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Afghans Now Blaming Iran for Taliban Success in Farah Province


Mar 30, 2010
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What a rogue and failed nation we have at our western borders, a curse for the region, for them some one has to be blamed and in their case that someone is everyone they bordered. What piece of shit and scums these Afghanistan are.
Fun fact: Iran does not let Afghan refugees roam around Iran freely, they are mostly confined to refugee camps unlike Pakistan who gave them free will to go and squat on expensive real estates in Karachi. One of the reasons why ANP is big supporter of Afghans.
Its Saudi Riyal and US Dollars doing the talking...the first narrative of such was presented by Saudis.
How to educate Afghan people?

How to instill the quest for knowledge in Afghan people?

These should be in the 10 years of strategic plan for Pakistan or ISI.

May be then Pakistan will see a civilized neighbor at west.

Pakistan should run 100 NGOs in Afghan to uplift their social progress.
Let's just settle it: the entire world is responsible for all the troubles within Afghanistan excluding the Afghan people and Afghan government.

They won't stop there. They will start blaming the sun for providing light to the Taliban.
How to educate Afghan people?

How to instill the quest for knowledge in Afghan people?

These should be in the 10 years of strategic plan for Pakistan or ISI.

May be then Pakistan will see a civilized neighbor at west.

Pakistan should run 100 NGOs in Afghan to uplift their social progress.
that's not ISI's problem bro. ISI is there to protect Pakistan's interests, not play grandpa to the idiots to our west!
Afghanistan has treachery in it's blood this country knows nothing but hate today they are best friend of India but just few hundred year ago they were the worst barbarians attracted by it's wealth invading the indian cub-continent killing,ransacking indian cities ,looting and kidnapping indians as slaves.
It's quite possible. You guys act as though taliban,can execute and maintain their war efforts without external,help. It's not possible. Be objective.saying Pakistan,hasn't helped Taliban is like saying bin Laden wasn't killed in Pakistan.Iran,has helped the Taliban before,that's a fact.it.mightve been smallchelp or help to a fringe taliban,grp, but it still happened or is still happening. Its impossoble for Weak countries like Afghanistan to block external forces.
Why insult Afghan people? Its not their fault that they are occupied
How to educate Afghan people?

How to instill the quest for knowledge in Afghan people?

These should be in the 10 years of strategic plan for Pakistan or ISI.

May be then Pakistan will see a civilized neighbor at west.

Pakistan should run 100 NGOs in Afghan to uplift their social progress.
if they stop hating pakistan they will loose their identity, its a genetic trait
the whole nation is bred on this...they dont even accept pakistan as country..
so its useless to waste time
It's quite possible. You guys act as though taliban,can execute and maintain their war efforts without external,help. It's not possible. Be objective.saying Pakistan,hasn't helped Taliban is like saying bin Laden wasn't killed in Pakistan.Iran,has helped the Taliban before,that's a fact.it.mightve been smallchelp or help to a fringe taliban,grp, but it still happened or is still happening. Its impossoble for Weak countries like Afghanistan to block external forces.

iran has never helped the Taliban and almost got into an outright war with it for murdering Iranian diplomats before and supported the anti-Taliban northern alliance long before it was fashionable for westerners to. in fact iran and the US coordinated to capture herat from the Taliban.

the only reason we hear reports of Iranian and Taliban contacts are for much the same reasons American allies in the Persian gulf maintain relations with them. Iran is not stupid to think that some western ideologues can impose western liberalism on rural Afghanistan.

the Taliban are the native brush of a certain region. americans can sacrifice blood and treasure to keep it down temporarily but everyone knows the inevitable result of this except stubborn and proud American politicians/generals.

Iran knows its going to have to deal with the reality of a Taliban at some point and maintains limited contacts with them. the only way iran would ever help the Taliban would be in a scenario where isis has become relevant and is threatning to replace the Taliban.

secondly it is not inherently in irans interest to destabalize Afghanistan. this will mean an endless stream of millions of afghan refugees and enormous drug smuggling activities.

If iran wanted to help the Taliban The American forces would have definitely felt it (just like Iraq). Iran is perferctly happy to see the US chase its tale here, waste blood and treasure to prop up a stillborn government. while iran wants to kick the US out of the region on a long term basis. , a small temporary American presence in Afghanistan is not the end of the world either.

not big enough to be remotely a threat, and they will turn into outright hostages incase of an Iranian/American conflict where the gloves really come off.
Taliban storms major city in western Afghanistan
Provincial capital of Farah under attack by Taliban fighters who killed and wounded multiple Afghan troops.

17 hours ago

Taliban fighters attacked the western Afghan city of Farah from multiple directions in an ongoing battle to seize the provincial capital.

Attackers overran several security checkpoints in the city, and heavy fighting was under way on Tuesday, provincial official Fared Bakhtawer said. He said casualties were high but couldn't provide a precise number.

"Security checkpoints around the city have collapsed into the hands of the Taliban, causing high casualties among security forces," Bakhtawer said.

NATO said in a statement that A-10 fighter jets were circling Farah.

Farah borders Helmand province where the Taliban control multiple districts.

WATCH: Fears of more attacks in Afghanistan (2:28)

Samihullah Samim, a legislator from Farah, said parts of the city are under Taliban control, with heavy fighting just 300 metres from the governor's residence.

If the Taliban gain a foothold, then fighters from neighbouring provinces would flood into the city, he warned.

"If the security forces can't take control of the whole city by the end of the day, then it will be very difficult to take control of the city anytime soon," Samim said.

However, interior ministry spokesman Najib Danish downplayed the seriousness of the attack. He said at least six security forces were killed and 12 others, including the deputy provincial police chief, were wounded in the fighting.

He said commando units and other reinforcements had been deployed. "There is no danger of Farah city collapsing into the hands of Taliban," said Danish.

A Taliban spokesman, Zabihullah Mujahid, claimed responsibility for the attack, saying fighters came in from different directions and quickly overran multiple of checkpoints.

People living in Farah hid in their homes, leaving shops, government offices and schools closed for the time being, local media reported.

Tuesday's offensive "should not have taken government forces off guard", said military analyst and retired general Atiqullah Amarkhail.

"Even ordinary citizens were aware of the Taliban gradually taking over more areas and becoming a formidable force in the province," he said.

He accused the government and military leadership of "turning a blind eye" until the Taliban actually entered the city.

The Taliban have seized control of districts across the country, and Afghan troops and police nationwide have struggled to cope with unrelenting attacks in recent years.

The militia and Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) have carried out attacks in the Afghan capital, Kabul, killing scores of people in recent months.


Pencils and Bullets: Girls' Education in Afghanistan


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