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After 32 years First time Kashmiri girls are watching cinema in multiplex in Kashmir

we already have it while for you it is still imaginary thing and in lot of cases among pajeets deity.

i like how you are pissed and frustrated when i put mirror in front you, wiggling like weasel.
Too bad toilets did not prevent covid, right? But carry on! Make more toilets and hope it will work one day.

Now did your mom got pounding by serbians in a toilet? that will explain your obsession with it.

BTW, you indeed sound like a Pakee. Obsession for toilets and what not. Very Pakeeish.
Too bad toilets did not prevent covid, right? But carry on! Make more toilets and hope it will work one day.
indeed it did, lot of studies confirmed it but basic concept of hygiene and health correlation is unknown thing for pajeet like you.
i like how you are pissed and frustrated when i put mirror in front you, wiggling like weasel.
Frustrated? I am laughing here! You cannot go beyond toilets while a country having half the per capita GDP of yours has mastered advanced technologies. But then you can always make more toilets and call it a day!
*Ahem* It does not work like that.

If it were like this, then Indian public would have forced Indian law to outlaw Islam. Here is why these things can not happen. Indian legal system ensures that law making or legislature is not all powerful but is answerable to constitution of India. Meaning government can not do a lot of things no matter how much public support it has. Things like taking away certain rights forever. It can curtail them for short durations but cannot suspend them indefinitely like Kashmiri government was doing. These are fundamental rights like
1. Speech
2. Religion
3. Liberty

Indian government can not outlaw an established religion, it can not out law freedom of speech and expression, no matter how much public demands it.

Kashmiri government made laws that were against these fundamental principles of India, so it was struck down allowing movies back in Kashmir.
What's the legal basis for destroying someone's family house for exercising right to protest? Even if they break the law because of a violent protest, how is it legally acceptable to destroy someone's house? Punishment includes family members, infants, women, children, the elderly? It is against international law to destroy homes, only exception is if the land is under military occupation and there is a threat to the military from the house.
indeed it did, lot of studies confirmed it but basic concept of hygiene and health correlation is unknown thing for pajeet like you.
Oh? Show me some studies that prove preventive effect of toilets on COVID? Also why after having toilets you are had such a high mortality rate?
Frustrated? I am laughing here! You cannot go beyond toilets while a country having half the per capita GDP of yours has mastered advanced technologies. But then you can always make more toilets and call it a day!
it is obvious that you are frustrated with posting fake smileys all over the thread, you should keep you mouth shut until you stop until you reach basic civilization level of hygiene standards or you can continue to be stupid like you are, choice is yours.
What's the legal basis for destroying someone's family house for exercising right to protest? Punishment includes family members, infants, women, children, the elderly? Even if they break the law because of a violent protest, how is it legally acceptable to destroy someone's house? It is against international law to destroy homes, only exception is if the land is military occupied and there is a threat to the military from the house.
Indeed! Those are illegal actions if the house was a validly constructed one. There is no punishment like destroying property of someone for their crimes. Courts in India have already given their opinon and decisions on it. Sooner than the later those governments in India will have to make good of those demolished houses.
no clear and loud opposition to nazidutva regime.
Meh, you don't have to worry about these hindus. They act strong because of their ant colony like number.

They don't have the number advantage with China. So hindus giveaway territory and still gets bamboo fuked by the Chinese.

Indian muslims are fuked BTW...
Oh? Show me some studies that prove preventive effect of toilets on COVID? Also why after having toilets you are had such a high mortality rate?
basic hygiene prevent it, strange for you but it is the fact.
it is obvious that you are frustrated with posting fake smileys all over the thread, you should keep you mouth shut until you stop until you reach basic civilization level of hygiene standards or you can continue to be stupid like you are, choice is yours.
India has constructed about 110 million toilets in past 4 or 5 years. There are communities in India who do not like to use toilets. Plain and simple! They feel it is unclean to discharge themselves in their homes so they like to do it in open.

Its a question of behaviour and not just facilities. It will change with time.

That still does not show us why cann't bosnians who have toilets and double the per-capita income cannot innoculate their people. You were supposed to have higher HDI :rofl: :lol:

Look you are only claiming to be better than India but failing miserably to live up to that standard!

basic hygiene prevent it, strange for you but it is the fact.
Show me research linking toilets and COVID, if you have any.
Meh, you don't have to worry about these hindus. They act strong because of their ant colony like number.

They don't have the number advantage with China. So hindus giveaway territory and still gets bamboo fuked by the Chinese.

Indian muslims are fuked BTW...
i do not worry about these village idiots, outside of internet and abroad they are meak and submissive double face lizards and grasp on other people who actually could do some damage.

agree on other points.

Lungi Pakee agreeing. :rofl:

Remember, Hindus saved your mom, grandma, appa, khala from getting a third and fourth hole. :rofl:
Otherwise americans and pakistani were hell bent on tearing many many into you.
Could be Mulj here is a genuine kebab that got removed and is a refugee in BD now.
Meanwhile Indian illegally Occupied Kashmir on 15 Aug 2022 :lol:

outside of internet and abroad they are meak and submissive double face lizards and grasp on other people who actually could do some damage.
Last I checked, Bosnians have no presence anywhere. On internet or outside internet. They are people of no consequence. May be when we need to renovate toilets we will hire you. After all you make good toilets. :rofl:
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