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Afghanistan has optional routes if enemies think to block trade routes: President Ashraf Ghani

Now Islamic Republic of Afghanistan will go for air cargo trade with Republic of India till this 130 kms border which Republic of India is having with Islamic Republic of Afghanistan dispute is being solved.

distance from Kabul to delhi is about 1000 km. but as you said you have to bypass Pakistan now you have to travel almost 5000 km to reach Kabul from delhi...

and at the end no one will buy that expensive things...
The blockade only means one thing, India, Iran and China can provide the essentials to Afghanistan.

Yes if u want we can start the blockade again so that india,china and iran can provide the essentials
if it was that easy then Afghanistan wouldn't be whinnying this much
also how are they trade with china ???
at some time in Past we also had border dispute with People's Republic of China, but we resolved that dispute.

before 1965 war Between Pakistan and India, Pakistani folks were all set to made peace and harmony with india and even they were also ready to made joint strategy against China for the sake of peace and harmony.

All are aware who provided weapons to Pakistan in 1965 war.

Pakistan began a dangerous liaison with China. On March 2 1963, (between the 3rd and 4th round of Indo-Pakistani talks), Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto and Chen Yi signed an agreement in Beijing graciously offering more than 5,000 sq km of Kashmir territory to China.

since 1964, Pakistan has been the only nation to which China has sold arms every single year—and China is the only nation from which Pakistan has bought arms every single year.

the Pakistan-China collaboration in 1965 against India provided the template for the current collusion against New Delhi.

Nehru was on full drive to made akhand bharat and started invading Hyderabad Deccan, Goa, Tibet, Kashmir.

Invading Hyderabad Deccan?? :tsk::tsk:

People of Nizam State were against the partition on the basis of religion and Osman Ali Khan was governor



Islamic Republic of Afghanistan was the only country which refuses to accept Pakistan as a independent Islamic Republic.

Islamic Republic of Afghanistan recognize Durand Line before Partition and after Partition they refuse to accept Durand Line..

Islamic Republic of Afghanistan and Republic of India both were against the partition on the basis of religion.

Pakistan should act like a big brother and give sea access to afghans ! They are poor people !

Republic of India and Islamic Republic of Afghanistan have always saw who have dishearted whom.

Go head use that route we don't give damn

we are giving Indian opportunity pick that quick but there is No route Over Pakistan otherwise we will shot down :sniper:

Shooting down any Afghan or Indian transport plane would means open war, which even Pakistan Military is aware of .

distance from Kabul to delhi is about 1000 km. but as you said you have to bypass Pakistan now you have to travel almost 5000 km to reach Kabul from delhi...

and at the end no one will buy that expensive things...

Pakistan is having border disputes with 2 SAARC members states , Republic of India and Islamic Republic of Afghanistan and on that Republic of Bangladesh even is having troubled past beause of pakistan establishment.

Pakistan Establishment has already imposed trade restrictions on Afghan products for entering Indian Markets where as Pakistan Establishment wants just one way trade from Republic of India into Afghanistan.

Now Islamic Republic of Afghanistan will go for air cargo trade with Republic of India till this 130 kms border which Republic of India is having with Islamic Republic of Afghanistan dispute is being solved.

Correction, Pakistan has a border dispute with India Only. Durand line an international border, which is accepted by everyone apart from the Afghans. Afghans negate this line , by claiming that since it formed because of an agreement between the British Monarchy and the afghan king , the agreement has expired.

Now thats the tricky part , if Indians support the afghan claim then their own border with China (Simla accord), which was also carved out by the british comes into question.

"ICJ maintains the principle of uti possidetis juris: bilateral pacts defining international borders with or between colonial powers are passed on to successor independent states"

It would open up a pandoras box throughout the world. So , rest assured no one will back the Afghan claim in the foreseeable future.
All are aware who provided weapons to Pakistan in 1965 war.

Pakistan began a dangerous liaison with China. On March 2 1963, (between the 3rd and 4th round of Indo-Pakistani talks), Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto and Chen Yi signed an agreement in Beijing graciously offering more than 5,000 sq km of Kashmir territory to China.

since 1964, Pakistan has been the only nation to which China has sold arms every single year—and China is the only nation from which Pakistan has bought arms every single year.

the Pakistan-China collaboration in 1965 against India provided the template for the current collusion against New Delhi.

