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Afghanistan has optional routes if enemies think to block trade routes: President Ashraf Ghani

It doesn't matter what the Afghan parliament thinks . Under international law and the international legal regime, Afghanistan’s objections to the Durand Line are unlikely to find any significant support.

If Afghanistan and Pakistan agree to take the Durand Line dispute to the International Court of Justice (ICJ), it would be impossible that the Afghan stand that the legitimacy of the Durand Line lapsed after the succession of Pakistan could be proved at any level.

At the international level, issues pertaining to succession of states are dealt with by the “Vienna Convention on Succession of States in Respect of Treaties (VCSSRT).” Article 11 of VCSSRT explicitly states that succession of states cannot impact (a) international border agreed upon in result of an agreement, and (b) rights and obligations concerning international border created through an agreement. Thus, under this agreement, the cessation of British India and birth of Pakistan as its successor in the northwestern region of the Indian subcontinent does not affect the legality of the border.

Pakistan does fall under the this ratification , it was and is one of the successor of the british raj. VCSSRT was ratified by a huge number of states and Pakistan was one of them.So your claim of Pakistan not being a successor to the British Raj has no proof or precedent.

There is virtually no support for the Afghan claim at all.

After the occupation in 1947, India automatically become the United Nations member (She did not apply for a UN membership), while Pakistan needed to apply, and Afghanistan cast a negative vote followed by Parliament nullification in 1949 of all treaties signed between Afghanistan and the British India. Pakistan was created as a new country on 14th of August 1947.

By the way Islamic Republic of Afghanistan become member of UN in 1946 even before the creation of Pakistan by the British.
I'm not sure which history you are talking about, but the history that I know and the majority of the world agree upon clearly show when and how the Afghan's/Mujahideen/ Taliban were armed and from where they receive their support. If you close your eyes it's only you who can't see not others. :-)

Do you really need a Chabhar (which is hardly 100 miles apart from your border) to enhance trade relation with a brotherly Muslim nation next door ?? LOL :)

I am pathan.... We took care of the British as well... go back and read
After the occupation in 1947, India automatically become the United Nations member (She did not apply for a UN membership), while Pakistan needed to apply, and Afghanistan cast a negative vote followed by Parliament nullification in 1949 of all treaties signed between Afghanistan and the British India. Pakistan was created as a new country on 14th of August 1947.

By the way Islamic Republic of Afghanistan become member of UN in 1946 even before the creation of Pakistan by the British.

Dude stop Imagining things
1. The Durand Line was demarcated in 1893.

2. Afghanistan did recognize the Durand Line as an international border (Again). Abdur Rahman Khan’s successor, Amir Habibullah Khan, in 1905 signed a new agreement with Britain confirming the legality of the Durand Line.

3.Pakistan is the successor state after the withdrawal of the British from India, assuming obligations and rights under the various treaties concluded between Afghanistan and the British Government of India. In-fact , Noel Baker, the British Secretary of State for Commonwealth Relations confirmed that, “His majesty’s government’s view is that Pakistan is in international law, the inheritor of the rights and duties of the old government of India and of his Majesty’s government in the United Kingdom, in these territories and that the Durand Line is the international frontier".

3.It is accepted as a marked boundary by UN and not regarded as a disputed territory ( like Kashmir or Aksai Chin) .

4. Afghanistan has refrained from taking the issue of the Durand Line to the UN, the International Court of Justice or any other global forum because of the weakness of its legal case. No one backs Afghan claims, not the UN ,not even the U.S
I am pathan.... We took care of the British as well... go back and read
Yeah, you took good care of British, "The Durand Line" is the living example how Pathan's took good care of Brits. :)
Yeah, you took good care of British, "The Durand Line" is the living example how Pathan's took good care of Brits. :)

I can only give you ref not entire history lessons... you need to do the research yourself... i won't do that for you.
By Khaama Press - Sat Mar 25 2017, 5:58 pm

President Mohammad Ashraf Ghani has said optional routes are available for Afghanistan if the enemies of the country think to block the trade route to the country.

Speaking during a gathering in Mazar-e-Sharif city, the provincial capital of Balkh, President Ghani said Afghanistan has become an inseparable part of the Central Asia.

President Ghani further added that the northern Kunduz, Mazar and Herat provinces will be connected via railway network that will eventually connect Iran and China via Afghanistan.

