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Afghanistan Says May Seek India Military Assistance If Taliban Talks Fail

India had her army deployed in Sri Lanka and Maldives for some time in the past..... But they're a maritime countries close to India so it was possible....
And you know what happened when you placed your forces in srilanka
Ghani regime expecting Indian Army to what? Like they didn't leave during night as seen US withdrawal? I think Afghanis have mistaken Bollywood Indian Army with real time. By the way, India is only good with operating proxies and hired guns like NDS/ANA. Pawns shouldn't expect much from Chanakya on the ground. However, some of people may be waiting eagerly to welcome Indian Army. Time for 56" to show some guts and prove the sena worthy of fraandship.
India is going to take this chance! Very likely. Else envoy would never say they asked for help from India to the press in first place, although for now disguised within words of technical help. Well SF is a sort of technical help if u ask me.

If not mistaken, the same story surfaced years ago when India had lal the backing of US/NATO in Afghanistan but nothing as of yet except those suspicious embassies and counsel general.
India is going to take this chance! Very likely. Else envoy would never say they asked for help from India to the press in first place, although for now disguised within words of technical help. Well SF is a sort of technical help if u ask me.

If not mistaken, the same story surfaced years ago when India had lal the backing of US/NATO in Afghanistan but nothing as of yet except those suspicious embassies and counsel general.
Well credit is where it is due

Taliban have put nearly 2 decades when it came to protecting their homeland unlike some that did not even put 2 weeks when it came to protecting their homeland :)

It just took 3 hours or less on 27th Feb, 2019 to see the mighty sena grounding and no response till date. Sya thanks to mukti bahini and today TTP for India, to comment at least. Speaking of which, Afghanis didn't even think how India mighty force works or fight through other's shoulders.
Only Indian soldiers on the ground can save Afghans, they have unparalleled anti-atankwad experience that Afghans are craving right now. Hindus are known through out history to be loyal to their friends if they leave Afghans at this difficult time, they will be ruining the great name of Shri Chandargupt Moria.
👏 Well Done.
Now we are talking. We were waiting for that, for "real Supa Powa" to enter the fray and defeat the Taliban.
Assert themselves, brave Indian soldiers. :sarcastic:👏

I say, this would be the first step towards "Akhand Bharat".

Come on Indians what are you waiting for!!
👏 Well Done.
Now we are talking. We were waiting for that, for "real Supa Powa" to enter the fray and defeat the Taliban.
Assert themselves, brave Indian soldiers. :sarcastic:👏

I say, this would be the first step towards "Akhand Bharat".

Come on Indians what are you waiting for!!
indians are waiting for their diarrhea to finish...
india is much more powerful and advanced than america. india can easily defeat the taliban. The future of the world is indianism.
Thats not the point! Optics is good both ways for india! If India actively helps Kabul survive till a deal a brokered, india will forever claim we did what superpowers couldn't, if not , evacuate with top tear and claim legitimate Afghan govt was helped by India when everyone else didn't. Host them with like dalai lama and keep the pot( keep issue alive) boiling forever.
Optics is the biggest focus point of present govt!
"Should we not get to a stage in the peace process with the Taliban, then maybe a time (will come) where we would be seeking India's military assistance, more military assistance in the years ahead," Farid Mamundzay, Afghanistan's Ambassador to India, told NDTV.

"We are not seeking India's assistance with sending troops to Afghanistan. Their footprint in Afghanistan to fight our war would not be needed at this stage," he clarified.

Do the honourable thing for your own country and leave instead of pushing the Afghanistan into the civil war for staying in power. India so called supa power possess power in farting only and their assistance will not be able to save you either. 20 years of real super power the US and their constant military assistance wasn't any good for Afghanistan so token Indian assistance won't go far. Traitors in Afghanistan had a good time till US was their now their days are numbered and they are still hoping.
Indian boots on the ground are most welcome and am wondering why fascist Modi is not entertaining the idea. Is India doesn't cares about his good old friend and what happened to the slogan we are with the Afghanistan.
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