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Afghanistan agrees to join Pakistan in anti-terror ops (US to monitor)


Jul 12, 2014
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KABUL - Afghan President Ashraf Ghani told a visiting US delegation on Tuesday that Afghanistan agreed with a proposal to conduct joint raids with neighbouring Pakistan along the border, monitored by the United States, said a statement issued by the Presidential Palace.

His statement came two weeks after Pakistan proposed joint border operations against illegal movements.

Ghani told the American delegation that Washington’s support is not taken for granted.

According to the official statement, the US delegation informed Afghan leadership about Pakistan’s pledges to cooperate for peace in Afghanistan.

“Afghanistan does not take American support for granted...US and Afghanistan had a relationship based on mutual interest and mutual respect. What was taking place was not a war in Afghanistan, but a war over Afghanistan against transnational terrorist organisations,” the statement quoted Ghani as saying.

“And there were questions now as to whether the Taliban was a criminal organisation with a political front rather than the other way round. Transnational crime and narcotics meant there had to be a regional solution.”

The statement added that the US delegation were in Afghanistan to review progress in the war-torn country.

According to the statement members of the delegation agreed that a regional solution was needed to end the violence in Afghanistan and the region at large. “The senators said the head of Pakistan’s armed forces, General Qamar Javed Bajwa, agreed to joint operations against terrorist groups in the border region. They said the US would provide monitoring and verification of these operations,” the statement said.

After the a string of meetings in Kabul, Senator McCain told reporters that the Unites States needs to have a new strategy to win in Afghanistan but that “the strongest nation on earth should be able to win this conflict.”

“The old effort certainly didn’t work,” McCain said at the press conference. “They (Taliban) are not going to negotiate unless they think they are losing,” he added. “So we need to win and have the advantage on the battlefield and then enter into a serious negotiation to resolve the conflict.”

Senator Lindsey Graham said he would tell President Trump after returning home that 8,600 American troops currently in Afghanistan “will not get the job done” and that more American troops along with more NATO troops should be deployed to “turn stalemate into success.”

According to Washington Post, the senators called for more aggressive American military action in Afghanistan, as well as pressure on neighbouring Pakistan, saying the United States needs “a winning strategy” to end the 16-year war here and prevent the spread of terrorism.

“If we leave radical Islam alone, we will not be safe at home,” Graham said. He said he plans to tell the president that “he needs to pull all our troops out” or add even more than the 3,000 to 4,000 troops that US military officials have asked for.”

But Graham also said that “throwing more bombs” is not enough, and that the Trump administration needs to put more effort into understanding and influencing regional leaders. “Rex Tillerson needs to come here quick,” he said, referring to the secretary of state, who has not yet visited the war-torn and insurgent-plagued region.

McCain said the group has been only partly satisfied with its visit to Pakistan, which included a military tour of North Waziristan. They said they questioned Pakistani army officials about continued alleged support for the militant Haqqani network.

“We told them the Haqqanis have a safe zone there, and that is not acceptable,” McCain said. “They said they had taken some measures, but we made it clear we expect them to help and cooperate against the Haqqani group and others.”

McCain warned Pakistan that Washington was counting on its support to eliminate militancy and in particular the Haqqani network, responsible for numerous attacks on Afghan territory.

“We made it very clear that we expect they (Pakistan) will cooperate with us, particularly against the Haqqani network and against terrorist organisations,” said McCain.

“If they don’t change their behaviour maybe we should change our behaviour towards Pakistan as a nation,” he insisted.

Despite the urgent tone of the senators’ remarks, McCain predicted that the conflict in Afghanistan would continue “on a low-burning simmer for a long time to come.” But he reiterated that only an aggressive US effort to bolster Afghan military actions would force the Taliban to negotiate.

According to New York Times, the senators issued a stark warning to President Trump to fill vacant embassy and State Department positions in order to better address the country’s mounting military and political crises.

The American delegation voiced what has been a concern for months now in the absence of a permanent American ambassador in Kabul. The civilian diplomatic mission here has been led by a chargé d’affaires, Hugo Llorens, who was called in from imminent retirement to help as a stopgap during a time when the Afghan government has faced political storms.

Graham described the lack of diplomatic focus as unnerving and called on the administration to appoint someone “to manage this portfolio” as well as fill many of the vacant positions in the State Department dealing with South and Central Asia.

Senator Sheldon Whitehouse said the military had expressed concern about “the hollowing out of the State Department.”

Afghanistan’s acting minister of defence, Maj Gen Tariq Shah Bahrami, told a news conference on Tuesday that there was fighting in 21 of the country’s 34 provinces, and that government forces were facing “fierce fighting” in seven of those provinces. Heavy fighting continued for a third day on the outskirts of Kunduz, a city the Taliban overran twice in one year. Afghan forces were trying to clear Taliban checkpoints on the highway connecting Kunduz to Kabul.
This should put to rest all baseless allegations of taliban going from Pakistani camps to fight in Afghanistan.
if they really cooperate each other then all problems will be solved
if they really cooperate each other then all problems will be solved

Americans have asked them to do so to prove their claims of cross border terrorism or taliban support. Afghanis will look to find some ways to back off because if they can't prove Pakistan support to taliban then Americans $ may stop coming.
another failure of this Govt foreign policy and diplomacy
nothing will come out of this..Pakistan will continue to suffer
if nothing come out then afghanistan will going to suffer. pakistan will not
Good not Afghanistan can target taliban near the border areas on the Pakistani side
Monitoring by US? So what happened to some people ranting about independent foreign policy unfettered by US?

Trump's card is working well I say.
does it mean they (US-Afghan) will also support fencing the border and will not interfere because once border is secured then 50% problem will be solved but looks like Afghan Govt is not willing regarding securing the border that's why Afghan Govt said we cant take U.S support as granted.

wait a mint.. what U.S, Afghan Govt are doing against IS influential in Afghanistan & especially near border?... remember Quetta attack has claimed by IS and parachinar attack had done by IS too.

U.S want to get rid of Haqqani Network, and afghan Taliban, but what about TTP,IS who are sitting near the border.

we need china, Russia too in this matter in order to monitor U.S..
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Afghanistan agrees to join Pakistan in anti-terror ops (US to monitor)

They will be more hurdle than assistance. They can even pre-inform the terrorists before op.
I was reading the book by Akbar.S.Ahmed (former Political Agent of South Waziristan), he was saying that Tribal Areas (FATA) served as buffer between Afghanistan and British India......and the tribes were utilized to create problems for Kabul. But the tribes themselves were unsafe to handle and created lot of trouble for British who thought they controlled them. FATA has been more injurious to Afghanistan than its has been for Pakistan. But as Tribal areas were unsafe tools for British, they were also for Pakistan and the result was TTP.
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