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Afghanistan says Pak using terrorists as violent proxies -thehindu


Jan 20, 2013
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H.E. Mahmoud Saikal is a though orator -- the Pakistanis should be glad that Maleeha Lodhi is holding down the Pakistani fort.

Nevertheless -- pretty strong words -- story here, excerpts below, enjoy:

UNITED NATIONS: Calling 2015 the bloodiest year since 2001, Afghanistan has lashed out against Pakistan accusing it of unleashing terrorists as "violent proxies" because of its anxiety over Kabul's relations with India.

"External support to the Taliban and other terrorist groups is primarily motivated by regional rivalry, with excessive and unnecessary anxiety and suspicion of one state over its rival's otherwise ordinary relations with Afghanistan," Kabul's Permanent Representative Mahmoud Saikal told the UN General Assembly Monday during a debate on the situation in his country.

"This has resulted in an unsavory policy of using violent proxies in pursuit of political objectives, which has created a significant trust deficit between Pakistan and Afghanistan and provides oxygen for terror to breathe," he added.

The hard-hitting speech diplomatically avoided directly mentioning India, but the phrasing, "suspicion of one state over its rival's otherwise ordinary relations with Afghanistan," left no doubt that it was a reference to India-Afghanistan ties.


Amid rising tensions between the two neighbors, Pakistan's Permanent Representative Maleeha Lodhi said it was "important for the anti-Pakistan rhetoric from Kabul to cease".

Saikal, who took over as Afghanistan's Permanent Representative in October, recalled short-lived capture of Kunduz by terrorists managed by "foreign orchestrators".

He said, "We have come under high levels of attacks from foreign-based Taliban. including the Haqqani network, Al-Qaida, ISIS (Daeish), Hekmatyar's faction, and other extremist groups." These were facilitated by Pakistan allowing international terrorists to enter Afghanistan and by Islamabad's failure to coordinate counter-terrorism actions with Kabul, he added.

In addition to the terrorist attacks, Saikal said, Afghanistan also had to contend with regular attacks by Pakistani security forces across the Durand Line, a disputed border demarcation. "As a result of heavy artillery shelling in the eastern provinces, many civilian and border police lives have been lost, and our citizens live in fear," he said.

Although Afghanistan has raised with Pakistan the attacks carried out "in violation of our sovereignty and territorial integrity", he said "no action has been taken to rectify the situation".


"Soon it was realized that we were negotiating with the representatives of a leader who had died two years earlier in a hospital in Karachi," Saikal said, still smarting from the deceit. "So, as you can see, there has been a lack of reciprocity to our trust building initiatives."
Welll, for Pakistan .. Be it Inside or Outside....
Boya Ped babool Ka to AAam kaha Se Khai ?


Pakistani Source : "What you sow , so shall you reap"
India totally supports Afghanistan and afghan people in there fight against proxy war unleashed on them from its eastern naighbour who is also has history in creating trouble for us now we can unite aginst the common troublemaker and get world wide support to put sanctions against those who support & promote terrorism as a state policy to influence its neighbours ....indian afghan bhai bhai :angel:
Why cannot Afghanistan accept the decision of the Pashtuns of the then British Indian Frontier province of their decision to join Pakistan?
Why cannot Afghanistan accept the decision of the Pashtuns of the then British Indian Frontier province of their decision to join Pakistan?

Why can't you just keep your hands off them? Didn't you yourself say Afghans will never accept subjugation, they screwed USSR and so on? Besides, what exactly are you gonna give them as a state? Pak's track record and current state speaks plently of a state you need to keep off at all costs.
Why cannot Afghanistan accept the decision of the Pashtuns of the then British Indian Frontier province of their decision to join Pakistan?
and then you think as to why afghans hate pakistan and pakistanies even after pakistani obsession like this .... lolzzz jo hai wo to sambhal nahi araha and you want to make afghanistan as a new province of pakistan :lol:
Afghanistan is a failed state, it has miserably failed to stamp its authority beyond Kabul, GOA doesnt control most of the territories held by the Talis, Afghanistan needs to grow up and stop acting like a little schoolboy, Pakistan has cleared most of the areas that were held by the Tali's and they ran away with their tails to Afghanistan. So its Afghanistans responsibility to go after them rather than throwing bogus accusations to hide their own incompetence that is plaguing Afghanistan.
Afghanistan is a failed state, it has miserably failed to stamp its authority beyond Kabul, GOA doesnt control most of the territories held by the Talis, Afghanistan needs to grow up and stop acting like a little schoolboy, Pakistan has cleared most of the areas that were held by the Tali's and they ran away with their tails to Afghanistan. So its Afghanistans responsibility to go after them rather than throwing bogus accusations to hide their own incompetence that is plaguing Afghanistan.
even if you firget what is afghanistan today hard fact is there wont be any peace in pakistan if there is anarchy and keos in afghanistan .... look at it from any point of view result will be same
and then you think as to why afghans hate pakistan and pakistanies even after pakistani obsession like this .... lolzzz jo hai wo to sambhal nahi araha and you want to make afghanistan as a new province of pakistan :lol:
hell they even call Punjabi's and Sindhi Muslims "Hindi" :lol:
Why can't you just keep your hands off them? Didn't you yourself say Afghans will never accept subjugation, they screwed USSR and so on? Besides, what exactly are you gonna give them as a state? Pak's track record and current state speaks plently of a state you need to keep off at all costs.
I am not suggesting subjugation. You misunderstand me. The Pashtuns of what was eastern Afghanistan were and are happy being part of Pakistan. It is not as if the Kashmiris, Punjabis and Sindhis came in and occupied KPK and stole the land from the natives.
Sometimes it is made out to be like that.
Afghans have been wet dreaming of Pakistani Pushtuns joining them but alas it failed.:lol:
Well in an ideal situation it would have been better to have an agreement between Afghanistan and Pakistan regarding Pakistani Pashtuns and Afghan Pashtuns in travelling across the border.
I still believe in Ghani, and that he'll do the right thing. Words and actions are two different things, when coming out of Afghanistan. Words suggest that Pakistan and Afghanistan are enemies, but actions show that Afghanistan continues to try and take the olive branch that Pakistan has offered, despite Afghanistan's internal enemies.

India was never a real or serious player in Afghanistan, no matter how much money it threw at them. India has already lost, and all it can do is damage control.
I still believe in Ghani, and that he'll do the right thing. Words and actions are two different things, when coming out of Afghanistan. Words suggest that Pakistan and Afghanistan are enemies, but actions show that Afghanistan continues to try and take the olive branch that Pakistan has offered, despite Afghanistan's internal enemies.

India was never a real or serious player in Afghanistan, no matter how much money it threw at them. India has already lost, and all it can do is damage control.

I don't get this narrative?..how exactly has India lost?, or how exactly has the US lost in Afghanistan?.

What was India's stated objective in Afghanistan that failed to call it a "lost" cause?.

From my POV..India had a development agenda in Afghanistan, it also wanted to see to it that the taliban do not take over Afghanistan again.
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