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African nation of Angola resentful of China Investment

@Nihonjin1051 @yoshi.oda When Japan could changed the your peaceful legislations and develop nukes. US can go to Guam. I think Chinese members here like this very much.

Abe and Fukuda express view our constituition not necessary ban possession of the nuclear weapons, so long as they were to be kept at minimum and were tactical weapons.

In fact Japannhas over 9 tones of plutonium, more than enough to build 1000 nuclear warheads, plus we have more than 35 tones stored in Europe too.

Japan has the Rokkasho reprocessing plant and can make more plutonium. We also have massive reserve of HEU (high enriched uranium) , and we can make indefinite amount for weapons use when we want if we want. Japan can produce nuclear warhead immediately if we want.

It not about if Japan can, it about when Japan decides to do it.
Abe and Fukuda express view our constituition not necessary ban possession of the nuclear weapons, so long as they were to be kept at minimum and were tactical weapons.

In fact Japannhas over 9 tones of plutonium, more than enough to build 1000 nuclear warheads, plus we have more than 35 tones stored in Europe too.

Japan has the Rokkasho reprocessing plant and can make more plutonium. We also have massive reserve of HEU (high enriched uranium) , and we can make indefinite amount for weapons use when we want if we want. Japan can produce nuclear warhead immediately if we want.

It not about if Japan can, it about when Japan decides to do it.


Very well said and I think its important to stress to our friends here that although Japan is a signatory of the NPT and by principle had agreed to its articulations , there is a special clause wherein the Japanese Government had included that Japan has the right to sustain tactical nuclear weapons and if push comes to shove any tension in geopolitical realities may necessitate the Japanese Government vis a vis the Japanese Military to proceed with the military processing of the over 9 tonnes in military grade plutonium, not to mention the , as you had mentioned, 35 tonnes of military grade plutonium stored in Europe. I think that as we proceed towards greater foreign policy initiatives spurred by our Government's recent proposition to follow through with the Mandate of "Proactive Contribution to Peace and Stability" as per Prime Minister Abe Shinzo -- then it may necessitate Japan's nuclearization for defensive purposes.

Tho I should say that tho, any and all political and diplomatic grievances should be addressed rigorously first before we step into the realm of tactical assertion. But that is just my humble personal opinion, in the end the decision lays in the Japanese Government , especially the Ministry of Defense.

Very well said and I think its important to stress to our friends here that although Japan is a signatory of the NPT and by principle had agreed to its articulations , there is a special clause wherein the Japanese Government had included that Japan has the right to sustain tactical nuclear weapons and if push comes to shove any tension in geopolitical realities may necessitate the Japanese Government vis a vis the Japanese Military to proceed with the military processing of the over 9 tonnes in military grade plutonium, not to mention the , as you had mentioned, 35 tonnes of military grade plutonium stored in Europe. I think that as we proceed towards greater foreign policy initiatives spurred by our Government's recent proposition to follow through with the Mandate of "Proactive Contribution to Peace and Stability" as per Prime Minister Abe Shinzo -- then it may necessitate Japan's nuclearization for defensive purposes.

Tho I should say that tho, any and all political and diplomatic grievances should be addressed rigorously first before we step into the realm of tactical assertion. But that is just my humble personal opinion, in the end the decision lays in the Japanese Government , especially the Ministry of Defense.

Hai sore wa hitsuyona dakedesu..toki ni kikende sai sho sutoraiki...トラ・トラ・トラ....
Maybe Japan should have military bases in China for peace
You know, I only remember two things in history. I am bad with history, but this is just too significant to forget.
Er..... Let's see, "Fatman" and "Little Boy" is it?
Perhaps, we can add more name like these to allow our kids to remember their history. Can you suggest some good names?
You know, I only remember two things in history. I am bad with history, but this is just too significant to forget.
Er..... Let's see, "Fatman" and "Little Boy" is it?
Perhaps, we can add more name like these to allow our kids to remember their history. Can you suggest some good names?

Our Megatons can be put into practice should Japan have a short memory :lol:
Western company cannot compete with Chinese company which develop the host country and bring prosperity and development and education the west has lost all moral grounds to lecture China
Fantasy mind , Chinese


Very enlightening.

We have a well spoken Japanese forumer here for a while now and now we have you - the polar opposite.

Yin and Yang

On the topic of Chinese in Africa, the way that the business models work leaves little or less room for theft and embezzlement by corrupt Africans. Actual monetary exchange is limited in that loans are repaid with commodities and infrastructure projects which are far more difficult to steal. You cant really steal a hospital and hide it somewhere.Unless Africans ripping steel re bar, copper pipes and wood from Chinese construction sites count as corruption.

Is there corruption involved? Most definitely! But manageable corruption like loosely picking from a forbidden fruit tree. Not the African style of corruption involving cutting down the tree after stealing all the fruit.

Africans will complain about Chinese labourors doing all the work but when an African is hired to do the same 12 hour shift for the same pay as a Chinese person, they complain or fail to even remotely do the same workload as a Chinese worker.

When they are remunerated, they spend EVERYTHING on binging on alcohol and fail to turn up for work for their next shift.
China has done more for Angola in 15 years than the West has done for 400.

As if the world owes something to Angola?

Why don't Angola do something for themselves?

Why are these poor countries always begging for help, when they could solve their problems on their own........
As if the world owes something to Angola?

Why don't Angola do something for themselves?

Why are these poor countries always begging for help, when they could solve their problems on their own........


The problem with the Angolans in the article is not so much that the Chinese are acting like colonial masters but rather that they hear about large sums of money and want some of it in one way or another.

Roads, buildings and power stations in their minds is not money in their own pockets so they are upset.

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