced with watertight evidence and genuine sources. An appendix is provided at the end.

Never understood why so many indians try to claim that Pakistanis are the same race as them. Particularly as they hate Islam and Muslims so much.

They are desperate now, because their propaganda has failed.
Here is a PHD research done in 2017 as to why at least 1000s of White North West European women convert to Islam each year and marry Brown/Olive Skinned Muslim men and have their babies:

The above study has been cross-referenced with very highly credible sources that have been verified. An appendix is provided at the end of the study.

Glad to see you have good taste in humor.


They are desperate now, because their propaganda has failed.

Desperate they are indeed. But due to their low IQ they only make themselves look like retards with the claims they make.
When ever we say say Hazrat Aisa Alaihissalam (Jesus Christ) name we say Most respected (Hazrat) in the begining and Alaihissalam (peace and welfare to him) at the last, to show respect. We consider him a Prophet and show respect.
All we Muslims ask is to show the same respect to Hazrat Muhammad (Peace be upon him).

That comedy show hurt our feelings as well. No one is allowed to do that in Muslim world.
You can abuse jesus all you want...draw as many cartoons as you like...French don't care.
Erdogan and IK belong together. Both hypocrites, both dividing their nations and both using religion as a political tool
Speaking of condemnation, Pakistan has called $1.5 billion proposal with a french company, as per the following.

Excellent job Pakistan, France should get more slaps like this one in the face !!!
Erdogan and IK belong together. Both hypocrites, both dividing their nations and both using religion as a political tool

Only a fool will believe that Muslims around the world are divided due to this incident. Every Muslim agrees and supports what Erdogan and Imran Khan are doing, in fact this incident has brought Muslims closer. We can never tolerate the promotion and publication of blasphemous cartoons targeting our Holy prophet (PBUH) - PERIOD. How would you and majority of Indian's will feel and react if in Muslims countries we start making stupid cartoons of your various Gods? Will you and those Indians who live in Muslims countries tolerate it? Hell no, so why should we?

Nobody is using religion as tool here, all we are asking is to respect and dont insult Islam and our Holy prophet (PBUH), whats so difficult in it to comprehend? Why incidents like this recent one are allowed and occurs over a relatively short period of time to provoke Muslims around the world? why? Yes, Muslims and Muslims countries have their issues, they fight with each other due to various reasons, however, again, nobody in the world has liberty to promote blasphemous cartoons targeting our Holy prophet (PBUH).

And speaking of dividing their nations, you Indians should be the last on earth to talk about it, because your own Modi has polarized Indian like never before.

Last but not the least, before a liberal genius will jump guns and start advocating about freedom of expression and freedom of speech, tell me why its prohibited to write or talk about Holocaust on social media?

Freedom of expression and freedom of speech doesn't you one a licence to attack any religion or Holy prophet's.
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Pakistan should make derogatory comments about the Jews of France. It is the Jews who are fanning the anti Muslim rhetoric throughout Europe. Netanyahu's son is one of the voices. Let us fan anti Semitism.
Boycott French products is the best retaliation to French unlawful, malicious and unethical stand on cartoon caricaturing.

Following are the country wise France exports to Muslim nations:

Bosnia And Herzegovina$98.20M2019Nigeria$656.97M2019
Burkina Faso$295.85M2019Pakistan$443.06M2019
Djibouti$81.07M2019Saudi Arabia$3.34B2019
Gambia$19.70M2019Sierra Leone$15.63M2019
Guinea Bissau$5.91M2019Sudan$85.75M2019
Kuwait$588.65M2019United Arab Emirates$3.67B2019
Source: https://tradingeconomics.com/france/exports-by-country

In 2019, around 569.73 billion U.S. dollars worth of goods were exported from France.

Approximately $48 billion of French products were exported to various Muslim nations in 2019.

By boycotting these products will cause loss of 8.5% in total French export.
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