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Afghanistan Says May Seek India Military Assistance If Taliban Talks Fail

Man the gov't commiting suicide... Saying this only means one thing... That PK will blitz Afghanistan there is zero chance in this fuking earth PAKISTAN allows atleast not in this lifetime...
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Wake me up when Indian troops are deployed in Kabul.

Frankly, India is much too chickenshit to make any move other than printing self-flattering news articles. India is famous for betraying Najib and refusing to allow him to enter Indian embassy in his last moments. I don't think Ghani Baba and Saleh will get anything better.
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Indians are cowards as a nation, would never do that.

On the other hand Its the only chance in its entire history for India to have her soldiers outside Indian territory.

India had her army deployed in Sri Lanka and Maldives for some time in the past..... But they're a maritime countries close to India so it was possible....
India is going to take this chance! Very likely. Else envoy would never say they asked for help from India to the press in first place, although for now disguised within words of technical help. Well SF is a sort of technical help if u ask me.
Small power?? Aren't you a supa powa since 2012??

Afghanistan is a landlocked country with countries like Pakistan and Iran between..... In such scenerio yes India is too weak to do anything military in Afghanistan without full support from Iran.... Even if Iran permits Distance is also high making military presence extremely costly there.....

Only country like USA can afford such things..... They forced transit on Pakistan and could afford to maintain military presence for so many years..... This is called a big power.....

India and for that matter even china is too weak to do this at this point of time....
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