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Afghanistan may have 1 trillion dollar minerals potential

Uncle will not let that happen. :lol: While NATO forces are their and India's effort it will be impossible for countries like China to get any benefit from Afghanistan. Mainly NATO countries followed by Russia and India will benefit from it. Forget China.

We'll see about that. Do you think China will ever let india have a piece of the pie that they worked so hard for? Never.

And U.S and NATO countries do not care about india or india's interest they just care about their own interests.

india would be the last country to get anything from Afghanistan. india is in the core of south asia and it shall stay in that core forever.

Try digging for minerals in Bhutan maybe you'll get something from there :rofl:
^^^^ Come on guys don't u read the articles am posting China has already started mining in Afghanistan.

And NATO has nothing to do with it :cheesy: Its pure business.
We'll see about that. Do you think China will ever let india have a piece of the pie that they worked so hard for? Never.

And U.S and NATO countries do not care about india or india's interest they just care about their own interests.

india would be the last country to get anything from Afghanistan. india is in the core of south asia and it shall stay in that core forever.

Try digging for minerals in Bhutan maybe you'll get something from there :rofl:

So much for anti India sentiments :wave:
Updated at: 0838 PST, Monday, June 14, 2010
WASHINGTON: US geologists have discovered nearly one trillion dollars' worth of untapped mineral deposits in Afghanistan, including vast reserves of copper and lithium, the New York Times reported Monday.

The deposits, which also include huge veins of iron, gold, niobium and cobalt, are enough to turn the battle-scarred country into one of the world's leading mining exporters, senior US government officials told the Times.

Afghanistan's potential lithium deposits as large of those of Bolivia, which currently has the world's largest known lithium reserves, the Times said.

Lithium is a key mineral used in rechargeable batteries, as well as everything from cell phones and laptops to electric cars.

Afghanistan has so much of it that it could become the "Saudi Arabia of lithium," according to an internal Pentagon memo quoted by the newspaper.

The iron and copper deposits are large enough to make Afghanistan one of the world's top producers, US officials said.

"There is stunning potential here," General David Petraeus, head of the US Central Command, told the newspaper. "There are a lot of ifs, of course, but I think potentially it is hugely significant."

"This will become the backbone of the Afghan economy," Jalil Jumriany, an adviser to the Afghan minister of mines, told the Times.

A small team of US geologists and Pentagon officials uncovered the mineral wealth with help from charts and data collected by Soviet mining experts during the Soviet Union's occupation of Afghanistan in the 1980s.

Afghan geologists took the charts home to protect them during the chaos that followed the Soviet withdrawal, and produced them again in 2001 with the fall of the Taliban, the Times said.

"There were maps, but the development did not take place, because you had 30 to 35 years of war," Ahmad Hujabre, an Afghan engineer who worked for the Ministry of Mines in the 1970s, told the Times.

President Hamid Karzai was recently briefed on the finding, US officials told the newspaper.

Source: Huge mineral riches found in Afghanistan - GEO.tv
unfortnately for India China has very deep pockets.

from the American perspective they are would be foolish to try to horde everything to themselves. The last thing the US want to do is to make it look like they in a muslim country for its natural resources.
Not entirely true but it all depends on the two Chinese companies coz ultimately there should be development of common afghan people otherwise there will be growing tensions btw them and the company leading to a feeling of being exploited.

Hope these firms use a lot of local population in mining. Instead of bringing in highly skilled employees from China.

though the idea is practical but will have a lot of negative impacts.

the majority of the common afghan just like their counterparts will barely see a dime. Whether its the Chinese, Europeans, Americans...whey will enrich the elite to get to the oil and other resources.

the only difference is that Europeans and American claim the higher moral ground.
中国万岁-ProsperThroughCo-op;929965 said:
As long as the U.S. don't mine, I wish that either China, India or Pakistan do the mining. I think it's such a waste to let a country thousands of miles away to do the mining, when neighbouring countries can do it cheaper and better.

Well India is not Afghanistan's neighbour. India and Afghanistan share no border. Pakistan is Afghanistan's neighbour but has no interest in Afghanistan's natural resources. Pakistan has many of its own natural resources in its southern provinces that still remains untapped to this day.

So China should do the mining in Afghanistan :china:
中国万岁-ProsperThroughCo-op;929965 said:
As long as the U.S. don't mine, I wish that either China, India or Pakistan do the mining. I think it's such a waste to let a country thousands of miles away to do the mining, when neighbouring countries can do it cheaper and better.

Should be our afghan brothers
with the help of the experience of many countries experts

China is taking too much of our economies
Let's be careful
People already knew about minerals/resources in Afghanistna, but this report i think says the country has than previiousely thought. Afghanistan can can never take advantage of those minerals on its own as techonology/experts/funding etc is non existent there. they have to have a reliable country or least worst one to derive it for them and both can share it. i have heard from some local people that they are not happy the way the chineese operate, especially the coper in logar and even they are too slow with road construction(they have taken the contracts) as well as dont give a chance to the local manpower.
Should be our afghan brothers
with the help of the experience of many countries experts

China is taking too much of our economies
Let's be careful

I am not sure if you know or not, Iran is builing a new railway line from Iran to the central asian countries, it has already been completed from iran to herat. that will hugely boost the economy for all the neighbouring countires especially afghanistan. by the way, another road has already been built in the west of the country by India connecting iran to afghanistna. i couldnt find the actual link to post it here.
We'll see about that. Do you think China will ever let india have a piece of the pie that they worked so hard for? Never.
Again China is this and China is that? You can't stop imagining about China? Come to reality. Its only starting we can see which country has more power in Afghanistan.
And U.S and NATO countries do not care about india or india's interest they just care about their own interests.
Just like any other country. China and India also think about their interests not yours.

india would be the last country to get anything from Afghanistan. india is in the core of south asia and it shall stay in that core forever.
We can see that. India is the nucleus of this region but we have shown that we are present in Afghanistan and other countries as well. :lol:

Try digging for minerals in Bhutan maybe you'll get something from there :rofl:
We are already generating hydro electric power from Bhutan thats what they can give us and giving. Let see what Afghanistan can contribute. :woot:
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I am not sure if you know or not, Iran is builing a new railway line from Iran to the central asian countries, it has already been completed from iran to herat. that will hugely boost the economy for all the neighbouring countires especially afghanistan. by the way, another road has already been built in the west of the country by India connecting iran to afghanistna. i couldnt find the actual link to post it here.

Its called Zaranj-Delaram road.
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