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Afghanistan Feels Pressure in Hunt for Swat Taliban Chief

Basically what is going on there are two divergent Taliban groups.

One group, the Afghan Taliban is fighting the NATO forces and other group, Pakistani Taliban is fighting Pakistan.

Pakistani fan boys cheer the Afghan Taliban as a legitimate fight but act confused and invent conspiracy theories when Pakistani Taliban fight Pakistan as they cannot comprehend in their diminutive heads how can fellow Taliban fight Pakistan?

Its like a smoker being perplexed that he has developed Lung Cancer.

Taliban is one-entity... they're fighting invaders in Afghanistan while they're fighting an ally of that invader in Pakistan.

Thanks for posting this.

Check this

Statement made by a 3-star US military general on 29th July 2012

Daily Times - Leading News Resource of Pakistan

Immediately, Lute, a retired three-star general and deputy national security adviser, fired back. “There’s no comparison of the Pakistani Taliban’s relatively recent, small-in-scale presence inside Afghanistan to the decades-long experience and relationship between elements of the Pakistani government and the Afghan Taliban,” he said. “To compare these is simply unfair

Now look what this afghani glove puppet states , date 21st October 2012

A similar answer came from Foreign Ministry spokesman, Janan Mosazai. “Any comparison between the vast system of sanctuaries, training camps, support system, financial support and the strategic advice that Taliban and other elements receive from Pakistan with a few anti-Pakistan Taliban that might be in Kunar or Nuristan is completely against the fact, unfair, unjust and a statement against the reality in this region,” he said.

Afghans are just digging themselves a deeper grave by a) giving shelter to Pakistan’s enemies and b) parroting whatever they are fed up their back side by the enemies of Pakistan
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