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Afghanistan to sign its first strategic partnership agreement with India

so the poor afghanis think that india is sincere is helping them- and are too silly/ naive to see that involving another unrelated, unnecessary party will sink their country into further mess- the stage is set- After amrika- there will be Pakistanis and Indians leeching the Afghanistan.

There's no reason the Afghans need to follow the same policy as you guys.

Afghanistan is not Pakistan. Good ties with India does not mean bad ties with China. :)
That's because we don't want anyone fool us by telling 'Any attack on Afghanistan is attack on us'. We have relations for centuries with India when you did not existed; doesn't matter if it was a bad/good relation.

Firstly- the term india as a country came after 47- and we do exist after 47-
secondly- the century old relation ships with Hindustan were with Muslim emperors- which had some things in common- thats why i said your ancestors would be disappointed in you-

Good Luck with being in center of another century of struggle between two arch rivals-
There's no reason the Afghans need to follow the same policy as you guys.

Afghanistan is not Pakistan. Good ties with India does not mean bad ties with China. :)

Once a system is established, a working government- a country starts to move in a right progressive direction- then a country looks for some strategic partnerships some where else- until that time- the relations with its immediate neighbors are more important to attain that progressive state- the way i see it- Afghanistan is making a big mistake- the war of ego between us will not let this war laden ruined country anywhere-
Its about time we expell all the illegal afghanis in our country and do not bother if they have to starve and die in Afghanistan. They are a national security threat and ungrateful as well.
sir, i am pretty sure afghan leaders know which basket to put their eggs in and are not as naive and silly as you think they are 1... they did try pakistan... in return you guys slapped taliban on them .. there is saying in hindi "doodh ka jala chaaj be phook phook ke peeta hai" so trusting pakistan for stability in afghanistan will be doubtfull....

The afghan leaders if that much capable would have handled the situation much more better- the older gen experienced politicians are being specifically targeted and killed- and the new sold out cabinet is going to sink the country into further mess- Pakistan didn't gave them taliban- their people chose to be with them- we just supported the entity which held the power at that time-
Its about time we expell all the illegal afghanis in our country and do not bother if they have to starve and die in Afghanistan. They are a national security threat and ungrateful as well.
Withdeu respect no nation in the world exist or starves on other nation's blessing's afganistan is in the regeon & has survived to this day& will continue to do so & by theway we all know which nation want's other nation's blessing's all the time of its history:azn::D
Firstly- the term india as a country came after 47- and we do exist after 47-
secondly- the century old relation ships with Hindustan were with Muslim emperors- which had some things in common- thats why i said your ancestors would be disappointed in you-

Good Luck with being in center of another century of struggle between two arch rivals-

And what about ancient relationships with Mauryan ruler along with indo-greeks, Kushanas etc...etc..... Spread of Buddhism and all..... India existed from ancient times the name was given by europeans....... Who were before Christ and Muhammad...... So better educate yourself above your mullah books.
The afghan leaders if that much capable would have handled the situation much more better- the older gen experienced politicians are being specifically targeted and killed- and the new sold out cabinet is going to sink the country into further mess- Pakistan didn't gave them taliban- their people chose to be with them- we just supported the entity which held the power at that time-

Thats not what your then ISI chief claims... are you guys now trying to disown the taliban that you created in your madrasas... cmon .. you are not a pakistani politician ..hence you dont need to be in denial....

ISI and pakistani establishment trained armed indoctrined and provided logistics to taliban take over ... if you deny that .. you are just living in denial...
And what about ancient relationships with Mauryan ruler along with indo-greeks, Kushanas etc...etc..... Spread of Buddhism and all..... India existed from ancient times the name was given by europeans....... Who were before Christ and Muhammad...... So better educate yourself above your mullah books.
SIRJEE itna harsh mat ho becharon pey cuase there history starts from BIN Quasim
And what about ancient relationships with Mauryan ruler along with indo-greeks, Kushanas etc...etc..... Spread of Buddhism and all..... India existed from ancient times the name was given by europeans....... Who were before Christ and Muhammad...... So better educate yourself above your mullah books.

zoom zoom total ...:woot:
Once a system is established, a working government- a country starts to move in a right progressive direction- then a country looks for some strategic partnerships some where else- until that time- the relations with its immediate neighbors are more important to attain that progressive state- the way i see it- Afghanistan is making a big mistake- the war of ego between us will not let this war laden ruined country anywhere-

So basically you're saying that Afghanistan should restrict it's ties to it's immediate neighbour-hood and that would be: Pakistan-China-Iran. (The great alliance according to you I'm assuming). Tell us how Pakistan can be more helpful than India to Afghanistan in helping her "attain that progressive state"?

Cos' the way I see it, India is doing just that ("...progressive state") with help in infrastructure, security training etc. Vested interests or no vested interests...
I am all for giving Afghans money, developing their industries giving them education...hell am also alright with us opening family planning centres for them.....but please no boots on ground.
I am all for giving Afghans money, developing their industries giving them education...hell am also alright with us opening family planning centres for them.....but please no boots on ground.
That's exactly what INDIA is doing right now
I am all for giving Afghans money, developing their industries giving them education...hell am also alright with us opening family planning centres for them.....but please no boots on ground.

with the above also train their cadets in NDA and IMA... rebuild their airforce and station training personnel
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