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'After 2001 Parliament attack, India deployed nuclear missiles on border'

PA pumps looted american aid into Pakistani stock and realty sector and these helps Pakistani economy to grow, there is CBS video where Pakistani PM way back in 1954 was interviewed by US media at show called face the nation excepted that American was supporting 40% of their budget and with american aid PA funded a percentage(rest was funded by saudi) nuke program and also got F16.
India during the 80s had great difficultly is affording mirage 2000s.
Pak is cosying with India because their economy is in doldrums and as soon things get better they would kick us. MMS has finally realised Pak cannot be trusted so please don't start this Aman Ka Tamasha thing.

seems to me you are really worried about pakistan mate
Umm...the thanking part was meant as sarcasm.I am much rather talking about him dismantling foreign assets of RAW.

I was consolidating on what you said, As for the part on R&AW i beg to differ. They might be holding up a facade that they are ineffectual, will they want to be under pressure from the world after doing anything, like how ISI is getting pressurised. My assumption is R&AW is way better than ISI.
I was consolidating on what you said, As for the part on R&AW i beg to differ. They might be holding up a facade that they are ineffectual, will they want to be under pressure from the world after doing anything, like how ISI is getting pressurised. My assumption is R&AW is way better than ISI.

One hopes to be proven wrong in this matter yet the signs aren't that reassuring to state the least.
Your knowledge about Atomic Physics seems to be terribly weak, you are mistaken with the terminologies. Eevery atomic bomb is a nuclear bomb' whereas every nuclear bomb is not an atomic bomb... I Agree, Pakistan tested Atomic bombs and not hydrogen (thermonuclear) bombs. Atomic bomb depends on fission reaction and for very reason it is called an atomic bomb and let us not forget every atomic bomb is a nuclear bomb...

I wonder if you know about the other four fission devices which India tested, I mean with the respect to their preparations, expected yield and stuff? They were like tiny ants in front of elephant (thermonuclear device) which was a fizzle in the end.

1. A 5 kt fission device.
2. A 0.2 kt sub-kiloton device.
3. A 0.5 kt sub-kiloton device.
4 A 0.2 kt sub-kiloton device.

I have no problem if you are happy with the yield; 45, 25 or 15 kiloton...

Not only are your facts wrong..more over you need to go check your sources about the yields.

All fission devices except one(which was actually a weapon) were experimental tests..we demonstrated that we have ability to build right from subkiloton warheads(needed for destroying enemy troop concentrations without harming the nearby areas) to thermonuclear warheads(needed for destroying huge cities)

This is the variety you do not have.
One hopes to be proven wrong in this matter yet the signs aren't that reassuring to state the least.

Facts on the ground say otherwise. As Karan rightly said events unfolding after 26/11 speak a different story and (could) was blessed by R&AW.
Facts on the ground say otherwise. As Karan rightly said events unfolding after 26/11 speak a different story and (could) was blessed by R&AW.

There were terror events in India before 26/11.Where was the "response" all those times? In fact Pakistan was extremely quiet before the WOT began.Hence,all evidence points to independent terror groups operating in Pakistan,nothing to do with India or RAW suddenly getting magical influence on groups they never had any contacts with in the first place.I think you have been spending too much time in here,you are starting to buy into conspiracy theories brah!!!
There were terror events in India before 26/11.Where was the "response" all those times? In fact Pakistan was extremely quiet before the WOT began.Hence,all evidence points to independent terror groups operating in Pakistan,nothing to do with India or RAW suddenly getting magical influence on groups they never had any contacts with in the first place.I think you have been spending too much time in here,you are starting to buy into conspiracy theories brah!!!

The equation changed when India entered Afghanistan buddy, they were able to influence a lot of things believe what you may I believe so. One of us is right here.
And after the 2008 Mumbai attacks, why didn't they nuke Pakistan?

Oh. I forgot. We all know the answer. ;)


we were supposed to do conventional war!!!:tup:

but your P.M announced that they could use Nukes in d war coz they don't have conventional capability like india have!!!

and since we are always sensible n responsible country so we didn't go for war!!!:wave:
(we had d nuclear option as well!!! but we didn't choose:tup:)

don't b in false!!! illusion :lol:
we didn't go for war means u r Tiger (as per some media reports from pakistan!!:laugh:)
The equation changed when India entered Afghanistan buddy, they were able to influence a lot of things believe what you may I believe so. One of us is right here.

Yeah,that's what conspiracy theorists would've you believe.You show up one day unannounced,throw some cash around and go"Let's start some rebel camps biacth!". The reality is far removed from that.It takes years before someone even starts listening to you,let alone start acting on your behalf.That's probably why Pakistan is so adamant on not letting go of it's networks built over the years even though doing that single thing will solve everything with their superpower buddy.

All India has in her pocket is an agreement for training Afghan troops and hopefully some mineral contracts in the future.Everything else is usual paranoia of big bad RAW/MOSSAD/CIA with their secret groups and their secret agendas.Not even close to the truth.
Yeah,that's what conspiracy theorists would've you believe.You show up one day unannounced,throw some cash around and go"Let's start some rebel camps biacth!". The reality is far removed from that.It takes years before someone even starts listening to you,let alone start acting on your behalf.That's probably why Pakistan is so adamant on not letting go of it's networks built over the years even though doing that single thing will solve everything with their superpower buddy.

All India has in her pocket is an agreement for training Afghan troops and hopefully some mineral contracts in the future.Everything else is usual paranoia of big bad RAW/MOSSAD/CIA with their secret groups and their secret agendas.Not even close to the truth.

Its not about conspiracy theories my friend. Its about objective thinking and analyzing facts, events, ground realities, I came to such a conclusion on my own, as for getting influenced by being here i can separate the facts from BS and most of the posts are pure BS except a few that speaks the truth. U must know that they are just guns for hire, they fire for the highest bidder. Pak had a lot to offer them earlier including legitamacy, a whole country(Afghanistan), Sharia, money, they had these groups believe that they are fighting the good fight, but their coffers are empty Pak itself is an ally of WOT for their economic reasons and better health(not being bombarded to the stone age) if u know what i mean. They acted as guns for hire themselves against these groups trying to play both sides (riding two boats at a time) the end result is there for all to see. My bet is that India cashed in on this also the bonhomie between India and the US helped a lot. This is just my assumptions as i said you have the right to think otherwise.
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