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Africans In Israel Attacked by Zionist Government and Racist Mobs

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So is NAZI'ism
As the REAL "Desert Fox" knew all too well, Nazism was a virulent and racist form of nationalist imperialism. You don't find that dominating multi-ethnic Israel.

Weird? But how? Isn't that true, you preach "racial integration" to others while you sterilize black Africans in israel and kick them out. Racist Zionists are like a cancer.
Oh, is that it? Never heard this nonsense before. You're going off on multiple tangents here. Make them relevant to the thread topic or start another thread.
The treaty of sevres, clearly stated in Article 95
The High Contracting Parties agree to entrust, by application of the provisions of Article 22, the administration of Palestine, within such boundaries as may be determined by the Principal Allied Powers, to a Mandatory to be selected by the said Powers. The Mandatory will be responsible for putting into effect the declaration originally made on November 2, 1917, by the British Government, and adopted by the other Allied Powers, in favour of the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people, it being clearly understood that nothing shall be done which may prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine, or the rights and political status enjoyed by Jews in any other country.
Don't the bold underlined lines clearly state that the Palestinians must be treated well? Well they are not treated well at all, and their land is being stolen day after day with settlements being built and Gaza being under siege. Wouldn't that make the treaty void?
As the REAL "Desert Fox" knew all too well, Nazism was a virulent and racist form of nationalist imperialism. You don't find that dominating multi-ethnic Israel.

NAZI'ism was European Nationalism formed in response to Zionist Karl Marx and Bolshevism taking over Eastern and Central Europe. One of the goals of European Nationalists was to expel Zionists from Europe. Similar to how israelis are expelling black Africans.

So, as i said, israel is for every human being on this earth, its not Jewish or better yet Zionist land, you should let catholic Mexicans and African immigrants into israel, they are looking for better opportunities.

Oh, is that it? Never heard this nonsense before. You're going off on multiple tangents here. Make them relevant to the thread topic or start another thread.

So, what is israel's justification for sterilizing Black African males? Are israeli racist scumbags afraid that their women will be in bed with Black Africans?
it being clearly understood that nothing shall be done which may prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine, or the rights and political status enjoyed by Jews in any other country.
Don't the bold underlined lines clearly state that the Palestinians must be treated well? Well they are not treated well at all, and their land is being stolen day after day with settlements being built and Gaza being under siege. Wouldn't that make the treaty void?

Exactly! The Jews have followed this charge strictly while the Arabs have violated it completely. There are hardly any Jews left in Arab countries and none at all in Jordan (70% of the Mandate territory).

their land is being stolen day after day with settlements being built and Gaza being under siege.
The PURPOSE of the Mandate is to foster Jewish settlement. As long as the civil and property rights (these being the sort that existed under the Ottomans) of the Arabs are respected the Jews can settle wherever they wish: on State lands or by purchasing private lands from Arabs. Israeli courts generally remove illegal settlements - the only ones that are illegal are those built on Arab-owned land.

You are an Egyptian and should know better: the conflict isn't about land. It's about Jews. The motivation is still the same as shouted out during riots nearly a century ago: Al Yahud Kelabna! - "The Jews are our dogs" - to be abused, exploited, or killed at will. The idea of Jewish self-rule and national self-determination is their objection; any sort of rights conferred by Jewish land ownership is unacceptable. Sadat realized the distinction and withdrew Egypt from the Palestinian Arabs' truly racist battle.
Violent Anti-African Race Riot Rocks Israel, Black Men and Women Beaten

Violence surged in the streets of Tel Aviv as a 1000-strong protest against African immigrants seeking asylum in Israel turned violent.

Residents of a low-income Tel Aviv neighbourhood descended to the streets, waving Israeli flags and chanting “Deport the Sudanese” and “Infiltrators get out of our homes” to protest against the increase of African migrants moving into the area and the country.

The protest rapidly turned violent and police arrested 17 people with charges ranging from assault to vandalism. Some of them were still beating up migrants when they were arrested.

Protesters in the Hatikva neighbourhood set trash cans alight, broke some stores window and attacked African migrants who were passing-by. They also attacked an African migrant driving through the area and broke his car’s windows.

Reports suggest the protesters targeted local shops known to have African migrants as customers.

Another group of demonstrators stopped a shuttle taxi searched for migrant workers among the passengers, while banging on the windows, the newspaper Haaretz reported.

The protesters were backed by Likud Knesset member Miri Regev who participated in the march and said “the Sudanese were a cancer in our body”, Haaretz ‘s report added.

