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Afghanistan call for sanctions against Pakistan

it would really help if the Haqqani groups walked around with id cards hanging from their necks.
After joining wot, have pakistan ever attacked(atleast from air,if not by land forces) haqqani strongholds in NORTH WAZEERISTAN?
As for the explosives, they come from Afghanistan to Pakistan, it isn't the other way around.
Dawn reports-KANDAHAR: Afghan police said Sunday they had seized 17 tonnes of explosives hidden in paint and pickle tins at a customs office on the southern border with Pakistan.

The explosives had been trucked from the Pakistani city of Quetta to Afghanistan's Spin Boldak and were brought to the official customs point for tax payment, police chief General Shafique Afzali told AFP.
Kabul has long accused elements in Pakistan of secretly sponsoring the Taliban in Afghanistan, providing them with training, weapons and explosives, an accuation always met with angry rebuttals
After joining wot, have pakistan ever attacked(atleast from air,if not by land forces) haqqani strongholds in NORTH WAZEERISTAN?

How do you know there are any strongholds in N.W ? And we haven't attacked North Waziristan because we have a treaty with the militias there, they do not let the Taliban gain a foothold in their area and we don't have to attack, everybody wins............
Not really, that's just an urban myth. Afghanistan is about as strategically important for us as Rwanda(which if you don't know, is not very important).

Well if it is a Urban myth then what was Gen(rtd) Mirza Aslam Baig talking about??

can pakistan digest a post American hostile Afghanistan ..such that you will have to permanently deploy 4-5 army corps on afghan borders..plus Durand line issues will again crop up.

Instead Afghanistan is like our parasitic twin, they take OUR flour, OUR fuel, stay in OUR country as refugees, build their businesses in OUR country, take a route to the sea through OUR country, trade with India through OUR country +much more. Yet THEY still hate US and talk about ruling Pakistan !(As if......wink wink)

Well they are not hostile...they are insecure due to a presence of a bigger, stronger, nuclear powered neighbour..which can overrun it at any time it wants.

Similar parallel can be drawn b/w India and bangladesh..they are dependent on India..surrounded on by India on 3 sides...but some Bangladeshis are very suspicious of India.
Dawn reports-KANDAHAR: Afghan police said Sunday they had seized 17 tonnes of explosives hidden in paint and pickle tins at a customs office on the southern border with Pakistan.

The explosives had been trucked from the Pakistani city of Quetta to Afghanistan's Spin Boldak and were brought to the official customs point for tax payment, police chief General Shafique Afzali told AFP.
Kabul has long accused elements in Pakistan of secretly sponsoring the Taliban in Afghanistan, providing them with training, weapons and explosives, an accuation always met with angry rebuttals

Is there any proof to substantiate that these explosives were state made ? We catch trucks everyday filled with AK-47s in flour bags, Grenades in boxes of apples, RPG-7s hidden in hollow tree trunks. AND ALL OF THAT COMES THROUGH AFG !
who said pakistan isnt taking in casualities
its bcoz dey r fighting d evil wich dey hav embraced in der better days
but d prblm is dat its selective

nd dont go into "who understands more" things until u knw me

Lad, let me correct you it was you who started the "u don't understand debate". You dont know me either... lol typical.. See that chip on your shoulder, dust it off, come back with facts then we will talk.

Till then you have nothing to offer me or counter my argument.
Well if it is a Urban myth then what was Gen(rtd) Mirza Aslam Baig talking about??

That is the General's own perspective.

can pakistan digest a post American hostile Afghanistan ..such that you will have to permanently deploy 4-5 army corps on afghan borders..plus Durand line issues will again crop up.

Durand line issue has no meaning, the international community and the UN have long accepted KP to be Pakistani territory, the people themselves voted to join Pakistan in 47.
And we will never have to maintain a 4-5 core strength, the Afghans attacked us in 62(I believe) without warning or official decleration of war. They were beaten back to their positions by the para-military FC alone, and that is when Afghanistan was at it's military prime.

Well they are not hostile...they are insecure due to a presence of a bigger, stronger, nuclear powered neighbour..which can overrun it at any time it wants.

Na, they just hate us for the sake of hating us, they were the only country to vote against us joining the UN when Pakistan came into existence, we weren't stronger or a nuclear power back then.......

