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Africa and China's Values Deficit


Feb 28, 2013
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Li Keqiang’s four nation visit to Africa in early May, the first since he became Premier last year, was kept off the front pages by the continuing unrest in Ukraine and the putsch by the Constitutional Court in Thailand. These issues are serious, but in many ways the story of China in Africa will almost certainly have a longer and deeper impact on the world, and deserves far more attention.

The Chinese government is probably glad that their interests in the 54 nations of Africa are regarded as an international sideshow, far away from the main action. As Howard French, the American journalist who has spent time in both China and Africa, attests in his excellent and vivid new book China’s Second Continent, as a rising power, China surveys a world where the main alliances and control of resources are largely working against it. But Africa, with its vast infrastructure and development needs and its unexploited minerals and energy sources, is fallow ground, and the competition here is much weaker.

When he addressed the Organization of the African Union on May 8, Li declared that China was no colonizer, despite what its critics were saying. As a leader of the developing world’s most dazzling growth success story, Li’s words would have had clear resonance amongst a community of nations with fresh and traumatizing memories of mostly European larceny, abuse, and greed. Many Africans look at a more prominent, confident China emboldened by its wealth and think that they now have the chance to follow in its footsteps, getting the same status and attention. Li’s words spoke directly to their aspirations.

As always, the reality on the ground is more complex. French trenchantly observes that, for the last two centuries, Europeans have often thought of Africa as a field of influence, a zone in which their interests unfolded. According to this mindset, on the whole Africans were seen as passive observers or actors to be manipulated. China uses none of the unforgivable brutality of that era of colonial exploitation, but nor does it move much beyond the “zone of influence” mindset. China is seeking to further its own economic interests by recruiting specific elites, paying for large symbolic aid projects, and putting in infrastructure which is sometimes of questionable sustainability.

French’s account of the paternal, superior attitude of Chinese business people he meets on his travels across a number of countries in Africa shows this is too consistent to be accidental. Chinese speak of Africans as indolent, unable to “eat bitterness,” and lacking in modernization. Interestingly, this is the dominant discourse one often finds urban Han Chinese adopt about ethnic minorities within the People’s Republic. Despite this, Chinese have moved into the business worlds across Africa, and there is now a generation of younger Chinese with a deeper and more complex understanding of Africa. The clumsy diplomacy of the early 2000s, when China got a bad reputation over its claimed involvement in arms sales in Zimbabwe and Sudan, is less likely to occur now.

But there is a crucial dimension lacking in Premier Li’s public statements and in the overall language of Chinese-style development heard across the world, and this lack presages big future problems. Chinese entrepreneurs and diplomats in Africa can make a powerful case for how their investments and trade are lifting people from poverty and making a difference to people’s lives in some of the poorest places in the world. We have to appreciate and recognize the truth in this. But what sort of lifestyles and values will people have after economic development has made them wealthier? On this topic, the vision becomes blurred. Just like in China itself, the vision of the Chinese Party state of what constitutes a good life, beyond being immersed in material goods, is at best vague, at worst non-existent. This makes one suspect that there might be no real vision.

Like the super highways French describes that abruptly disintegrate into near impassable tracks after leaving African cities, the Chinese modern vision starts to fade when discussion shifts from getting wealthier to the life after that. More worrying still is the uniformity in the Chinese worldview, a sort of intolerance and dislike of diversity shown in the way in which so many Chinese working in Africa maintain their distance from the cultures they live among.

In Africa, where Li promised $12 billion in aid funding in early May, we see the cutting edge where the modern Chinese state reaches out into the world and starts to see its values deficit challenged. Unlike in China, however, it is not so easy to suppress dissent and criticism on the African continent. And that is why China’s role in Africa matters much more than we might think. As French shows, Africa allows us not only to see the face China shows to the world, but also to peer a little deeper into China’s soul.

Africa and China’s Values Deficit | The Diplomat
India has a head start in Africa?
Where is India now but running corner stores there.

From where did India come into picture? The writer didn't even utter the word "India".

Did you just bring the word "India" to troll and satisfy your ego?
More propaganda by western hacks, trying so desperately to push the "Chinese neo-colonialism" narrative about Africa, but failing to convince anyone, not least the Africans themselves. For anyone with an interest in the Africa-China relationship, read stuff by Dambisa Moyo, the foremost economist and political commentator that the continent has produced. She argues that Western aid was designed to keep Africans in quasi-slavery, in a state of eternal dependence on the West. But trade with China, in particular in its resources-for-infrastructure bargain, is the continent's most promising way to make leaps in development.
More propaganda by western hacks, trying so desperately to push the "Chinese neo-colonialism" narrative about Africa, but failing to convince anyone, not least the Africans themselves. For anyone with an interest in the Africa-China relationship, read stuff by Dambisa Moyo, the foremost economist and political commentator that the continent has produced. She argues that Western aid was designed to keep Africans in quasi-slavery, in a state of eternal dependence on the West. But trade with China, in particular in its resources-for-infrastructure bargain, is the continent's most promising way to make leaps in development.

Exactly! We are buying resources, and paying them for it. We are building infrastructure, and being paid by them for it.

That's how business works right? This is not slavery or colonialism.

Their main point seems to be we don't "mix" well with the native cultures, well Chinese do tend to keep to themselves, this is not a crime but rather due to language barriers. We don't force the Africans to give up their own language for ours, like the English and the French did, how is that supposed to be a problem?
Their main point seems to be we don't "mix" well with the native cultures

That's not the main point. But expected of you to be trying to reduce it to something merely inconvenient.

