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'Afghan War Winnable Without Pakistan Help'

Afghan War Winnable Without Pakistan Help On Border: US

WASHINGTON, Feb 1, 2011 (AFP) - NATO-led forces can still win the war in Afghanistan even if Pakistan fails to move against militant havens on the border, a top US general said on Tuesday.

"That's not a mission stopper in my mind," General David Rodriguez, deputy US commander in Afghanistan, told a Pentagon news conference.

US officials have long pressed Islamabad to crack down on the Haqqani network and other militants based in North Waziristan, saying the insurgents exploit the area as a sanctuary to stage attacks on coalition forces in neighboring Afghanistan.

But Rodriguez said the war effort would not be derailed even if Pakistan never fulfils promises to take action in North Waziristan, saying Islamabad has launched effective operations elsewhere along the northwest border.

"We need them to do more. We're going to encourage them to do more because that makes it easier on what we're doing. But I think it's still doable, without them decreasing what they've been doing, which is significant," he said.

His comments contrasted with more pessimistic assessments from US intelligence agencies and some lawmakers, who have warned that Pakistan's reluctance to combat the Haqqani network in North Waziristan could undermine the war effort.

Pakistan has maintained ties to some militant groups as a hedge against historic rival India and to ensure Islamabad's influence in Afghanistan, diplomats say.

Rodriguez said he expected violence in Afghanistan to increase as usual in the spring as the insurgency launches its annual "seasonal" offensive.

But he predicted the Taliban would change its approach, targeting Afghan officials for assassination while moving away from confrontations with the heavily-armed coalition force.

With President Barack Obama planning to start a withdrawal of US troops from Afghanistan in July, Rodriguez said it was too early to say how many forces might be pulled out.

Rodriguez leads the International Security Assistance Force Joint Command, serving under the overall commander in Afghanistan, US General David Petraeus.

this is very good news for us!
lets bring our troops back to their 'peace-time' locations.
and lets stop providing 'humint' for the drone attacks.
since when has he become a expert on pakistan - stick to 'bollywood' what!

Hehe, sir sometimes having a friendly face to break the news to the OPFOR is a good thing... :lol:

But i agree with you.
Afghan War Winnable Without Pakistan Help On Border: US

WASHINGTON, Feb 1, 2011 (AFP) - NATO-led forces can still win the war in Afghanistan even if Pakistan fails to move against militant havens on the border, a top US general said on Tuesday.

"That's not a mission stopper in my mind," General David Rodriguez, deputy US commander in Afghanistan, told a Pentagon news conference.

US officials have long pressed Islamabad to crack down on the Haqqani network and other militants based in North Waziristan, saying the insurgents exploit the area as a sanctuary to stage attacks on coalition forces in neighboring Afghanistan.

But Rodriguez said the war effort would not be derailed even if Pakistan never fulfils promises to take action in North Waziristan, saying Islamabad has launched effective operations elsewhere along the northwest border.

"We need them to do more. We're going to encourage them to do more because that makes it easier on what we're doing. But I think it's still doable, without them decreasing what they've been doing, which is significant," he said.

His comments contrasted with more pessimistic assessments from US intelligence agencies and some lawmakers, who have warned that Pakistan's reluctance to combat the Haqqani network in North Waziristan could undermine the war effort.

Pakistan has maintained ties to some militant groups as a hedge against historic rival India and to ensure Islamabad's influence in Afghanistan, diplomats say.

Rodriguez said he expected violence in Afghanistan to increase as usual in the spring as the insurgency launches its annual "seasonal" offensive.

But he predicted the Taliban would change its approach, targeting Afghan officials for assassination while moving away from confrontations with the heavily-armed coalition force.

With President Barack Obama planning to start a withdrawal of US troops from Afghanistan in July, Rodriguez said it was too early to say how many forces might be pulled out.

Rodriguez leads the International Security Assistance Force Joint Command, serving under the overall commander in Afghanistan, US General David Petraeus.

Pakistan has maintained ties to some militant groups as a hedge against historic rival India.

SMC's thinks:
That's conspiracy theory from western media.

Hmm....... I did not expect this type of answer since you are an elite member in PDF. Anyway, why do you think so?
SMC's thinks:

Hmm....... I did not expect this type of answer since you are an elite member in PDF. Anyway, why do you think so?

Kindly refrain from derailing the thread. Talk about the topic on hand, don;t drag in something else which has been discussed in much detail.

If you have something to add with respect to the topic, do that or else don;t derail it.
SMC's thinks:

Hmm....... I did not expect this type of answer since you are an elite member in PDF. Anyway, why do you think so?

That's the right answer in all seriousness. What type of answer did you expect? It IS a conspiracy theory since there's no evidence against Pakistan.
im quite confused......so on one hand some say (or seem to imply, with their mouthes full) that the ENTIRE American victory lies and rests upon a Pak action in North Waziristan; then on other hand they say they can do it on their own without our assistance. By ''it'' i mean achieve victory, and by ''victory'' i mean..........

ok hold that thought....

Quite frankly, it's annoying when different people in one organization are saying different things.....it's one thing to give a personal assesment; is this their final professional assesment?

why can't they reach a consensus on this issue; got a solution to the quagmire, dont need our help? Sure by all means, then you have just implied that it's your own war. Not Pakistan's.

moving along

From an inside source i can tell you that Americans are indeed confused as regards to their strategy in Afg, rather quite confused.
From an inside source i can tell you that Americans are indeed confused as regards to their strategy in Afg, rather quite confused.

Well its very evident as nothing is working for them, whatever strategy they have brought in, its been a failure. Plus, their BS coming at Pakistan is evident that things are not going to as plan.
Guys if pakistan stops the supply routes they wont have any thing to fight with i wanted to know cant they supply army and ammunation through air would it be to costly to do it compared to sea and land
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