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Afghanistan to sign its first strategic partnership agreement with India

Why are we letting this gentleman change the topic? He thinks Pakistan should decide what Afghanistan does and that Taliban is the legitimate ruler of Afghanistan. Let the little wanna be imperialist keep spitting in the wind.

Afghans have truly suffered so much due to geopolitics for decades, should be given all the help they need in reconstruction. Of course building institutions is not easy and takes decades, and as such international community must stay put and support the regime become functional.
The ISI supported Masood in Afghanistan against Dostum, if you remember Afghan history properly. Masood was one of the people in Peshawar who came up with the Mujahideen, & one of ISI's assets. There was never any proof that the ISI killed him, can you show me what that clear link is, just like the clear link b/w the Haqqanis & the ISI you were talking about, on which Obama himself says there is no clear links.

Your post # 57 is answered by post # 65.

LOL.... Ok hear what Massoud has to say about pakistan:

atleast his relative claim ISI killed em...

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Seems like Rabbani killing was plotted for this strategic partnership agreement.

Block their economical, civil help.
Close border for unknown time, no trade and convert all trade with CIS and other countries.
Send all refuges back to Afghanistan.

They didn't deserve brotherhood and good relations.

Let them live with this strategic partnership. :angry:
That's a great step towards prosperity of Afghanistan, there is an urgent need for such strategic agreements of Afghanistan with Iran, Pakistan and India before going with USA/UK.

Please tell where India comes into the equation?- and whats the importance if you are skipping borders like this- involve china- its a bigger regional player than india- from people like you- your ancestors would be really ashamed-
Please tell where India comes into the equation?- and whats the importance if you are skipping borders like this- involve china- its a bigger regional player than india- from people like you- your ancestors would be really ashamed-
well.. afghans main problem is taliban which roughly equates to ISI... who better to squeeze pakistan other than India... so thats why india comes into the equation ... aayi baat samajh mein ?
well.. afghans main problem is taliban which roughly equates to ISI... who better to squeeze pakistan other than India... so thats why india comes into the equation ... aayi baat samajh mein ?

so the poor afghanis think that india is sincere is helping them- and are too silly/ naive to see that involving another unrelated, unnecessary party will sink their country into further mess- the stage is set- After amrika- there will be Pakistanis and Indians leeching the Afghanistan.
Then why did you have the US/UK over in your country in the first place? Afghanistan is a landlocked country, & Pakistan & Iran have borders with Afghanistan, they (& rest of the countries bordering Afghanistan) should come first in strategic agreements, & everyone else later, for the stability of the region. If Afghanistan does not want the region to be stable, that's another issue.

Why did you Iraqis have the US/UK in the first place?

It seems you don't want the ME to be stable.
Please tell where India comes into the equation?- and whats the importance if you are skipping borders like this- involve china- its a bigger regional player than india- from people like you- your ancestors would be really ashamed-

That's because we don't want anyone fool us by telling 'Any attack on Afghanistan is attack on us'. We have relations for centuries with India when you did not existed; doesn't matter if it was a bad/good relation.
so the poor afghanis think that india is sincere is helping them- and are too silly/ naive to see that involving another unrelated, unnecessary party will sink their country into further mess- the stage is set- After amrika- there will be Pakistanis and Indians leeching the Afghanistan.

sir, i am pretty sure afghan leaders know which basket to put their eggs in and are not as naive and silly as you think they are 1... they did try pakistan... in return you guys slapped taliban on them .. there is saying in hindi "doodh ka jala chaaj be phook phook ke peeta hai" so trusting pakistan for stability in afghanistan will be doubtfull....
Good to hear. Better to see neighbours co-operating instead of Americans/ Brits etc. :cheers:

That's what I said, disunity in this region is the main problem. We should leave our personal beliefs and work for the safety and prosperity of this region otherwise we will be eaten one by one, mark my words.
Afghanistan to sign its first strategic partnership agreement with IndiAfghanistan to sign its first strategic partnership agreement with India

it is not new for us we feed poor hungry afghans from 1979
but they like India and agents of India
tell me why they are making relations with India when they have no boarder.
i will see this partnership after 2014 when USA will leave Afghanistan
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