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After 32 years First time Kashmiri girls are watching cinema in multiplex in Kashmir

India has constructed about 110 million toilets in past 4 or 5 years. There are communities in India who do not like to use toilets. Plain and simple! They feel it is unclean to discharge themselves in their homes so they like to do it in open.

Its a question of behaviour and not just facilities. It will change with time.

That still does not show us why cann't bosnians who have toilets and double the per-capita income cannot innoculate their people. You were supposed to have higher HDI :rofl: :lol:

Look you are only claiming to be better than India but failing miserably to live up to that standard!

Show me research linking toilets and COVID, if you have any.

i see that you use them for serving meals, depraved minds do not change like that, so you are basically unaware of hygienic concept at large, number of toilets means nothing in that regard.

you blatanly lie we are far away from you on average individual level and i doubt that you will ever come close to bosnian standard on average,

you are not familiar with concept of sufficient reasoning?
Meanwhile Indian illegally Occupied Kashmir on 15 Aug 2022 :lol:

View attachment 881610
Meanwhile in Pakistan


Last I checked, Bosnians have no presence anywhere. On internet or outside internet. They are people of no consequence. May be when we need to renovate toilets we will hire you. After all you make good toilets. :rofl:

we have sense of self awareness and not delusional like pajeets.
you blatanly lie we are far away from you on average individual level and i doubt that you will ever come close to bosnian standard on average,
LOL! I dunno. We do not want Bosnian level excess mortality in India. Thank you very much! Now go back to being irrelevant.

BTW, here is economic growth rate of Bosnia and India.


We are fine and growing faster than you can ever do.

we have sense of self awareness and not delusional like pajeets.
Alas it does not translate into economic growth. Or military capability. The only self-awareness you have is when Serbians were making love to you gently. Too bad, they were not gentle enough. :rofl:
Lungi Pakee agreeing. :rofl:
Cant agree with a randian... :enjoy:
Remember, Hindus saved your mom, grandma, appa, khala from getting a third and fourth hole. :rofl:
Otherwise americans and pakistani were hell bent on tearing many many into you.
Man you rapestanis have weird fetish with rape. :fie:

Hindus saved nobody. We did everything by ourselves and hindus helped us for mutual benefits. So, don't seek unnecessary credit. :disagree:

And didn't I mentioned majority of the victims were hindus? Some commies too. Still they were my people I mourn for them. Im not a uncivilized hindu savage. :enjoy:
Freedom from medieval oppression for half the population of Kashmir is welcome.
We need to ensure the women of Kashmir get into schools and universities

This is the biggest thing the Bharti churas are after the Kashmiri women lan leni de gharo do vele da salan labda ni chale ne Kashmir amb len. @lastofthepatriots @Maula Jatt
LOL! I dunno. We do not want Bosnian level excess mortality in India. Thank you very much! Now go back to being irrelevant.

BTW, here is economic growth rate of Bosnia and India.

View attachment 881612

We are fine and growing faster than you can ever do.

Alas it does not translate into economic growth. Or military capability. The only self-awareness you have is when Serbians were making love to you gently. Too bad, they were not gentle enough.
i know you are slow and disturbed in head but i already explained you covid stats.

it does, your economic growth rate should be around 20% per yaer for decades to reach our level of living standard and conditions.
Man you rapestanis have weird fetish with rape. :fie:
What Pakistan were doing with you was beyond rape. Nasty stuff. You have my sympathy!

it does, your economic growth rate should be around 20% per yaer for decades to reach our level of leaving standard and conditions.
Your standard? Like excess mortality of 333 per 100,000 people?

i know you are slow and disturbed in head but i already explained you covid stats.
You explained nothing!

This the biggest thing the Bharti churas are after the Kashmiri women lan leni de gharo do vele da salan labda ni chale ne Kashmir amb len. @lastofthepatriots @Maula Jatt
Beggers cann't be choosers my friend. Either do something about Kashmir or get lost!
Then why the hell were you coming to India as refugees. You did nothing! You did not even have weapons which we funnelled. You were saved from American intervention due to India's accord with Soviet Union. Why are Bengali idiots such liars?
Wow, you want to make profit without doing anything? Work hard else China will bamboo fuk you more...
i know you are slow and disturbed in head but i already explained you covid stats.

it does, your economic growth rate should be around 20% per yaer for decades to reach our level of living standard and conditions.
Ahem, he knows these. Thats why he immigrated to Canada.

:rofl: Cann't face the truth you poor chaddi sticher?
Like you can't face the truth that you are a rapestani rapist immigrant? :-)
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