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After 32 years First time Kashmiri girls are watching cinema in multiplex in Kashmir

He uses word "bharitaya". Smells like stale lungi or dirty Poon-jabi. I call him Pakee exactly for this reason.
That is proper word, letters order is not important as long as you get the point
Wtf are you talking about you f ing reptilian bhaiya monkey?
coward would never dare say it to any real man's face, guarantee it on my life and if you manage to gather the courage to even start BS, would run with fear like his other monkey brethrens ,all your talk is for internet only :lol:

Enjoy! I learnt it from a very geniune poon-jaabi himself. I say it every-time. Now go back to your taxi.

That is proper word, letters order is not important as long as you get the point
Easy there roach! No need to defend your "competence" on spelling roman spellings. :rofl: We anyway have to ignore the order of your letters to make sense of most of the things you write. Reading your writing is like constantly playing scrabble.
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Enjoy! I learnt it from a very geniune poon-jaabi himself. I say it every-time. Now go back to your taxi.
Lol the region is rich enough to send even the poor, village people to western countries to earn money, unlike others where only urban people have the money, connects to come to western countries , most of the time even they don't- that's sociol mobilization dummy
Infact the only region where people straight outta villages are in western countries
While most urban gagentics don't have the money for that, or even if they do, they don't have the guts or mindset to take the risk of going out of their country, that represents risk taking ability
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Easy there roach! No need to defend your "competence" on spelling roman spellings. :rofl: We anyway have to ignore the order of your letters to make sense of most of the things you write. Reading your writing is like constantly playing scrabble.
pajeet, whay are you constanly shaking your cage, are you that desperate to prove that you belong to the normal enviroment despite your abilities.
Infact the only region where people straight outta villages are in western countries

Kerala! They have entire villages with nurses working in the west and middle east. Basically they give filipinos a run for their money.
Kerala! They have entire villages with nurses working in the west and middle east. Basically they give filipinos a run for their money.
I don't care about them, they're not the one throwing slurs
While most urban gagentics don't have the money for that, or even if they do, they don't have the guts or mindset to take the risk of going out of their country, that represents risk taking ability
Lately, that has changed. Hindi is among fastest growing language in USA.

Source : https://www.bbc.com/news/world-45902204

Punjabis stick more to UK and lately Canada. Hindi belt goes more to USA.

Source :
I don't care about them, they're not the one throwing slurs
LOL! You know nothing then man!

pajeet, whay are you constanly shaking your cage, are you that desperate to prove that you belong to the normal enviroment despite your abilities.
Pffft! No I am laughing at your pathetic self.
Rich coming from a lungideshi raqibool who’s country rapes almost 10 women per 100k women while the same figure for India is less than 2.
You want me to believe your hindu stats atmaram? Face it you are a rapestani l.
Unsurprised since BDiots still come under LDC tag i,e, least developed countries and it’s pretty visible.
LOL, BD can be a LDC no shame here, but we aren't a suppa pawwa (in rape) 2012 who gives away territory to China after getting bamboo fuked by them.
Look dear, I know your life is hard but lets get one thing straight. Hindus saved your Ma/ Ammi, Apa, Dadi and Khala from getting a third and fourth hole after their two holes were pounded during '71's romp by pakistanis. So keep it real, don't jump the fence and stitch Chaddis. May be you will be able to buy a second hand Maruti 800 by the time your retire. I know even that will be a big event in your family.
LOL, hindus saved who? 71 was just a good business deal for both of us. Thats it.

Rest is just your rapestani immigrant minds blabbering. lol...
There is no "negligence" here. No one was ready for pandemic, not even great nation of USA. They had bodies rotting in freezer containers in new york. Those freezer containers are not meant to preserve human bodies and bodies rotted there. There were dead in street in great countries like China.
So yeah, it was very much a war in terms of element of surprise.

