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Afghanistan has optional routes if enemies think to block trade routes: President Ashraf Ghani

Muslims made Pakistan as a transitory step. It will be ppermanent when Pakistanis will join rest of the subcontinent with it.

Dont blame the Sub Continent Muslims for the division of India and Creation of Pakistan. Majority of Indian Muslims were against partition but here nor the Indian establishment neither Afghanistan establishment wants to over take Pakistan Soverignity but they want to settle disputes in peaceful manner but the cross border terrorism is indeed a big problem and its making the people of Afghanistan and India to suffer.
Afghan Government is successful in bringing in Taliban and other groups in the mainstream and here the role of Republic of Turkey and Republic of India is clearly visible. United States of America is aware of all this.

Afghanistan cast a negative vote followed by Parliament nullification in 1949 of all treaties signed between Afghanistan and the British . And even during that time Afghanistan Establisment was having valid arguement against Durrand Line .

We Indians are aware about this that Pakistan was created by British against the wishes of the majority of Indians in 1947. Religion card was played to divide the unity of Indians after the 1857 war.

Air Corridor is already there between Afghanistan and other nations but here Pakistan Establishment doesnt want Indian goods to enter Afghanistan markets and this is creating problems for Afghanistan.
LOL air corridor is expensive when compared to land routes.

Let them use the air routes then.
By Khaama Press - Sat Mar 25 2017, 5:58 pm

President Mohammad Ashraf Ghani has said optional routes are available for Afghanistan if the enemies of the country think to block the trade route to the country.

Speaking during a gathering in Mazar-e-Sharif city, the provincial capital of Balkh, President Ghani said Afghanistan has become an inseparable part of the Central Asia.

President Ghani further added that the northern Kunduz, Mazar and Herat provinces will be connected via railway network that will eventually connect Iran and China via Afghanistan.

He also added that the historic Balkh province will once again become the roundabout of the Central Asia.

This comes as Afghanistan has been heavily dependent on transit route linking the country through Pakistan.

The latest political and security upheavals resulted into deteriorating relations between Kabul and Islamabad that led to the closure of the transit routes located along the Durand Line.

The routes were opened last week after almost three weeks of closure as the Pakistani officials claimed that the step was taken to prevent the movement of the terrorists from the other side of the Durand Line.

They had also claimed that a series of deadly attacks in key cities of Pakistan were plotted by the terrorists using the Afghan soil, an allegation the Afghan officials have rejected and vowed to cooperate with Islamabad to jointly work to eliminate the threats posed by the terrorist groups using the soils of the two countries.


Please go a head and once you do that, then price increase of goods will be minimum 3 times and Afghanistan is super rich to spend that. Thank you India because of you guys we send few Afghans back and many more will join them soon. This will help our economy grow greatly
Please go a head and once you do that, then price increase of goods will be minimum 3 times and Afghanistan is super rich to spend that. Thank you India because of you guys we send few Afghans back and many more will join them soon. This will help our economy grow greatly
Ashraf Ghani is another goon. There is no other alternative routes. If there are then it is super expensive.
The only routes is through Pakistan.:azn:
Over the years what had Americas economic sanctions done on Iran and North Korea ?? They had suffered a lot but they are still fighting back and never cease to exist.

If Pakistan thinks that they will completely force Afghanistan by blocking their trade route, it is nothing more than a pipe-dream. They will suffer and suffer a lot (economically) in the short term, but over the period of time they will learn different means to exist without an trade route or even trade with Pakistan. This is the hard truth which most of my Pakistani friend here will not agree. :)
Pakistan would be better place if we block their trade routes and fence the border. let them deal with iran and india, soon they will realize cost of using wrong routes.

While Pakistan hope to teach Afghanistan a lesson you should think where specifically Afghanistan can hurt Pakistan in long term ?? It's certainly not cross border terrorism. :)
In the "War On Terror" era even USA didnt made a single international airport in afghanistan.even fr their own use and instead rented ours..How the hell this Ashraf sahab expects to have a net full of air ports in a country where there is so much war and bloodshed.for the worse he expects INDIA to do something like that.Anyway everytime he says something is none bigger than a JOKE.so as himself
Chabahar is proceeding at faster pace than ever before.

Taliban is terrorist force. It will see the same fate as ISIS and AQ
In your dreams

Dont blame the Sub Continent Muslims for the division of India and Creation of Pakistan. Majority of Indian Muslims were against partition but here nor the Indian establishment neither Afghanistan establishment wants to over take Pakistan Soverignity but they want to settle disputes in peaceful manner but the cross border terrorism is indeed a big problem and its making the people of Afghanistan and India to suffer.
Sir are you living in la la land
I'm glad the Afghans have alternative routes. So now they can stop begging us for help, support and provisions every second. So hopefully there won't be any crying or protesting when Pakistan shuts our border with them again :devil:
Well enough of the free lunch for Afghanistan...please provide us a secure road to Central Asian States and we will allow you the transit trade. But I forgot that you are mayor of Kabul despite all the support of NATO, ANA, india and TTP....how can you ensure a safe passage..

So sir please use those alternative paths / routes and make your nation prosperous...Let's see if Iran allows you to trade through its land.
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