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Afghanistan Feels Pressure in Hunt for Swat Taliban Chief

Didn't I say this from day one? All that hocus pocus about attacking NWA for Malala was opportunistic at best. IF you are to attack someone for Malala, then it is Afghanistan, not NWA.

Haqqani Network has not moved against Malala, Mullah FM Radio did.
^ Mullah FM Radio is in pakistan or waziristan, what does afghanistan have to do with it?
where's your condemnation when terrorists from Afghanistan slip over and attack villagers in Bajaur; attack soldiers who are doing their jobs defending Pakistan
What i see in this forum is indians,pakistanis and afghani members regulaly condemn inhuman attacks on pakistanis by TTP whenever that happen..On the other hand attacks by afghan taliban are celebrated by pakistani fanboys of taliban..Afghan taliban is glorified as true mujahids by a lot of pakistanis here including senior members..

Afghanistan should not allow hostile elements to disturb the peace on our side

NATO and Afghan govt have been saying the same thing to for nearly a decade.But pakistan was not willing to go after afghan taliban factions in north wazeeristan..Even then afghan forces and NATO regularly conducts regular airstrikes in Afghan taliban/TTP controlled areas in kunar and nuristan,second in command of TTP mullah dadullah was killed in one such attack last month.

Another thing that amazes me is the reluctance of pakistani posters in condemning Afghan taliban who control most of kunar and nuristan and actually shelters TTP..So much for your love of pakistani soldiers dead in cross border attacks from afghan taliban controlled areas.
Afghanistan harbours Pakistan's enemies be it indians , be it Fazlullah , be it elements involved in Baluchistan unrest then pretends to be the victim

Those cockroaches who think that Pakistan will relent should know that end of the day we have nuclear weapons and have the ability to vaporize the enemy in a matter of minutes. Don’t test our patience our you'll really get it up your rumps

Let’s declare open season for pig hunting in afghanstain using heavy artillery and NATO/US need to keep their trap shut when we target enemies of Pakistan
afghans are not even fully in control of their own country, how can you blame them? also same thing afghans can say about pakistan because it is so obvious that pakistan supports taliban in afghanistan which attack innocent people there. Stop the nonsense and lying game, this game of your's is destroying both afghanistan and pakistan. you people are the biggest hypocrites if you support taliban in afghanistan and are afraid of taliban in pakistan, this shows your true colours, it is no wonder regular afghans today have severe dislike of pakistanis
WELL They can control their MOUTH at least....! why don't they talk right..they always blame us and which is hurting us very bad..
they dont deserve mercu because they dont want it..
I really really feel sorry for the afghan brothers, they are trying to fix their country after 30 years of war, yet Taliban and their supporters in pakistan can not let them have peace.

Well they should have thought about it when they tried to capture Bajour and attacking Pakistan and had a special wing of intelligence focused on making rebellion movement in tribal areas of Pakistan.
whose side are you on here? :blink:
I do not believe in blind patriotism.
Pakistan doesnt bombard anywhere unless attacked. If fired upon, it's pefectly within our right to retaliate bullet for bullet, mortar for mortar.
It doesn't make any sense. Pak army's jawans should chase the attackers and kill them instead of blindly bombarding Afghan villages in retaliation.

do you have proof that Pakistan "sends mujahideens" ? Why should Pakistani state get involved when they have enough support on the ground in Afghanistan?

I wont comment on it as i have already received an infraction for talking on this sensitive topic, i shouldnt leak state secrets.
If anything from this article, I take it the Afghan Government is hurting from the shelling from Pakistan's forces and the NDS is becoming the new KHAD. Pakistan needs to step up the pressure with daily shelling -- after all, Pakistan has by far, the advantage here in terms of quantity and quality -- and bring the Afghan Government to bring either itself to the table or Fazlullah.

At the same time, cross-border Aerial Survellience should take place -- where TTP hideouts, or training camps are found, airstrikes should be called out and they should be buried 60 feet deep.

That is the kind of message that needs to be sent out: of a strong, unflinching Pakistan. Coupled with this, should the Afghans seek to resolve the situation, then every opportunity must be made to accommodate that - but if they try exploit this, even in the slightest, the shelling should be stepped up.
1........ IF you are to attack someone for Malala, then it is Afghanistan, not NWA.

2. .......Haqqani Network has not moved against Malala ........ .

at least someone is honest here to accept that some Talibaboons are in NWA. Because on another thread, a jamati was pontificating that Haqqanis are not in FATA.

Looks like Haqqanis are good from your perspective, but they are Talibaboons nonetheless.

So my dear dear strategist, who the f is attacking and killing our soldiers in NWA? Martians?

And If Haqqanis are your cudly softy softy teddy bears, and they do not attack Malala, then what the f they are doing in our "un-sovereign" territory?