Protesters complained about Prime Minister’s Benjamin Netanyahu’s handling of the asylum seekers “problem” with some even carrying banners in support of Interior Minister Eli Yishai.

Yishai had called for the detention and expulsion of all asylum seekers earlier this week.

Interviewing Interior Minister Eli Yishai, Israeli Army Radio likened the violence to pogrom attacks on Jews in 19th century Europe.

Yishai retorted by saying Sudanese and Eritreans migrants were responsible for a rise in crime.

“I cannot judge a man whose daughter gets raped. I cannot judge a young woman who cannot walk home,” said Yishai,

“I cannot under any circumstances judge people who get abused and harmed, and who are then confronted by the state, which says, ‘Why do you behave this way to the foreigners?’”

The protests came as last week, an Israeli man was charged with arson after he threw seven Molotov cocktails at the homes of African migrants.

Israel: Race Riot as Tel Aviv's Poor Hunt Down 'Cancerous' African Migrants [VIDEO] - International Business Times
...Zionist Karl Marx -
O.K., now the question isn't just why I should take your comments as serious or relevant, but do you really believe in them? I doubt that you do so you'll have to convince me.
O.K., now the question isn't just why I should take your comments as serious or relevant, but do you really believe in them? I doubt that you do so you'll have to convince me.

Stop evading my questions you racist Zionist, i can't believe you would support racism against Black people!! Is it because of their skin??

So, as i said, israel is for every human being on this earth, its not Jewish or better yet Zionist land, you should let catholic Mexicans and African immigrants into israel, they are looking for better opportunities.

So, what is israel's justification for sterilizing Black African males? Are israeli racist scumbags afraid that their women will be in bed with Black Africans?

"They also attacked an African migrant driving through the area and broke his car’s windows."

Israel: Race Riot as Tel Aviv's Poor Hunt Down 'Cancerous' African Migrants [VIDEO] - International Business Times

Is it because of his dark skin color? Is that why racist israelis beat him up and broke his car window similar to how NAZIS supposedly treated Jews in Europe??
Exactly! The Jews have followed this charge strictly while the Arabs have violated it completely. There are hardly any Jews left in Arab countries and none at all in Jordan (70% of the Mandate territory).

The PURPOSE of the Mandate is to foster Jewish settlement. As long as the civil and property rights (these being the sort that existed under the Ottomans) of the Arabs are respected the Jews can settle wherever they wish: on State lands or by purchasing private lands from Arabs. Israeli courts generally remove illegal settlements - the only ones that are illegal are those built on Arab-owned land.

You are an Egyptian and should know better: the conflict isn't about land. It's about Jews. The motivation is still the same as shouted out during riots nearly a century ago: Al Yahud Kelabna! - "The Jews are our dogs" - to be abused, exploited, or killed at will. The idea of Jewish self-rule and national self-determination is their objection; any sort of rights conferred by Jewish land ownership is unacceptable. Sadat realized the distinction and withdrew Egypt from the Palestinian Arabs' truly racist battle.
The expelling of Jews came after the Palestinians had their rights violated inside their land, not the other way around.
What civil and property rights are respected during settling? The settlers kick out the Palestinians and build settlements and nobody says anything to them...
Are you trying to tell me that Israel has the right to build settlements in any area of the West Bank and East Jerusalem as long as it isn't owned by Arabs? Even though the West Bank is internationally recognized as a Palestinian territory?
So in the same sense, if a land on the American-Mexican border is owned by Mexicans, Mexico should have the right to build settlements there, correct?
The conflict is truly about land, not about Jews. There was no anti-semitism in Arab land before the creation of Israel. I'm not anti-semitic, I'm anti-zionist. I'm not against Jews.
Also, you seem to forget that the White Paper of 1939 clearly abandoned the creation of a Jewish state in Palestine and instead stated that a united Palestinian republic will include both Muslims and Jews. Also, a limit of 75000 Jews was set to immigrate from 1940 to 1944 and no more. But the Israelis violated it, and massive Jewish immigration occurred.
Stop evading my questions you racist Zionist, i can't believe you would support racism against Black people!! Is it because of their skin??
If they're Jews they can immigrate to Israel under the Law of Return. Skin color has nothing to do with it.

So, as i said, israel is for every human being on this earth, its not Jewish or better yet Zionist land, you should let catholic Mexicans and African immigrants into israel, they are looking for better opportunities.
Israel is not the U.S.
So much commotion about nothing.

Like any other country on earth, Israel has the right to decide who can enter its borders and who can reside in its territory.