Invading Hyderabad Deccan?? :tsk::tsk:

People of Nizam State were against the partition on the basis of religion and Osman Ali Khan was governor
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Islamic Republic of Afghanistan and Republic of India both were against the partition on the basis of religion.

Republic of India and Islamic Republic of Afghanistan have always saw who have dishearted whom.

Shooting down any Afghan or Indian transport plane would means open war, which even Pakistan Military is aware of .

So what , you guys want it you should understand territory OF Pakistan where you and your country's stuff can't come without permission. get it
he call us enemy, now where is our politicain sense? close the border for ever. Ashraf Ghani wants to do it we should listen to him. close the border now
Correction, Pakistan has a border dispute with India Only. Durand line an international border, which is accepted by everyone apart from the Afghans. Afghans negate this line , by claiming that since it formed because of an agreement between the British Monarchy and the afghan king , the agreement has expired.

Now thats the tricky part , if Indians support the afghan claim then their own border with China (Simla accord), which was also carved out by the british comes into question.

"ICJ maintains the principle of uti possidetis juris: bilateral pacts defining international borders with or between colonial powers are passed on to successor independent states"

It would open up a pandoras box throughout the world. So , rest assured no one will back the Afghan claim in the foreseeable future.


When Pakistan came into being in 1947, they received it this way, so we are not blaming them but Durand Line is a blow which no Afghan can ever forget. We do not accept this border but will not fight over this issue,” Karzai said during an interview in June.

Earlier Karzai said the Pakistani leadership wanted recognition of Durand Line during his tenure in a bid to improve ties between the two nations.

The porous Durand Line has also been a source of tension between Afghanistan and Pakistan where numeous cross-border attacks have been carried out during months and years.

Militants and terrorist groups are actively operating along the Durand Line and frequently carry out insurgency activities.


Actually this border dispute is having its roots to colonization.


Britain occupied Afghanistan in the second Anglo-Afghan (1878) war sparked by the coercive and intractable arrival of the Russian delegation to Kabul. Afghanistan became a ‘protectorate’ country of the British India following the ‘Gandamak Treaty’ in 1879. Afghanistan as a ‘buffer state’ between the ‘great game’ players came under the Russian attack and annexed Panjdeh, the Northwest part of Afghanistan in 1885. To block further expansion of the Russia, British India first demarcated northern boundaries of Afghanistan with Russia in 1887 and later signed the Durand Line (brokered by the British foreign secretary Mortimer Durand and Amir – Leader – Abdul Rahman of Afghanistan), which delineated the south, southeast and east borders of Afghanistan in 1893.

The Durand Line, which splits Pashtuns tribe, ignited local people to attack and burn the British Boundary Commission in Wana, today’s North Waziristan of Pakistan in 1894 and the unrest spread across the Durand Land or ‘Pashtun-belt’ in 1897 (Northwest Pakistan and Southeast Afghanistan) and Britain deployed 60,000 troops to suppress the turbulence, (Bijan Omrani 2009) & (Waziri 2012). The successor of Abdul Rahman – his son – Amir Habibullah renewed the Durand Line agreement in 1905. Following the war for liberation in 1919, the British India recognized the independency of Afghanistan in an agreement, where Amanallah Khan – later the King – agreed upon his father’s (Habibullah) agreement of 1905.

During the India Partition (1947), Afghan government expressed her concern about the Durand Line first to the U.K. (Ali 1990)[1] and later cast a negative vote when Pakistan was joining U.N. membership in 1948 (Wakman 1985)[2]. Two years later after the establishment of the Pakistan (July 1949) the Afghan parliament unanimously passed a resolution nullifying the covenants signed by Afghanistan and British India and declared the Durand Line a ‘bogus and fictitious’ border (Saqeem 2008)[3]. Pakistan that claims as a successor of the British India has been dominating the Durand Line since 1947 and sees the ‘frontier’ as de jure border (Durrani 2010)[4].

This paper tries to examine mainly the legal perspective of the Durand Line and also discussing whether Pakistan was/is the legitimate inheritor – successor state – of the British India. But prior to these two issues, it briefly touches upon the Gandamak agreement (1879).

