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After Clash on LOC More Dubious Accidents in Indian Army !

Stick to the topic, support Captain Karnage and explain why the Indian Army Barrack Wall collapsed . We will accept your explanation even if you claim alien's from the moon came over and destroyed it.

Celestial Divine Beings are not just at Chandra Grah but even on Mangal Grah;

Please Vedic Education for these Self claimed Hindus !!! Hindu Vamsham is aware of the Truth !!!
India don't have history to hide own soldiers death unlike Pakistan.
We are not the one who acknowledge death of kargil soldiers after a decade.

Some Indian Armed Forces - Investigation Reports are Confidential !!!

Reason !!!
Request from the Enemy Command Headquarters;
Request from the Elected Representatives;
Request from Sarkar e Hindustan due to Space Program:

Indians are aware about the Kargil Casket Debates with American Media !!!
CRPF (1,597), followed by 725 of the BSF, 671 of the CISF, 429 of the ITBP, 329 of the SSB and 381 of the Assam Rifles

Don't ask Yaar Jung that all this List has to do with Contribution of Sarkar e Hindustan - Big Riyasats & Small Riyasats towards the Constitution Day - Parade 2021.

Samvidhan is the Work of Sarkar e Hindustan - Big Riyasats & Small Riyasats for the Benefit of Hindu Rashtra - Jan !!!

Indian Jan - Are there Still Kingdoms in India !!! I thought we are Democracy !!!

Yar Jung - European Union & Rus Federation & People Republic of China still there are Kingdoms & Kingships.

Barbie is a Princess from Nordic Lands; Petruska is a Princess from Slavic Lands; Yasmin is a Princess from Arab Lands; Who is the Very Good Princess from Hindu Lands ???

Hindu Rashtra Jan !!! that is Kalpana Chalwa !!!

Yar Jung - Maa ki C.... teri !!! Ameriki Citizen hain Kalpana Chalwa !!!
Are you trolling??? and this is related to this subject/topic of this thread???

Deen e Islam & Deen e Arya is not understandable for Brainless Trolls !!!
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You need to understand how the psyche works which is reflective in the Indian media which has largely been discredited by the World as a 'Factory for Disinformation'. Look at how the EU busted India's fake news. I am yet to find a credible Indian News Source.

But the psyche i am talking about, you need to understand that. The psyche is obsessed with dominating its foes which includes Pakistan and China. The Indians want to be respected and feared like the Israelis are or the way the Soviet Army was feared by its foes. This is why Narenda Modi was elected with such a thumping majority because he promised that he will put Pakistan and China in its place.

When the Indian intelligentsia and Modi realized that they cannot teach Pakistan/China a lesson, they pumped out fake information to sooth the ego of the average India. Think logically for a second, the Indians claimed they killed 40 PLA soldiers but nobody in India paused to think, if we killed 40 PLA soldiers how did the PLA manage to neutralize and wipe out the entire leadership of the Brigade (2 LT Col and 3 Majors). That's 5 freaking Officers the Chinese managed to kill or capture. Against Pakistan, it was very obvious that India lost the aerial duel but the fake information went to overdrive and claimed that an F16 was shot down. There was absolutely no evidence and the Indians were showing the pictures of the MIG21 engine as the evidence of the F16 that was shot down. A bollywood story was issued that before going down WC Abhi fired a missile which hit the F16. Nobody in India paused to reflect, if WC Abhi shot down the F16 how come all of his A2A missiles were recovered by Pakistan.

Thus, you need to stop and understand the psyche of the people you're dealing with. The Indian media follows a strategy of 'Multiply by 2', whatever casualties the Indians take, the media multiplies it by 2 and publishes it for the foe. The fake media is reflecting of the national psyche.

ha ha ha NGO of yahud o nassara is very dear to propagandists :enjoy:
why dont you believe when yahud o nassara declare you terrorists .
ha ha ha NGO of yahud o nassara is very dear to propagandists :enjoy:

Ahle Yahud is from Aulad e Adom Alai Salaam & Jeddatun Hinda Alai Salaam !!!

Nassaar - Aalay Imran Alai Salaam !!!

why dont you believe when yahud o nassara declare you terrorists .

Deen e Islam - Hindu Soldier; Haadun - Jihaadun - Haadith !!!
What ignorance!!
Jaya Prakash Narayan was already on his death bed dying in October 1979.
The Congress Party had suffered a humiliating defeat under the "Total Revolution " movement with the "Durga of Bangladesh" Shrimati Indira Gandhi loosing her seat and going to jail for election malpractice.
There was no reason for the "West@ to ferment a paramilitary revolt because the government in power in 1979 had already moved from being Pro Soviet to neutral.

gafur :D
what is the use of your trolling here on this pakistani muslim forum ?
you will never get kashmir .:omghaha::shout::omghaha::omghaha:
Fantastic construction. Indian engineering
you will never get kashmir we have better engineers than beggars.
ha ha ha NGO of yahud o nassara is very dear to propagandists :enjoy:
why dont you believe when yahud o nassara declare you terrorists .
gafur :D
what is the use of your trolling here on this pakistani muslim forum ?
you will never get kashmir .:omghaha::shout::omghaha::omghaha:

you will never get kashmir we have better engineers than beggars.
Thus its confirmed that Slumdog Street stray dogs bark at anything and everything without any reason or impact.
Thus its confirmed that Slumdog Street stray dogs bark at anything and everything without any reason or impact.

Stray Dogs Habits are different according to the Individual & Location !!! Vedas have explained in details about the Animal Composition & Works !!!

Hindustan Zindabad !!!
Stray Dogs Habits are different according to the Individual & Location !!! Vedas have explained in details about the Animal Composition & Works !!!

Hindustan Zindabad !!!

ha ha ha ...:rofl::rofl::rofl:
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ha ha ha .
Animal composition?
The world's biggest population of open defecators should try to save all the "stuff " and make it into compost.
Every time the wind blows from India we can smell a billion souls "unloading" - whew ! 🤧
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