These Africans are infiltrators, they illegally crossed the border. Instead of returning them back to Egypt when they will be probably jailed or even worst, Israel gave them humanitarian aid and temporary permit to stay until it will be possible to send them back to their own countries.

Israel cannot solve Africa's problems or take care of Millions of African refugees. These African infiltrators must return to their own countries, any other suggestion by members of this forum is nothing less than preposterous. If you are worried so much about them, tell your own governments to take them, do not be generous on the expense of Israel.

It goes without saying than any violence against these infiltrators is totally condemned and its hardy the policy of Israel's government.

Stop evading my questions you racist Zionist, i can't believe you would support racism against Black people!! Is it because of their skin??

For your information, Israel accepted tens of thousands of Jews from Africa (Ethiopia) who are black skinned, and still accept them. so stop this nonsense about racism when you know nothing about the actual facts.

Stop evading my questions you racist Zionist, i can't believe you would support racism against Black people!! Is it because of their skin??

For your information, Israel accepted tens of thousands of Jews from Africa (Ethiopia) who are black skinned, and still accept them. so stop this nonsense about racism when you know nothing about the actual facts.
I am an anti semitic and anti Jew. My solution to Israel is just let it leave alone. Whatever land palestine have just get that one and merge that part with Jordan. Merge Gaza with Egypt and erect wall or whatever and forget about that tiny biny land called Israel. But once in every year every Arab should go and piss on Jordan river so that Israel could get a taste of Arab once in a year. You Arabs are giving too much attention to those scum bags.
I am an anti semitic and anti Jew. My solution to Israel is just let it leave alone. Whatever land palestine have just get that one and merge that part with Jordan. Merge Gaza with Egypt and erect wall or whatever and forget about that tiny biny land called Israel. But once in every year every Arab should go and piss on Jordan river so that Israel could get a taste of Arab once in a year. You Arabs are giving too much attention to those scum bags.

On behalf of Israel I accept your offer - tell your Muslim brothers to leave us alone. That is all we ask.
The expelling of Jews came after the Palestinians had their rights violated inside their land, not the other way around.

What civil and property rights are respected during settling? The settlers kick out the Palestinians and build settlements and nobody says anything to them...
I don't think you're going to find many Palestinians who can point to a plot of West Bank land recently settled by Jews who can back up a claim (supposing they make it) that they were the legal owners and not the settlers.

Are you trying to tell me that Israel has the right to build settlements in any area of the West Bank and East Jerusalem as long as it isn't owned by Arabs?
Under the terms of the Mandate, yes.

Even though the West Bank is internationally recognized as a Palestinian territory?
You made a big leap but didn't cross the line. No, recognition of the Palestinian Authority is NOT the same as recognizing the West Bank as Palestinian territory. Of course, anybody can SAY so but that doesn't make it law.

So in the same sense, if a land on the American-Mexican border is owned by Mexicans, Mexico should have the right to build settlements there, correct?
A great deal of real estate in America is owned by non-Americans. For local situations you should contact the individual states and counties concerned.

The conflict is truly about land, not about Jews. There was no anti-semitism in Arab land before the creation of Israel.
I believe you believe that, but only because you are Egyptian. I guess you really didn't know about the riots in Palestine and elsewhere. Egyptians by comparison were hospitable - not only were many Jews reluctant to leave when Nasser kicked them out but so were their Arab neighbors. However, the idea of doing something against the Jews - as well as the temptation of easy money and property to be distributed to Nasser's followers - proved too strong a temptation to resist. Furthermore, without the presence of Jewish neighbors nearby demonizing the Jews proved very easy.

Also, you seem to forget that the White Paper of 1939 clearly abandoned the creation of a Jewish state -
The Brits were trustees of the Mandate; that didn't give them the right to change its terms willy-nilly. Part of the post-WWI problems in Palestine were caused by Brits who wanted to convert the Mandate into an out-and-out British colony like India. Divide and rule, you know.
I think Israel has the right to decide on who can immigrate there.
But what fails me is, how did these people reach there? Are they illegal?
When Israel has one of the worlds most secure borders, then how did they manage to sneak in?
If its that easy, then hard to imagine how Israel will defend against Hamas and other terrorists?
Lastly they should be deported honorably and not subjected to racial abuse.
What is being highlighted here is the RACIAL SLURS.
Thank you
If they're Jews they can immigrate to Israel under the Law of Return. Skin color has nothing to do with it.
Why only Jews?? I feel offended!!! Now i can understand why NAZI's despised you racist anti-goyim lot.

Israel is not the U.S.
israel is a secular democracy just like the US therefore everyone has the right immigrate to israel.
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