Pakistan assumes herself as a successor of the British India. This succession seems very open to be questioned. Before the occupation of the subcontinent of India by the Britain, Pakistan did not exist. In other words, the U.K. occupied the India not a Pakistan. After the occupation in 1947, India automatically become the United Nations member (She did not apply for a UN membership), while Pakistan needed to apply, and Afghanistan cast a negative vote followed by Parliament nullification in 1949 of all treaties signed between Afghanistan and the British India. Pakistan was created as a new country on 14th of August 1947. If Pakistan, as she argues, is an original

Since 1893 up to date (120 years), eighteen different governments have ruled Afghanistan except the first 4, the rest have not recognized the Durand Line and the later became harsher than the previous ones regarding the agreement.

So what , you guys want it you should understand territory OF Pakistan where you and your country's stuff can't come without permission. get it

First thing , border dispute is there and on that Pakistan cant stop air corridor between Republic of India and Islamic Republic of Afghanistan.

he call us enemy, now where is our politicain sense? close the border for ever. Ashraf Ghani wants to do it we should listen to him. close the border now

Trade is already closed that's why air corridor option is being opened.
The Government that only controls Kabul claiming for optional routes however, why the point came that Afghanistan has to say this hence, call of introspection. Seems like coming back to senses and it is only feasible when you respect the sovereignty of others as well. There is no route and working like this on feed of someone from far, wouldn't favour much longer. The Afghan Government itself is not taking care of its Nation just to please so-called friend but is always being injected to harm itself and Pakistan. The day Afghanistan realized who the real enemy is, the matter will be solved even the Afghan issue.
Americans wouldnt allow for that to happen. .. at least under the Trump admin Chabahar would be a higher risk investment by the Indians

Don't worry, still we can't afford that. India can invest in at least 5 - 10 similar projects simultaneously, we don't have to take a loan for that. :)

Another factor is that the Afghan government's writ doesn't really go much beyond Kabul and any economic corridor will be vulnerable to taliban hijack.[/QUOTE]

Not until someone is seriously helping the Taliban with military weapons and logistics. I'm damn sure they don't grow AK rifles on trees. :p:
Don't worry, still we can't afford that. India can invest in at least 5 - 10 similar projects simultaneously, we don't have to take a loan for that. :)

Another factor is that the Afghan government's writ doesn't really go much beyond Kabul and any economic corridor will be vulnerable to taliban hijack.

Not until someone is seriously helping the Taliban with military weapons and logistics. I'm damn sure they don't grow AK rifles on trees. :p:

Maybe you should read the history of Afgunistan ... they don't need anyone to arm them ... they already have been for centuries.

Besides India's investment Chabahar is good for Pakistan. As our brotherly Muslim nation Iran and sharing a border with them.. Pakistan will enhance trade with them... which is already starting. Win - win for Pakistan.

When Pakistan came into being in 1947, they received it this way, so we are not blaming them but Durand Line is a blow which no Afghan can ever forget. We do not accept this border but will not fight over this issue,” Karzai said during an interview in June.

Earlier Karzai said the Pakistani leadership wanted recognition of Durand Line during his tenure in a bid to improve ties between the two nations.

The porous Durand Line has also been a source of tension between Afghanistan and Pakistan where numeous cross-border attacks have been carried out during months and years.

Militants and terrorist groups are actively operating along the Durand Line and frequently carry out insurgency activities.


Actually this border dispute is having its roots to colonization.


Britain occupied Afghanistan in the second Anglo-Afghan (1878) war sparked by the coercive and intractable arrival of the Russian delegation to Kabul. Afghanistan became a ‘protectorate’ country of the British India following the ‘Gandamak Treaty’ in 1879. Afghanistan as a ‘buffer state’ between the ‘great game’ players came under the Russian attack and annexed Panjdeh, the Northwest part of Afghanistan in 1885. To block further expansion of the Russia, British India first demarcated northern boundaries of Afghanistan with Russia in 1887 and later signed the Durand Line (brokered by the British foreign secretary Mortimer Durand and Amir – Leader – Abdul Rahman of Afghanistan), which delineated the south, southeast and east borders of Afghanistan in 1893.