Similar parallel can be drawn b/w India and bangladesh..they are dependent on India..surrounded on by India on 3 sides...but some Bangladeshis are very hostile towards India.

But at least they are realistic, these guys say they will rule us !
yeah sure
take a look at a site wich is very popular dese days
cant post u d link nw coz i'm on mobile nw
yeah sure
take a look at a site wich is very popular dese days
cant post u d link nw coz i'm on mobile nw

So you will believe an anonymous source posting outdated documents over what you have seen yourself ? I don't need to read what wikileaks says, I was there !
How do you know there are any strongholds in N.W ?
Sir Isnt it a publicly acknowledged fact that haqqani group is based in north wazeeristan and adjoinining areas in afghanistan.

And we haven't attacked North Waziristan because we have a treaty with the militias there, they do not let the Taliban gain a foothold in their area and we don't have to attack, everybody wins............
Wasnt taliban itself a party in the peace deal?
According to long war journal-
In early 2008, the government signed a peace agreement with North Waziristan Taliban leader Hafiz Gul Bahadar, Saddiq Noor, and the powerful Haqqani family after the Army was defeated by Baitullah Mehsud in neighboring South Waziristan.

Under the agreement, the government withdrew forces from the tribal agency and returned weapons to the Taliban. In exchange, the Taliban promised to halt attacks against security forces, prevent al Qaeda from sheltering in the region, and end cross-border attacks into Afghanistan. The Taliban did not live up to the agreement.

Read more: Taliban end North Waziristan peace agreement - The Long War Journal
Sir Isnt it a publicly acknowledged fact that haqqani group is based in north wazeeristan and adjoinining areas in afghanistan.

What I don't understand is, If everybody knows where they are, then how come no one can take them out, the American drones should be able to get them easy considering everybody knows where they are.

Wasnt taliban itself a party in the peace deal?
According to long war journal-
In early 2008, the government signed a peace agreement with North Waziristan Taliban leader Hafiz Gul Bahadar, Saddiq Noor, and the powerful Haqqani family after the Army was defeated by Baitullah Mehsud in neighboring South Waziristan.

The accuracy of this piece can be judged by the line highlighted in red, the Army never lost to Baitullah in 2008, a single platoon surrendered when they were surrounded back in 2006-07 but a platoon surrendering does not mean they lost the whole war ! As for the the Taliban being a party to the agreement, they were but that pact was dissolved later that very year.

Under the agreement, the government withdrew forces from the tribal agency and returned weapons to the Taliban. In exchange, the Taliban promised to halt attacks against security forces, prevent al Qaeda from sheltering in the region, and end cross-border attacks into Afghanistan. The Taliban did not live up to the agreement.

Exactly, and then the operations began !
I am not amazed. This guy is Norden Allicance and we know what they have done in past. There leader is well known for his tortured methods. One of methods are he cut of enimes head and put fire on it. That they had a rotual dance arround that head .Also every one know who supported them in Afghanistan by that i mean India.

In jail they cut of small peaces of fingers every day. NA did that every day to until person died in pain.

NA was kicked by Pakistan in many years and now they want revange.
So according to you in north wazeeristan the peace deal with haqqani and other taliban is dissolved and there is a new deal with militia there by which they are bound to prevent taliban(haqqani and co) getting stronghold and in return army wont take action in north wazeeristan.Thank you for clarifying,since i was under the impression that peace deal with haqqanis was not yet broken,unlike the peace deals with ttp.
I am not amazed. This guy is Norden Allicance and we know what they have done in past. There leader is well known for his tortured methods. One of methods are he cut of enimes head and put fire on it. That they had a rotual dance arround that head .Also every one know who supported them in Afghanistan by that i mean India.

In jail they cut of small peaces of fingers every day. NA did that every day to until person died in pain.

NA was kicked by Pakistan in many years and now they want revange.

did your grandmom tell you this story and tell you "eat properly otherwise the northern alliance would chop your fingers off!!!!" if not please do give a source
did your grandmom tell you this story and tell you "eat properly otherwise the northern alliance would chop your fingers off!!!!" if not please do give a source

look up Rashid Dostum and you will know for your self.

Next time try to "google" if your grandma has not stopped you from doing so;
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