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'Afghan War Winnable Without Pakistan Help'


Jun 2, 2010
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Afghan War Winnable Without Pakistan Help On Border: US

WASHINGTON, Feb 1, 2011 (AFP) - NATO-led forces can still win the war in Afghanistan even if Pakistan fails to move against militant havens on the border, a top US general said on Tuesday.

"That's not a mission stopper in my mind," General David Rodriguez, deputy US commander in Afghanistan, told a Pentagon news conference.

US officials have long pressed Islamabad to crack down on the Haqqani network and other militants based in North Waziristan, saying the insurgents exploit the area as a sanctuary to stage attacks on coalition forces in neighboring Afghanistan.

But Rodriguez said the war effort would not be derailed even if Pakistan never fulfils promises to take action in North Waziristan, saying Islamabad has launched effective operations elsewhere along the northwest border.

"We need them to do more. We're going to encourage them to do more because that makes it easier on what we're doing. But I think it's still doable, without them decreasing what they've been doing, which is significant," he said.

His comments contrasted with more pessimistic assessments from US intelligence agencies and some lawmakers, who have warned that Pakistan's reluctance to combat the Haqqani network in North Waziristan could undermine the war effort.

Pakistan has maintained ties to some militant groups as a hedge against historic rival India and to ensure Islamabad's influence in Afghanistan, diplomats say.

Rodriguez said he expected violence in Afghanistan to increase as usual in the spring as the insurgency launches its annual "seasonal" offensive.

But he predicted the Taliban would change its approach, targeting Afghan officials for assassination while moving away from confrontations with the heavily-armed coalition force.

With President Barack Obama planning to start a withdrawal of US troops from Afghanistan in July, Rodriguez said it was too early to say how many forces might be pulled out.

Rodriguez leads the International Security Assistance Force Joint Command, serving under the overall commander in Afghanistan, US General David Petraeus.
Well thank God, now atleast stop blaming us for your own ills and do whatever you can and win this war, as you guys can do that on your own.

Enough with the baby crying that Pakistan is the factor due to which we can't win.
stupid whining................
pakistan should stop letting them drone attack, enuf is enuf, if pakistan wants they will have to leave afghanistan in matter of days...
so why arent they winning it already?? and where are they going to bring in their heavy cargo without a direct sea route?? from russia?? yeah right..longer route = higher risk!
im quite confused......so on one hand some say (or seem to imply, with their mouthes full) that the ENTIRE American victory lies and rests upon a Pak action in North Waziristan; then on other hand they say they can do it on their own without our assistance. By ''it'' i mean achieve victory, and by ''victory'' i mean..........

ok hold that thought....

Quite frankly, it's annoying when different people in one organization are saying different things.....it's one thing to give a personal assesment; is this their final professional assesment?

why can't they reach a consensus on this issue; got a solution to the quagmire, dont need our help? Sure by all means, then you have just implied that it's your own war. Not Pakistan's.

moving along
Great news. Win it then? This is only the 11th year since it began. When should we expect the winning result, 2017, 2021 or 2025. Please pick one. Thank you for your understanding.
Pakistan has maintained ties to some militant groups as a hedge against historic rival India.

Will Pakistan continue to do so?:angel:
im quite confused......so on one hand some say (or seem to imply, with their mouthes full) that the ENTIRE American victory lies and rests upon a Pak action in North Waziristan; then on other hand they say they can do it on their own without our assistance. By ''it'' i mean achieve victory, and by ''victory'' i mean..........

ok hold that thought....

Quite frankly, it's annoying when different people in one organization are saying different things.....it's one thing to give a personal assesment; is this their final professional assesment?

why can't they reach a consensus on this issue; got a solution to the quagmire, dont need our help? Sure by all means, then you have just implied that it's your own war. Not Pakistan's.

moving along

It tends to be different organisations, does the ISI always agree with the Army line?

Intelligence agencies are pushing for the NW the US army seems to think that the effectiveness of the campaigns already won by the Pakistan army have been enough to shift the balance in their favor.
I can see few Pakistani think tanks getting defensive here.

BTW it was doomed to come out like this. Alternative stress and stain takes toll on elasticity.

If America is winning WOT without Pakistan then it means, mess left inside Pakistan and less Pakistani leverage In Afghanistan.

American General is foreseeing end of operations in this part of the world and more confident about security situation in Afghanistan.

I wish Pakistan has some better plans when US will end WOT.
I can see few Pakistani think tanks getting defensive here.

BTW it was doomed to come out like this. Alternative stress and stain takes toll on elasticity.

If America is winning WOT without Pakistan then it means, mess left inside Pakistan and less Pakistani leverage In Afghanistan.

American General is foreseeing end of operations in this part of the world and more confident about security situation in Afghanistan.

I wish Pakistan has some better plans when US will end WOT.

Has the security situation improved in Iraq ?? Has the number of suicide bombings or other bombings reduced or increased in recent times ??

If they have not yet pacified Iraq, leave aside Afghanistan where the enemy, The Taliban are still intact and very much in control of the countryside and running the show.

The only way the US can win militarily, is if they inject about a million or so troops and have presence in whole country, till then they can keep issuing such statements and pardon us from their everyday BS of blaming us for whatever is happening inside Afghanistan.

By the way, why don't you guys ask the Americans since Afghans are brothers of Indians, that why US injected about 500K troops in Iraq, while in Afghanistan they have in total of all allied nations invading force just around 100K. Common sense would dictate that the invaders don't want to bring stability in Afghanistan, had they been for that reason, they would have justified it by bringing in more troops close to what they used up in Iraq, but since the Iraq war was for oil, they did whatever they could, while war for Afghanistan is for some other reason, thus not serious about it.
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