The Durand Line, which splits Pashtuns tribe, ignited local people to attack and burn the British Boundary Commission in Wana, today’s North Waziristan of Pakistan in 1894 and the unrest spread across the Durand Land or ‘Pashtun-belt’ in 1897 (Northwest Pakistan and Southeast Afghanistan) and Britain deployed 60,000 troops to suppress the turbulence, (Bijan Omrani 2009) & (Waziri 2012). The successor of Abdul Rahman – his son – Amir Habibullah renewed the Durand Line agreement in 1905. Following the war for liberation in 1919, the British India recognized the independency of Afghanistan in an agreement, where Amanallah Khan – later the King – agreed upon his father’s (Habibullah) agreement of 1905.

During the India Partition (1947), Afghan government expressed her concern about the Durand Line first to the U.K. (Ali 1990)[1] and later cast a negative vote when Pakistan was joining U.N. membership in 1948 (Wakman 1985)[2]. Two years later after the establishment of the Pakistan (July 1949) the Afghan parliament unanimously passed a resolution nullifying the covenants signed by Afghanistan and British India and declared the Durand Line a ‘bogus and fictitious’ border (Saqeem 2008)[3]. Pakistan that claims as a successor of the British India has been dominating the Durand Line since 1947 and sees the ‘frontier’ as de jure border (Durrani 2010)[4].

This paper tries to examine mainly the legal perspective of the Durand Line and also discussing whether Pakistan was/is the legitimate inheritor – successor state – of the British India. But prior to these two issues, it briefly touches upon the Gandamak agreement (1879).

Pakistan assumes herself as a successor of the British India. This succession seems very open to be questioned. Before the occupation of the subcontinent of India by the Britain, Pakistan did not exist. In other words, the U.K. occupied the India not a Pakistan. After the occupation in 1947, India automatically become the United Nations member (She did not apply for a UN membership), while Pakistan needed to apply, and Afghanistan cast a negative vote followed by Parliament nullification in 1949 of all treaties signed between Afghanistan and the British India. Pakistan was created as a new country on 14th of August 1947. If Pakistan, as she argues, is an original

Since 1893 up to date (120 years), eighteen different governments have ruled Afghanistan except the first 4, the rest have not recognized the Durand Line and the later became harsher than the previous ones regarding the agreement.

First thing , border dispute is there and on that Pakistan cant stop air corridor between Republic of India and Islamic Republic of Afghanistan.

Trade is already closed that's why air corridor option is being opened.
hahaha Now disputed before its India you don't like to stick with your grounds i mean Aukat :rofl::rofl:
hahaha Now disputed before its India you don't like to stick with your grounds i mean Aukat :rofl::rofl:

Republic of India is already aware what is going on against Indian nation and have already made a larger support base with like minded nations in the neighbourhood.

When Pakistan came into being in 1947, they received it this way, so we are not blaming them but Durand Line is a blow which no Afghan can ever forget. We do not accept this border but will not fight over this issue,” Karzai said during an interview in June.

Earlier Karzai said the Pakistani leadership wanted recognition of Durand Line during his tenure in a bid to improve ties between the two nations.

The porous Durand Line has also been a source of tension between Afghanistan and Pakistan where numeous cross-border attacks have been carried out during months and years.

Militants and terrorist groups are actively operating along the Durand Line and frequently carry out insurgency activities.


Actually this border dispute is having its roots to colonization.


Britain occupied Afghanistan in the second Anglo-Afghan (1878) war sparked by the coercive and intractable arrival of the Russian delegation to Kabul. Afghanistan became a ‘protectorate’ country of the British India following the ‘Gandamak Treaty’ in 1879. Afghanistan as a ‘buffer state’ between the ‘great game’ players came under the Russian attack and annexed Panjdeh, the Northwest part of Afghanistan in 1885. To block further expansion of the Russia, British India first demarcated northern boundaries of Afghanistan with Russia in 1887 and later signed the Durand Line (brokered by the British foreign secretary Mortimer Durand and Amir – Leader – Abdul Rahman of Afghanistan), which delineated the south, southeast and east borders of Afghanistan in 1893.

The Durand Line, which splits Pashtuns tribe, ignited local people to attack and burn the British Boundary Commission in Wana, today’s North Waziristan of Pakistan in 1894 and the unrest spread across the Durand Land or ‘Pashtun-belt’ in 1897 (Northwest Pakistan and Southeast Afghanistan) and Britain deployed 60,000 troops to suppress the turbulence, (Bijan Omrani 2009) & (Waziri 2012). The successor of Abdul Rahman – his son – Amir Habibullah renewed the Durand Line agreement in 1905. Following the war for liberation in 1919, the British India recognized the independency of Afghanistan in an agreement, where Amanallah Khan – later the King – agreed upon his father’s (Habibullah) agreement of 1905.

