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African nation of Angola resentful of China Investment

As if the world owes something to Angola?

Why don't Angola do something for themselves?

Why are these poor countries always begging for help, when they could solve their problems on their own........

Don't be a fool. Nobody owes Angola anything. But if you're going to do something, do something less selfish, and more win win. I can buy 1 billion a year in oil from Angola and tell some warlord to spend all that money on weapons and luxury items. Or I can 'buy' 1 billon a year in oil from Angola, give them 100.000.000, and spend the other 900 million on HIGHLY needed infrastructure, and nation building structures. You decide which is better. Now stfu.
China becomes Zambia's largest investor: official

Siazongo Siakelenge, Zambia's permanent secretary in the Ministry of Commerce, Trade and Industry, said China has now become the largest investor in the southern African nation with its investment having now reached more than 5.3 billion U.S. dollars, the Times of Zambia reported on Wednesday.

"China is the largest investor in Zambia setting up more than 280 business enterprises currently estimated at more than 5.3 billion dollars," he was quoted.

About 50 local people were expected to be employed while more jobs would be created through business linkages such as the supply chain with other economy players in the market, he added.

You don't know ? That US will be asked to leave Japan eventually. Even in Okinawa they are ask to distribute their force to Guam. Your view is poor limited please study more, Chinese

Maybe Japan should have military bases in China for peace
... after read ur comments, i feel Japan is in danger.
  1. it isn't before WWII, now is after WWII
  2. Economy / Millitary / Steel output / Population / Nuclear / Resource / Land / Production Efficiency, now which is bigger & faster ?!
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The fact is that the Yanks are pissed off no end as the Chinese have stolen a march over them in Africa and have done what the Americans have failed to do!
Bullcrap, don't post anti-Chinese propaganda here. The sole and only reason Angolans aren't carrying waterbuckets on their head for 20 miles a day is CHINA. They didn't just expoloit them and purchase all the oil and gave the money to some warlord who would go and buy 20 bentleys, they actually invested in infrastructure, ports, rail and other important developments. Which is why Angola is rising.

China has done more for Angola in 15 years than the West has done for 400.

Both West and China are the exploiters of poor countries. Don't talk nonsense as if you are doing a charity there.

It is their right to express their grievances and going by the track record Chinese are there for making profit and exploit human and other natural resources.
Both West and China are the exploiters of poor countries. Don't talk nonsense as if you are doing a charity there.

It is their right to express their grievances and going by the track record Chinese are there for making profit and exploit human and other natural resources.

We never say all what Chinese do in Africa is a charity, it is business with some good results.

Do you think industralization is an easy thing? Check Indian own experiences you could, pardon, because I don't know India's details. For China, since 1860's we had started the industralization process, till nowadays, I still can't say China is completely industralized. ( Here I need to thanks American, Japanese and Russian investment in China after 1980's)

Maybe you think making train, rail, port is very easy. But for some African nations, without outsider investment, it would take long stage by itselves, even impossible. Anyway, Africa is not China's. Every nation can equally work there, make bright competition, guys, bashing others efforts is not that gracious.
We never say all what Chinese do in Africa is a charity, it is business with some good results.

Do you think industralization is an easy thing? Check Indian own experiences you could, pardon, because I don't know India's details. For China, since 1860's we had started the industralization process, till nowadays, I still can't say China is completely industralized. ( Here I need to thanks American, Japanese and Russian investment in China after 1980's)

Maybe you think making train, rail, port is very easy. But for some African nations, without outsider investment, it would take long stage by itselves, even impossible. Anyway, Africa is not China's. Every nation can equally work there, make bright competition, guys, bashing others efforts is not that gracious.

That is not bashing that is truth, Angolans have their grievances and complaints .... the article is about that.
The article has a idiotic point made. If 27B$ have been pumped into Angola by China, beneficiaries should have been African Public. They should not expect a dollar per day of their investments.

Looks like a bogus article
That is not bashing that is truth, Angolans have their grievances and complaints .... the article is about that.

So in your mind, Reuters must be the truth. Did you read the article? Indian guys, try to work with Chinese in Africa. India will realize the importance of Africa one day. Africa is a promising continent. Bashing one outside investors will finally harm all foreign investors and the locals.

Both West and China are the exploiters of poor countries. Don't talk nonsense as if you are doing a charity there.

It is their right to express their grievances and going by the track record Chinese are there for making profit and exploit human and other natural resources.

Sometimes, I find our Asians really low. Germany sell Benz in Aisa, America sell Ford in Aisa, but they never bash each other for competition. Europe and America invest in Asia, they never bash each other; while we Asian always bash each other in overseas, or splited by their medias. Disappointed me very much.
So in your mind, Reuters must be the truth. Did you read the article? Indian guys, try to work with Chinese in Africa. India will realize the importance of Africa one day. Africa is a promising continent. Bashing one outside investors will finally harm all foreign investors and the locals.

Sometimes, I find our Asians really low. Germany sell Benz in Aisa, America sell Ford in Aisa, but they never bash each other for competition. Europe and America invest in Asia, they never bash each other; while we Asian always bash each other in overseas, or splited by their medias. Disappointed me very much.

My argument is that Chinese have done some development in Africa and in the process made profit, the article is about grievances of Angola people which should also be heard.

It is not China where anything against CCP will land you in jail. Angolans have their freedom to express.
If you want to prove otherwise counter the points in the article!
My argument is that Chinese have done some development in Africa and in the process made profit, the article is about grievances of Angola people which should also be heard.

It is not China where anything against CCP will land you in jail. Angolans have their freedom to express.
If you want to prove otherwise counter the points in the article!

This article didn't bash Chinese invest, it's your post and interesting comment bash Chinese investment, man.
Both West and China are the exploiters of poor countries. Don't talk nonsense as if you are doing a charity there.

It is their right to express their grievances and going by the track record Chinese are there for making profit and exploit human and other natural resources.

Explain to me how China exploits those African nations? Please do. And please, don't let your fear/hate of/for China cloud your message. Go ahead, prove that China exploits them. Thanks.
The article is pointing to some complaints and grievances of Angolan people. I think you are supposed to defend China here.

It is not me who is saying all the things about china and I made my argument clear.

Regarding India China co operation, we do like to co operate and work with china based on mutual understanding but not based on ccp delusions.

I wish Indians and Chinese people come together and work for the betterment of this region.

As you move towards consumption based economy it is India that is placed in better position who can help stabilize your economy.

Explain to me how China exploits those African nations? Please do. And please, don't let your fear/hate of/for China cloud your message. Go ahead, prove that China exploits them. Thanks.

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