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AFPAK Administrative Union an Ultimate Peacemaker?

Ayub n Zahir Shah could have done it ... Alas... Better would some sort of autonomous kind of a federation.. And even if we start today it will take decades maybe more.. Depends..
It was fair reading until I came to this:
To Pakistan.

1: End of civil and international conflict right on the border, ability to project full military power towards India.
6: Strategic balance even possible parity with India/keeping India out of our backyard.
The Pakistani paranoia about India is breathtaking! Your entire lives are being spent on trying to counter and checkmate India. Instead it would have been far better if there was an economic union between India, Afghanistan and Pakistan.

But no, you guys have such inveterate hatred that you see red whenever India is mentioned. That sucks, what? The tragedy is that you guys can't see beyond Kashmir. The economic well being of the people be damned!
It was fair reading until I came to this:

The Pakistani paranoia about India is breathtaking! Your entire lives are being spent on trying to counter and checkmate India. Instead it would have been far better if there was an economic union between India, Afghanistan and Pakistan.

But no, you guys have such inveterate hatred that you see red whenever India is mentioned. That sucks, what? The tragedy is that you guys can't see beyond Kashmir. The economic well being of the people be damned!

Oh please, Pakistan matters not in India.. stay of that high horse shit you smoke now and then.
The total pieces of shit that your country's media and political pundits produce about Pakistan would leave the North Koreans to shame. And you slurp it up hook, line and sinker and cry "delicious" over here.
Seems far fetched an idea in this age. But if there's any country it's possible with, it is Afghanistan.
But I can already see a million and one problems. I also worry, given what happened with East Pakistan. Only in Afghanistan, it could be worse.
honestly to me it will be huge disaster , Afghans are very different from rest of Pakistani , and i am just scared of the thing that in future someone like mullah omar stand up and suddenly say bring my version of Sharia or else ? than what ?? right now we are unable to fight against few thousand terrorist ?and what if again religion is involved ? Afghans are not educated and its easy to make them fool when it comes to religion ..we cant make any decision by just saying that they are similar to FATA peoples what about other culture ??
you want to mix those poeples who put their womens under 10 layers of burqa to a society where women dance in wedding ?
complete disaster .
Oh please, Pakistan matters not in India.. stay of that high horse shit you smoke now and then.
Oh wow! I wasn't expecting this kind of reply from a mod, especially you! I suggest you cool your radiator. Your post could have been couched in better language and maturity. You sound like a newbie on PDF. Jeeez!
Hello all.


Afghanistan because of its strategically important geographical location has faced a number of invasions throughout history. Starting from the Alexander in 330BC to Mongols to Turks to British , USSR & USA & allies. Most of them failed to establish dominance but spread death and destruction of biblical proportions.Since Pakistan's birth , successive wars in the region ie 1948 Kashmir war , 1965 IndoPak war , 1971 IndoPak war , 1979 soviet invasion of Afghanistan , 1980 Iran Iraq war , Afghanistan civil war , 1999 Kargil war & 2001 US invasion of Afghanistan.

This is enough to put things in perspective that we currently live in a highly unstable and volatile region , all of the above wars killed dozens of millions of people in the region.Given the above context its easy to understand that there is "no" quick fix to this problem of insecurity. In today's connected world , neighboring nations cannot under any circumstances avoid the devastating effects of warfare next door. Pakistan has first hand experience of having 4 million refugees in the aftermath of Soviet Afghan and American Afghan wars which took a heavy toll on Pakistani economy and social makeup and trends.

Pakistan and the rest of the world suffers from instability in Afghanistan , be it refugees , human trafficking , drugs , arms and what not. Not having a quick fix to Afghanistan problem complicates the state of affairs concerning Afghanistan , a country which now has to start over from the scratch after 30 years of non stop war. If it ever does , Pakistan is the first frontier to get effected by any development inside Afghan borders.