During the India Partition (1947), Afghan government expressed her concern about the Durand Line first to the U.K. (Ali 1990)[1] and later cast a negative vote when Pakistan was joining U.N. membership in 1948 (Wakman 1985)[2]. Two years later after the establishment of the Pakistan (July 1949) the Afghan parliament unanimously passed a resolution nullifying the covenants signed by Afghanistan and British India and declared the Durand Line a ‘bogus and fictitious’ border (Saqeem 2008)[3]. Pakistan that claims as a successor of the British India has been dominating the Durand Line since 1947 and sees the ‘frontier’ as de jure border (Durrani 2010)[4].

This paper tries to examine mainly the legal perspective of the Durand Line and also discussing whether Pakistan was/is the legitimate inheritor – successor state – of the British India. But prior to these two issues, it briefly touches upon the Gandamak agreement (1879).

Pakistan assumes herself as a successor of the British India. This succession seems very open to be questioned. Before the occupation of the subcontinent of India by the Britain, Pakistan did not exist. In other words, the U.K. occupied the India not a Pakistan. After the occupation in 1947, India automatically become the United Nations member (She did not apply for a UN membership), while Pakistan needed to apply, and Afghanistan cast a negative vote followed by Parliament nullification in 1949 of all treaties signed between Afghanistan and the British India. Pakistan was created as a new country on 14th of August 1947. If Pakistan, as she argues, is an original

Since 1893 up to date (120 years), eighteen different governments have ruled Afghanistan except the first 4, the rest have not recognized the Durand Line and the later became harsher than the previous ones regarding the agreement.

First thing , border dispute is there and on that Pakistan cant stop air corridor between Republic of India and Islamic Republic of Afghanistan.

Trade is already closed that's why air corridor option is being opened.

It doesn't matter what the Afghan parliament thinks . Under international law and the international legal regime, Afghanistan’s objections to the Durand Line are unlikely to find any significant support.

If Afghanistan and Pakistan agree to take the Durand Line dispute to the International Court of Justice (ICJ), it would be impossible that the Afghan stand that the legitimacy of the Durand Line lapsed after the succession of Pakistan could be proved at any level.

At the international level, issues pertaining to succession of states are dealt with by the “Vienna Convention on Succession of States in Respect of Treaties (VCSSRT).” Article 11 of VCSSRT explicitly states that succession of states cannot impact (a) international border agreed upon in result of an agreement, and (b) rights and obligations concerning international border created through an agreement. Thus, under this agreement, the cessation of British India and birth of Pakistan as its successor in the northwestern region of the Indian subcontinent does not affect the legality of the border.

Pakistan does fall under the this ratification , it was and is one of the successor of the british raj. VCSSRT was ratified by a huge number of states and Pakistan was one of them.So your claim of Pakistan not being a successor to the British Raj has no proof or precedent.

There is virtually no support for the Afghan claim at all.
Maybe you should read the history of Afgunistan ... they don't need anyone to arm them ... they already have been for centuries.

Besides India's investment Chabahar is good for Pakistan. As our brotherly Muslim nation Iran and sharing a border with them.. Pakistan will enhance trade with them... which is already starting. Win - win for Pakistan.

I'm not sure which history you are talking about, but the history that I know and the majority of the world agree upon clearly show when and how the Afghan's/Mujahideen/ Taliban were armed and from where they receive their support. If you close your eyes it's only you who can't see not others. :-)

Do you really need a Chabhar (which is hardly 100 miles apart from your border) to enhance trade relation with a brotherly Muslim nation next door ?? LOL :)
Republic of India is already aware what is going on against Indian nation and have already made a larger support base with like minded nations in the neighbourhood.
who likes you in your neighborhood you have fight all neighbors . You have problem with China and Bangladesh (water problems) and you never have peace with THE PAKISTAN rest of countries kind very small and
other side you have seaside i am damn sure you guys have problem with Fishes as well
and we all knows about Srilanka how you support terrorist there in result you lose your PM please don't forget things i don't like it

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