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African nation of Angola resentful of China Investment

... after read ur comments, i feel Japan is in danger.
  1. it isn't before WWII, now is after WWII
  2. Economy / Millitary / Steel output / Population / Nuclear / Resource / Land / Production Efficiency, now which is bigger & faster ?!

Listen what does this have to do with anything?


Very enlightening.

We have a well spoken Japanese forumer here for a while now and now we have you - the polar opposite.

Yin and Yang

On the topic of Chinese in Africa, the way that the business models work leaves little or less room for theft and embezzlement by corrupt Africans. Actual monetary exchange is limited in that loans are repaid with commodities and infrastructure projects which are far more difficult to steal. You cant really steal a hospital and hide it somewhere.Unless Africans ripping steel re bar, copper pipes and wood from Chinese construction sites count as corruption.

Is there corruption involved? Most definitely! But manageable corruption like loosely picking from a forbidden fruit tree. Not the African style of corruption involving cutting down the tree after stealing all the fruit.

Africans will complain about Chinese labourors doing all the work but when an African is hired to do the same 12 hour shift for the same pay as a Chinese person, they complain or fail to even remotely do the same workload as a Chinese worker.

When they are remunerated, they spend EVERYTHING on binging on alcohol and fail to turn up for work for their next shift.

So you like the smooth talking China lover? Understand?
China becomes Zambia's largest investor: official

Siazongo Siakelenge, Zambia's permanent secretary in the Ministry of Commerce, Trade and Industry, said China has now become the largest investor in the southern African nation with its investment having now reached more than 5.3 billion U.S. dollars, the Times of Zambia reported on Wednesday.

"China is the largest investor in Zambia setting up more than 280 business enterprises currently estimated at more than 5.3 billion dollars," he was quoted.

About 50 local people were expected to be employed while more jobs would be created through business linkages such as the supply chain with other economy players in the market, he added.

IF Angola does not like $$$, Zambia, Tanzania and other African countries are interested in our investments.
Chinese investment in Africa is one of the main reason sub-saharan African economy is getting momentum by the years.China is creating both infrastructure and consumer base in Africa which in turn attracting Massive foreign investment.
Foreign Investment in Africa Seen at Record $80 Billion in 2014, Report Shows
Foreign Investment in Africa Seen at Record $80 Billion in 2014 - WSJ

For the last 60 years western economic help towards Africa was giving charity handout which made african even more poor and dependent on western charity.But China is taking them as a business partner and investing in africa which helping to accelerate their economic growth.
Listen what does this have to do with anything?
Sorry, i don't understand it. The Japan had tried but lost. If Imperial Japan can't win the weakest China, how to win a strong nuclear China ? If u have any good idea, pls tell me !

China and India have exploited the mineral wealth of Africa. To claim that they are repaying Africa by building its infrastructure and developing its economy is laughable.

The Europeans including the British :-
  • exported tons of Africa's (and then India's) wealth to their countries under the claim that they governed those nations. Payment was made to the local chiefs by the colonialists as a measure of justification for their colonization, knowing that the payments would never benefit the local populace
  • Built the infrastructure of the colonized countries
  • Settled their people in the colonized nations to "provide the necessary skills to overcome the laziness of the locals"

The Indians and the Chinese :-

  • exports tons of Africa's wealth to their countries under the claim that they are trading with those nations. Payments are made to corrupt governments by these nations knowing that the payments will never benefit the local populace. Payments are also made in the form of guns and military assistance to dictatorial regimes by India and China who use North Korea and South Africa/Namibia as the conduit for delivering these weapons to often embargoed regimes.
  • Build the infrastructure of the nations they are trading with
  • Bring in their local workforce to "provide the necessary skills to overcome the laziness of the locals"

I really fail to see how replacing western colonialism with eastern colonialism has helped Africa.
China has exploited the mineral wealth of Africa. To claim that it is repaying Africa by building its infrastructure and developing its economy is laughable.

The Europeans including the British :-
  • exported tons of Africa's (and then India's) wealth to their countries under the claim that they governed those nations. Payment was made to the local chiefs by the colonialists as a measure of justification for their colonization, knowing that the payments would never benefit the local populace
  • Built the infrastructure of the colonized countries
  • Settled their people in the colonized nations to "provide the necessary skills to overcome the laziness of the locals"

The Chinese :-

  • exports tons of Africa's wealth to their countries under the claim that they are trading with those nations. Payments are made to corrupt governments by these nations knowing that the payments will never benefit the local populace. Payments are also made in the form of guns and military assistance to dictatorial regimes by China who use North Korea and South Africa/Namibia as the conduit for delivering these weapons to often embargoed regimes.
  • Build the infrastructure of the nations they are trading with
  • Bring in their local workforce to "provide the necessary skills to overcome the laziness of the locals"

I really fail to see how replacing western colonialism with eastern colonialism has helped Africa.
You know you could have posted this version too.:D

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