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Afghanistan may have 1 trillion dollar minerals potential

Afghan mineral wealth may be greater: $3 trillion

By Deb Riechmann, The Associated Press
KABUL - An Afghan mining official says the untapped minerals in the war-torn country are worth at least $3 trillion — triple a U.S. estimate.

Minister of Mines Wahidullah Shahrani said Thursday he's going to Britian next week to discuss how to attract foreign investors to mine one of the world's largest iron ore deposits in Bamiyan province. The relatively safe area is in the heart of the war-torn nation.

The U.S. Department of Defence earlier said Afghanistan's reserves of iron, copper, cobalt, gold and other prized minerals could be worth $1 trillion. Shahrani says that's conservative.

The ministry has been working with international partners to assess Afghanistan's mineral reserves and improve the expertise of Afghan geologists.

Afghan mineral wealth may be greater: $3 trillion - Yahoo! Canada News
To us the 9/11 is caused by Christian, Jewish extremists who had killed thousands of Palestinians, who have killed hundreds in Kwait, Iraq War by instigating it. As they say every action has a reaction.'

The Crusade against Muslims have entered generations already

Oh dont tell me that US is only modern world and the entire Muslim block is backward.

China/Sweden and many other countries are as modern as anyone can be so why then Muslims are not jealous of them ??

And dont tell me that in US women have all rights and i am posting my comments here while sitting in caves

David Letterman, saying that people from the Middle East felt anger because they "see themselves as the world's losers. They would never admit that. They see us. We have everything. We win everything. They see themselves and think, 'We should be a great people but we're not'. It drives them batty. They hate us for who and what we are." Maybe you dont see China and Sweden as winners.

And if you are in a cave where are plugging in your computer.
Keep dreaming guys.. for my entire life I been hearing that Africa is rich in mineral resources too... :coffee:
"Politics is war without bloodshed while war is politics with bloodshed."
Mao Tse-Tung

“When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace.”
Jimi Hendrix

“Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want to test a man's character, give him power.”
Abraham Lincoln

“The attempt to combine wisdom and power has only rarely been successful and then only for a short while”
Albert Einstein

Revenge-- The U.S. or any other nation has the right to seek revenge but there is a difference between revenge and ruthlessness. As soon as NATO, ISAF and large numbers of the U.S. troops went in, it was visible to the blind that the intentions of the policy makers were different than strictly going after Al Qaeda. I do not buy your theory about the failure of special forces. Even if the special forces failed, it would not have taken eight years to find Osama Bin Laden and still they are not successful. The U.S intended to stay long in this region and I have said this many times; the U.S. is not withdrawing from Afghanistan in the near future. The U.S took revenge of three thousand people killed on 9/11 but Iraqis and Afghans will seek revenge from the U.S. of millions of lives lost. The children, women, boys, men everyone of every age group died. What about that?
Death is like a magnet which attracts you. Similarly, the U.S. is going closer; day by day and month by month. Isn't it interesting to see the demise of several empires and super powers in last two hundred years? French, British, Ottoman, German, Soviet, Japan and now the U.S.
Oh, we are still trying to live in peace!


Saad, I am only talking about that group of special forces who's leader interviewed on Larry king live---he was at the mouth of the valley leading into tora bora from where OBL was escaping----they were about 30--50 special forces troops waiting for air support----.

The air support never showed up----what I am saying is that that group should have gone after OBL----laid their lives in defianc e to the orders and put the people incharge to shame---. If revenge was so big on their minds---that was the time to make the run---if they would have died---at least they would have died like men with honor----.

Now---for the rest of their lives---they will rue the moment of their failure.
Not just $1tn, Afghan ores worth $3tn, says minister

KABUL: Afghanistan’s untapped mineral wealth is worth at least $3 trillion — triple a US estimate, according to the government’s top mining official, who is going to Britain next week to attract investors to mine one of the world’s largest iron ore deposits in the war-torn nation.

Geologists have known for decades that Afghanistan has vast deposits of iron, copper, cobalt, gold and other prized minerals, but a US department of defense briefing this week put a startling, nearly $1 trillion price tag on the reserves. minister of mines Wahidullah Shahrani said on Thursday that he’s seen geological assessments and industry estimates that the minerals are worth at least $3 trillion.

“Afghanistan has huge untapped natural energy and mineral resources which have enormous potential for our economic development,” Shahrani said. “Ensuring that this is done in the most transparent and efficient way while delivering the greatest value to the country is a priority of the government.”

Shahrani said mineral and hydrocarbon laws have been updated to meet international standards and efforts are being made to prevent possible corruption in the awarding of contracts.
Not just $1tn, Afghan ores worth $3tn, says minister

KABUL: Afghanistan’s untapped mineral wealth is worth at least $3 trillion — triple a US estimate, according to the government’s top mining official, who is going to Britain next week to attract investors to mine one of the world’s largest iron ore deposits in the war-torn nation.

It was $1 trillion to start and now $3 trillion and next month may be $9 trillion as it has tripled in one week.

Keep dreaming guys.. for my entire life I been hearing that Africa is rich in mineral resources too... :coffee:

Good point.
TOKYO, June 18, 2010 (AFP) - Afghan President Hamid Karzai launched a sales pitch on Friday for his war-torn country's rich mineral resources, calling for major aid donor Japan to invest in mines.

Karzai also said he was planning to meet with representatives of Japan's major trading house Mitsubishi Corp. later in the day to discuss possible future exploitation of the deposits.

Afghanistan's mining minister said Thursday that mineral deposits in his country could be worth up to three trillion dollars, tripling a US estimate which emerged earlier this week.

The results of the US geological survey said Afghanistan had huge reserves of lithium, iron, copper, gold, mercury, cobalt and other minerals potentially worth nearly one trillion dollars.

"So the prospects of Afghanistan is massively great and good," Karzai said. "Whereas Saudi Arabia is the oil capital of the world, Afghanistan will be the lithium capital of the world.

"And Japan is welcome to participate in the lithium exploration in Afghanistan," he said of the material used in batteries for a range of electronic devices.

"Morally, Afghanistan should give access as a priority to those countries that have helped Afghanistan massively in the past few years," he said on the latest day of a visit to Afghanistan's biggest donor after the United States.

Japan last year pledged up to five billion dollars in aid by 2013 to rebuild the impoverished country, where US-led and then multinational forces have been battling Taliban insurgents since late 2001.

Karzai -- on his first visit to Tokyo since he started his second term in November after an election widely criticised for vote-rigging -- thanked new Prime Minister Naoto Kan on Thursday for Japan's support.

Kan however reminded Karzai of the need for better governance in his corruption-riddled nation, saying the aid must "be used to the benefit of the Afghan people and to achieve global peace."

Asked how to rebuild security in Afghanistan, Karzai said he is working to build up "Afghan forces, Afghan police and continue to fight extremism."

He also said another approach was engaging "grassroots Taliban" fighters who are not hardcore members of extremist groups, to encourage them to lay down their arms and return to civil society.
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