The proposal is not new , Pakistani leadership in the past namely Liaqat ali Khan an ethnic Pashtun as well as Zulfikar ali bhutto reportedly discussed the idea of a "Cooperative Union" with their Afghan counterparts at that time. As per my understanding if we have to re-stabilize this region , we should take concrete steps towards the idea of an "Administrative - Cooperative Union" structure between Pakistan and Afghanistan and the integration of the worldview and foreign policy. The examples can be made of the Scandinavian states in this regard. This idea "Does not" call for a state merger or an effective one unit unification. Rather its about integrating both countries into a "mutual political & economical, administrative mechanism ".

It should be built upon the following dynamics.

1: A single currency & stock market , tax regime & social liabilities.
2: Integrated foreign policy.
3: Freedom of movement - unrestricted border access & visa free travel.
4: Unrestricted mass transit and trade route.
5: Integrated primary and higher education & .
6: Integrated working rights.
7: Language promotion in both countries.
8: Integrated strategic & defense regime.
9: Integrated policy on narcotics , rights to have arms , national database etc.
10:Free trade & transit to Pakistani ports for Afghan goods.

This arrangement can work under an organization which may look after the compliance of above policies by both countries much like EU. Or what GCC countries would eventually become.


To Afghanistan.

1: Unrestricted movement , allowing communities specially Pashtuns to make cultural interaction easier.

2: Unrestricted access to Afghan students to Pakistani schools , colleges and universities.

3: Access to Pakistani job market

4: Unlimited access to food supplies which Afghanistan has to import otherwise.

5: Strategic protection under an already established and experienced Military & nuclear apparatus.

6: Unrestricted access to Pakistani ports.

7: Afghanistan can benefit from Pakistan's well established ties with China & Middle east.

To Pakistan.

1: End of civil and international conflict right on the border, ability to project full military power towards India.

2: Control over narcotics and arms

3: World's largest Islamic union, expanding diplomatic and economic footprint in the region.

4: Ability to connect with central asia , Turkey and Russia

5: Permanent solution to refugee problem

6: Strategic balance even possible parity with India/keeping India out of our backyard.

7: Access to mineral and human resources

8: Successful union would earn Pakistan a greater say internationally

9: Removing hotbeds of extremist groups

10: Greater integration with Afghan and Central asian culture giving wider avenue of opportunities.

Loads more can be debated to establish that such an arrangement would make complete sense , and would ultimately be the answer not just Pakistan but the world is looking for right now.

Moral of the story

Moral of the story is , that Afghanistan unfortunately has lost two entire generations to brutal wars. They have lost their ability to self govern which they in time might be able to regain but not without further turmoil even a possible civil war after 2014 pullout.

Afghanistan needs help not just in peacemaking but also in administration. With a literacy rate of 35% it would take decades to rebuild the ability to self administration. This cooperative arrangement would offer what both countries and the world needs from this region without jeopardizing the sovereignty or security of Afghanistan , Pakistan and the world.

* For concerned citizens: Pakistan would have to bite the bullet if it ever comes to that , its a far less price to pay when compared to what we are paying or have paid already.

Regards: Aeronaut
For this Union to ever be established, we must not only take into account the Afghan factor, but also the Iranian factor and along with it the Indian factor.

Iran holds considerable influence within the Farsi speaking regions of Afghanistan, predominantly Western and north western Afghanistan, which is quite a big chunk. Knowing our close ties with the GCC countries, particularly Saudi Arabia, i don't think the Iranians would sit easy with any Pakistani attempts to forming a cooperative union with Afghanistan involving economic, military, and gov.t to gov.t strategic relations.

And India, via Iranian influence in Afghanistan, will try its utmost best to sabotage any attempts made towards the establishment of this Union.

In order for this Union to be made possible, we must first bring Iranians on board with this idea by assuring them that this Union in no way would pose as a threat to their National security/interests. We must put all hard line anti-Shia Islamist groups under a tight leash not to attack shia's or use Afghan/Pakistani territory against Iran and its interests as well as cut all support/funding from GCC for Islamist groups who's activities could undermine these plans.

Afghanistan doesn't have a central gov.t to decide its future, rather its the powerful neighbors (and invaders) of Afghanistan who determine its foreign policies. Thus it is very important for us to have Afghanistan's neighbors on board with this idea otherwise Afghanistan will end up being split into spheres of influence and on ethnic lines.
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