Here's the main point:

But tensions exist around allegations of shoddy construction and a lack of respect for employment and other local laws
Many projects in Africa funded by China have Chinese men working on them, an issue that has prompted complaints from locals who fret that jobs that they should be doing are going to Chinese.

China admits 'growing pains' in Africa ties - Africa - Al Jazeera English

That's not the main point. But expected of you to be trying to reduce it to something merely inconvenient.

Here's the main point:

China admits 'growing pains' in Africa ties - Africa - Al Jazeera English


So "tensions exist" around "some" construction and employment issues.

Yep, that's just as bad as turning Africans into slaves, colonizing their countries by killing the locals and making them part of European countries, and stealing their resources without even bothering to explain why you're not paying for them. Or wiping out Native Americans and Australian Aboriginals to take their land.

It is quite hilarious that the best they could come up with was "tensions exist" around some issues. And since when do tensions not exist between business partners in any case?
NATO - News: NATO and the African Union boost their cooperation, 08-May.-2014

Keep pouring money into Africa. When we've had enough there will be government change and all contracts will be null and void. :lol:

Yes, we've seen your tactic in action. Throw Libya, Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan into chaos, turn them into failed states and make Chinese investment impossible. It's good you admit to it, but it's too bad tens of millions of people have to suffer for your evil goals.

Exactly! We are buying resources, and paying them for it. We are building infrastructure, and being paid by them for it.
That's how business works right? This is not slavery or colonialism.

Absolutely right. What we do has no element of coercion, either explicit (through military threats) or implicit ("you have to change your government policies to benefit us - this is called improving human rights!"), no sanctions, no regime change, no asset freezes, no broken contracts, no demands for "transparency" (i.e. revealing state secrets") - everything is completely consensual. I hope they pay their propagandists big bonuses, because trying to spin a situation with one clear reasonable actor and one clear villain must be very difficult.
So "tensions exist" around "some" construction and employment issues.

Yep, that's just as bad as turning Africans into slaves, colonizing their countries by killing the locals and making them part of European countries, and stealing their resources without even bothering to explain why you're not paying for them. Or wiping out Native Americans and Australian Aboriginals to take their land.

It is quite hilarious that the best they could come up with was "tensions exist" around some issues. And since when do tensions not exist between business partners in any case?

Why do you feel the need to stray into colonialism? We are not debating colonialism here. And if you feel the pressure of mentioning colonialism, you could have also mentioned the endless aid Africa has been receiving for the last half a century. But i know, too honest for you.

Stick to topic. China in Africa-problems&benefits.

oh and, the article doesn't use the word "some" like you used to reduce it, it uses the word "many".

Yes, we've seen your tactic in action. Throw Libya, Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan into chaos, turn them into failed states and make Chinese investment impossible. It's good you admit to it, but it's too bad tens of millions of people have to suffer for your evil goals.

Hate the game, not the playa! :lol:
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So "tensions exist" around "some" construction and employment issues.

Yep, that's just as bad as turning Africans into slaves, colonizing their countries by killing the locals and making them part of European countries, and stealing their resources without even bothering to explain why you're not paying for them. Or wiping out Native Americans and Australian Aboriginals to take their land.

It is quite hilarious that the best they could come up with was "tensions exist" around some issues. And since when do tensions not exist between business partners in any case?

I could not have put it better myself. Ridiculous really.

Anyone that is familiar with French involvement in Africa for instance, even recent involvement, will also tastily to French firms etc. not always doing their job well enough and the rampant corruption that they are often involved in. Just 1 example.

I am yet to see any main reasons for criticizing China's policy in Africa compared to other investors in Sub-Saharan Africa.
I could not have put it better myself. Ridiculous really.

Anyone that is familiar with French involvement in Africa for instance, even recent involvement, will also tastily to French firms etc. not always doing their job well enough and the rampant corruption that they are often involved in. Just 1 example.

I am yet to see any main reasons for criticizing China's policy in Africa compared to other investors in Sub-Saharan Africa.

And despite the colonial past:


i assume you know enough rudimentary French to see what is written on this man's chest.

but overall, Chinese investment in Africa is a good thing. I agree with it, i've heard many stories from local medicine students who go to humanitarian missions to Mozambik every year about the horrible conditions.
And despite the colonial past:


i assume you know enough rudimentary French to see what is written on this man's chest.

but overall, Chinese investment in Africa is a good thing. I agree with it, i've heard many stories from local medicine students who go to humanitarian missions to Mozambik every year about the horrible conditions.

I am fluent in French my friend. My grandmother is from France and I lived in France for years.

You know very well what I meant. We also know how certain African's act during state visits and that they are quick to literarily worship individuals in hope of them being "saved" or them performing miracles.

Do I need to post videos/photos of how the Malians reacted when Hollande came as a savior 1-2 years back?
Now I am going to be accused of being a racist but that's actually something that even the fewest Africans will deny.

Yes, then what's the problem? China can be accused of a lot of things, like any other country out there, but their involvement in Africa? Not so much. At least not if you ask me.

Just saying.
Yes, then what's the problem?

There's a limited amount of resources to go around. It's the age old problem.
Their involvement in Africa could certainly improve. Maybe you should read some additional articles to the ones you already read about how all is good.

And this is a general recommendation, not to be taken in the style of "you lack education".
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