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Put the f-7 Grifo 7 on k-8 and add data link plus hands on throttle and Stick costing few bucks end of story
or go FTC-2000g with link-17 and Grifo-7 radar ...
Exactly my thought. Ftc2000g are like the heavily modified versions of F7 with dsi and other changes.
I have but one question.. Can a rd93 fit in a ftc2000? If it can then why not order newer airframes which can use grifo radars from F7 (as u also suggested) and also locally overhauled rd93 from jf17 and thunders can then be shifted to rd93MA.
or go FTC-2000g with link-17 and Grifo-7 radar ...
I was just wondering bcuz JF17B can effectively do what Leonardo M346, KAI T-50, and Hongdu L-15 can do...and more. Well anyways...I was just curious...thanks to both of u for the info.

The JF-17B is meant to be an OCU/strike/EW platform with upgrades incl. AESA radar planned.

It can be used as LIFT but this consumes additional flight hours and risks higher attrition. That means a dedicated LIFT platform is needed - which is reliable & keeps the procurement/operating costs low.
Can a rd93 fit in a ftc2000? If it can then why not order newer airframes which can use grifo radars from F7 (as u also suggested) and also locally overhauled rd93 from jf17 and thunders can then be shifted to rd93MA.
on paper seems possible as the dimensions of RD-93 [click] seem closer to WP-13 [click] turbojet engine of FTC-2000g but on practical grounds might not be possible

- As it would require modifications on the airframe specially the intakes and engine bay area

- From the financial perspective why should we put an expensive engine when we already operate the same turbojet engine of FTC-2000G with F-7 as well that too in numbers

- Additionally high mach performance like +2 mach is not our requirement but high subsonic or near mach-1 speed like 1.2-1.5 mach is what we are looking from LIFT, so I find no need to change the engine in this case as with current engine FTC-2000G could hit 1.2 mach figure
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