And if our own fing territory is not secured, how on earth you are blaming Afghanis to not securing theirs? When they have no military to speak of, no police, Karazai whose writ doesn't go beyond kabul. How could be blame them when our own FATA is ungoverned even when we have million man army, police, baboos and all,

You say Haqqanis are not attacking Malalas. Then why are they staying on our fing side of the border. What are they accomplishing for us?

Whatt? Making chai pratha? or shaving body hair of hapless Shias from Kurram?


please please let us know Sire! Please let us know. We are dying "literally" to hear more about the good talibaboons and the bad-ugly-pathetic-talibaboons?


For those who don't know, the inside story.

Our army's young turks are never afraid of dying for our motherland Pakistan. You heard it first right here. A revolution is coming. When our young turks are going to lynch taliban sympathizers, the likes of Hamid bulbul, and Taliban Khan, and many pathetic old generals whose @rses are stuck in the cold war era.

Times have changed.

2000+ of our young soldiers and officers and 30,000+ civis have died at the hands of Talibaboons (good ones or bad ones, all the same, Kullu sawa sawa, and their Arab and Uzbek masters).

No more.

Old generals and fake revolutionaries like Taliban Khan are on their way out. And so are the Islamists like Qazi and Mulla diesel and Hameed bulbul. All of them.

Our Pakistan will be sovereign, ALL of it including FATA. Then anyone coming over the border will have no reason to be here illegally. No fing faghani and no RAW agent $tupid enough to get his @rse kicked, and the treacherous goons like Mullee Radio will going to get their head chopped off).

Our motherland Pakistan Zindabad

and Taliban Khan, Hameed bulbul, Mullahs and Ayatullahs murdabad.
I don't see why everybody is getting worked up. Isn't this Pakistan's same logic being given back? Pakistan says Haqqani network does not attack Pakistani Army. Afghanistan says, RM does not attack Afghan army. When you give some, you get some. Simple.
So my dear dear strategist, who the f is attacking and killing our soldiers in NWA? Martians?

from what i understand, they have no beef with Pak Army though it is true that they may have staged some audacious attacks on NATO interests in the neighbour country --as they often use geography to their advantage

And If Haqqanis are your cudly softy softy teddy bears, and they do not attack Malala, then what the f they are doing in our "un-sovereign" territory?

they have presence on both sides of the porous border

You say Haqqanis are not attacking Malalas. Then why are they staying on our fing side of the border. What are they accomplishing for us?

Whatt? Making chai pratha? or shaving body hair of hapless Shias from Kurram?

I hail from Kurram. The Haqqanis arent exactly adored or well liked much there....however everyone knows that it was the Haqqanis who helped broker the ceasefire deal in Kurram (to promote end of sectarian violence between Shiia/Sunni tribes)

please please let us know Sire! Please let us know. We are dying "literally" to hear more about the good talibaboons and the bad-ugly-pathetic-talibaboons?

dont NATO do the same, why are you focusing just on what Pakistan is doing when others doing the same

Our army's young turks are never afraid of dying for our motherland Pakistan. You heard it first right here. A revolution is coming. When our young turks are going to lynch taliban sympathizers, the likes of Hamid bulbul, and Taliban Khan, and many pathetic old generals whose @rses are stuck in the cold war era.

Times have changed.

2000+ of our young soldiers and officers and 30,000+ civis have died at the hands of Talibaboons (good ones or bad ones, all the same, Kullu sawa sawa, and their Arab and Uzbek masters).

No more.

Old generals and fake revolutionaries like Taliban Khan are on their way out. And so are the Islamists like Qazi and Mulla diesel and Hameed bulbul. All of them.

Our Pakistan will be sovereign, ALL of it including FATA. Then anyone coming over the border will have no reason to be here illegally. No fing faghani and no RAW agent $tupid enough to get his @rse kicked.

Our motherland Pakistan Zindabad

and Taliban Khan, Hameed bulbul, Mullahs and Ayatullahs murdabad.

i appreciate your intentions.....i agree with some of what you say. But dude, you are way way WAYYYY too emotional. Keep a cool head and stop resorting to immature name-calling and other such antics. Act your age.

You obviously seem very opinionated though (mild understatement); all this "baboons" talk and labelling Imran Khan as "Taliban Khan" (which is what a lot of the zardari apologists seem to do nowdays)
as for Fazlullah - i've been quite vocal about advocating a cross border raid to take him out. Either that, or a covert effort -whichever works best and serves as a message to those that harbor anti-Pakistan elements. He poses a significant threat to peace in Swat as well as surrounding areas.

seriously sir Why Pak fauj is not going for such option, it can easy equate such action, the only reason I guess is it's just waste of cost, another puppet will take his place after he goes down, maybe?
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