He also added that the historic Balkh province will once again become the roundabout of the Central Asia.

This comes as Afghanistan has been heavily dependent on transit route linking the country through Pakistan.

The latest political and security upheavals resulted into deteriorating relations between Kabul and Islamabad that led to the closure of the transit routes located along the Durand Line.

The routes were opened last week after almost three weeks of closure as the Pakistani officials claimed that the step was taken to prevent the movement of the terrorists from the other side of the Durand Line.

They had also claimed that a series of deadly attacks in key cities of Pakistan were plotted by the terrorists using the Afghan soil, an allegation the Afghan officials have rejected and vowed to cooperate with Islamabad to jointly work to eliminate the threats posed by the terrorist groups using the soils of the two countries.


there is a lot of opium in afghanistan. Hope Ghani is not smoking too much.
Even if Chahbahar is operational Afghanistan has to rely upon Pakistan partially to spread its bets
By Khaama Press - Sat Mar 25 2017, 5:58 pm

President Mohammad Ashraf Ghani has said optional routes are available for Afghanistan if the enemies of the country think to block the trade route to the country.

Speaking during a gathering in Mazar-e-Sharif city, the provincial capital of Balkh, President Ghani said Afghanistan has become an inseparable part of the Central Asia.

President Ghani further added that the northern Kunduz, Mazar and Herat provinces will be connected via railway network that will eventually connect Iran and China via Afghanistan.

He also added that the historic Balkh province will once again become the roundabout of the Central Asia.

This comes as Afghanistan has been heavily dependent on transit route linking the country through Pakistan.

The latest political and security upheavals resulted into deteriorating relations between Kabul and Islamabad that led to the closure of the transit routes located along the Durand Line.

The routes were opened last week after almost three weeks of closure as the Pakistani officials claimed that the step was taken to prevent the movement of the terrorists from the other side of the Durand Line.

They had also claimed that a series of deadly attacks in key cities of Pakistan were plotted by the terrorists using the Afghan soil, an allegation the Afghan officials have rejected and vowed to cooperate with Islamabad to jointly work to eliminate the threats posed by the terrorist groups using the soils of the two countries.

By all means! If you think that you are unwilling or unable to stop using terrorists to bomb our cities, you then are free to use your 'optional routes'. We have no qualms about that. But using or not using our trade route, you have to stop sending terrorists to our cities. Or we'll do whatever we can to save our citizens.
Apna Kabul to bacha ley mamu [emoji23][emoji23]
Well he certainly didn't think about these "alternate" routes when he was begging Pakistan to open our borders.

By Khaama Press - Sat Mar 25 2017, 5:58 pm

President Mohammad Ashraf Ghani has said optional routes are available for Afghanistan if the enemies of the country think to block the trade route to the country.

Speaking during a gathering in Mazar-e-Sharif city, the provincial capital of Balkh, President Ghani said Afghanistan has become an inseparable part of the Central Asia.

President Ghani further added that the northern Kunduz, Mazar and Herat provinces will be connected via railway network that will eventually connect Iran and China via Afghanistan.

He also added that the historic Balkh province will once again become the roundabout of the Central Asia.

This comes as Afghanistan has been heavily dependent on transit route linking the country through Pakistan.

The latest political and security upheavals resulted into deteriorating relations between Kabul and Islamabad that led to the closure of the transit routes located along the Durand Line.

The routes were opened last week after almost three weeks of closure as the Pakistani officials claimed that the step was taken to prevent the movement of the terrorists from the other side of the Durand Line.

They had also claimed that a series of deadly attacks in key cities of Pakistan were plotted by the terrorists using the Afghan soil, an allegation the Afghan officials have rejected and vowed to cooperate with Islamabad to jointly work to eliminate the threats posed by the terrorist groups using the soils of the two countries.

I am surprised the person talking about this is indian and not afghan.an Afghan would have been more of a detail
The enemies for trade is within ur soil Mr. Ghani ... They doesn't lies with in Islamabad ... If you don't realise that other side feel unsecured with the premises they have had allowed u to access, it's a legitimate decision for the state to access denied the route ... I strongly wish that you get start with alternate route and give up with Pakistan route ... RIP Mr. Ashraf Ghani

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