Now back to my question : If great nation of Bosnia :-)rofl: ) cannot prevent dead in streets during wars, why does it expects India to do so in a pandemic?
Excellent job showing this deranged creature a mirror. Notice how a few posts ago it was taunting about the dead in Covid with a grotesque perverted blush
Now once pics of ethnic cleansing in its country are shared, starts the victimhood howling
One would expect those at receiving end of ethnic cleansing to be humble and show humility for the dead, not ape their oppressors
LOL, hindus saved who? 71 was just a good business deal for both of us. Thats it.
Nope! Had India not intervened and provided you with weapons you were dead in water... literally. Heck India even allowed you to establish a working base in its territory. India funnelled Soviet AK-47s to you. Trained your Mitro Bahini/Mukti Bahini. And finally used its own diplomatic pact with USSR to stop American intervention.

So yes Hindus saved your arse, literally.

You cann't do business when you are dead, right?

Actually in 1971, there were massive number of refugees in India coming from B'desh. Now you are telling me that they were "business visitors" :rofl: and not refugees?

Rest is just your rapestani immigrant minds blabbering. lol...
As I said, you can only rise up to Chaddis, so stay there only. History is too much you.
My destiny is to live in the most beautiful part of the world while you are stuck in hell hole of Bangladesh.

The stats are based on a study published in lancet which estimated EXCESS deaths in different countries. Last I checked you treated that as a truth straight out of Quran.

India did not measure those, it was estimated by ESTEEMED researchers with publication in lancet. So keep India out of this.

BTW, last time you were only waving these studies as Quranic Truth. I have always doubted them. But since you love them so much, so here they are!

Hussain bhai, lagta hei aaj aapka din naheen hie. isliye itnee maa chud rahee hei.

Why are you disgracing millions of dead Indians, just to show India isnt a utter disaster and protect the hindutva state?

Nope! Had India not intervened and provided you with weapons you were dead in water... literally. Heck India even allowed you to establish a working base in its territory. India funnelled Soviet AK-47s to you. Trained your Mitro Bahini/Mukti Bahini. And finally used its own diplomatic pact with USSR to stop American intervention.
In return you hindus got weaker Pakistan and we got independence. That was a good business mr rapestani.
So yes Hindus saved your arse, literally.
lol nope. hindus can't even save their own arse.
You cann't do business when you are dead, right?
And who was going to kill us?
Actually in 1971, there were massive number of refugees in India coming from B'desh. Now you are telling me that they were "business visitors" :rofl: and not refugees?
That was part of the business...
As I said, you can only rise up to Chaddis, so stay there only. History is too much you.
LOL, mr rapestani immigrant you hindus don't even have a history.
Ok, lets talk about rants first. You do know right that troll rants are mostly done by bots? So if you see 1000 anti muslim tweets, it is not done by 1000 different people, maybe by 10 people pasting the same stuff again and again or by an automated spam bot.

Secondly, you will only see anti muslim tweets from countries where muslims are actually present. You won't see anti muslim tweets from lets say somewhere like Brazil because they have no muslims, except maybe a few thousand. Conflicts only occur in places with religious diversity.

Now as for Nazism, its easy to use words like that around, you should go ask Germans or Russians or Jews what Nazism was and how many people were slaughtered. Indian muslim population % is only increasing, apart from small riots once in a while where a couple of people die, there is no killing of muslims. so when people use around words like nazism that is indeed hilarious. Go ask an old German if he thinks the current indian govt is nazi and he will laugh in your face.
Your attempts to reason with it are admirable

The poster is a classic case of - jo kutta na ghar ka na ghat ka

One thread it was taunting Indians on European supremacy over us.

and on another thread starts abusing Hindu faith like a typical Islamist

Europeans see it as pariah, Arab Islamists see it as toilet cleaner.

Poster probably has no achievements in real life, so clinging on to Euro-centrism and Islamo-facism to compensate for lack of self-worth
Why are you disgracing millions of dead Indians, just to show India isnt a utter disaster and protect the hindutva state?
Even with those studies India was as much of a disaster as Pakistan was and Bosnia was a much bigger disaster. US however is continuing disaster.

So yeah, it was a world wide disaster -- including India. It is a one in a century Pandemic after all.

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