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Afghan Taliban say no links with Pakistani Taliban


Oct 19, 2008
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Afghan Taliban say no links with Pakistani Taliban

Sunday, January 03, 2010
KUNAR: Tehreek-e-Taliban Afghanistan has announced that it has no links with Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP), adding that it is fighting only against United States.

“Al-Qaeda and us have nothing in common except Jihad against the US troops,” a private TV channel reported Qari Zia-ur-Rahman, commander of Afghan Taliban in Kunar province of Afghanistan as saying.

He said a large number of doctors and engineers have joined them, who will struggle to eliminate misunderstandings about Taliban’s armed struggle.

Qari Zia said all the commanders have been directed not to kidnap or harm foreigners, who arrive in Afghanistan for the welfare of Afghan public and a booklet has also been distributed in all parts of the country for this purpose. The Taliban commander made it clear they had no link with Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan.
Afghan Taliban say no links with Pakistani Taliban

Sunday, January 03, 2010
KUNAR: Tehreek-e-Taliban Afghanistan has announced that it has no links with Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP), adding that it is fighting only against United States.

“Al-Qaeda and us have nothing in common except Jihad against the US troops,” a private TV channel reported Qari Zia-ur-Rahman, commander of Afghan Taliban in Kunar province of Afghanistan as saying.

He said a large number of doctors and engineers have joined them, who will struggle to eliminate misunderstandings about Taliban’s armed struggle.

Qari Zia said all the commanders have been directed not to kidnap or harm foreigners, who arrive in Afghanistan for the welfare of Afghan public and a booklet has also been distributed in all parts of the country for this purpose. The Taliban commander made it clear they had no link with Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan.

A bald faced lie if there ever was one.

Qari Ziaur Rehman was the same guy that led thousands of fighters into Bajaur (from Afghanistan) in 2008 to assist a faction of the TTP led by Faqir Muhammed.

In a telephone conversation on Wednesday, a militant linked to Rahman said that now that they had control of Nuristan, the militants are "marching towards Mohmand and Bajaur to help their fellow Taliban fighting against Pakistani troops", referring to two tribal agencies across the border.

Asia Times Online :: South Asia news, business and economy from India and Pakistan

And you can clearly see the surge in violence in Bajaur since then.

Quite frankly Mullah Omar has little control over these 'commanders' in the field. Power rests with those who have the men and the guns in the end, and Afghan Taliban commanders like Zia-ur-Rehman have shown clearly that they have no qualms about cooperating with either the TTP or Al Qaeda.
No friends, Afghan Taliban are fighting against USA and Pakistani Taliban are fighting against every Pakistani. We treasure Afghan Taliban and they are not hostile to Pakistan while TTP is treasure of India and USA who wants to create Pashtoon Insurgency movement against Pakistan, ultimately breaking it. Don't forget they want to cut NWFP and Baluchistan from rest of the Pakistan and secure those Natural Resources and Gawadar Port but create an insurgency movement in Iran as because of Baluchistan. These two organizations might have some common traces but their goals and struggles are independent from each other.

We must Identify Afghan Taliban as an entity and help them gain control of Afghanistan even further. Taliban are the only entity that could bring peace in the Afghan provinces touching Pakistan borders. USA must be beaten to death and that will bring peace in Baluchistan and NWFP and rest of the country.
No friends, Afghan Taliban are fighting against USA and Pakistani Taliban are fighting against every Pakistani. We treasure Afghan Taliban and they are not hostile to Pakistan while TTP is treasure of India and USA who wants to create Pashtoon Insurgency movement against Pakistan, ultimately breaking it. Don't forget they want to cut NWFP and Baluchistan from rest of the Pakistan and secure those Natural Resources and Gawadar Port but create an insurgency movement in Iran as because of Baluchistan. These two organizations might have some common traces but their goals and struggles are independent from each other.

We must Identify Afghan Taliban as an entity and help them gain control of Afghanistan even further. Taliban are the only entity that could bring peace in the Afghan provinces touching Pakistan borders. USA must be beaten to death and that will bring peace in Baluchistan and NWFP and rest of the country.

Please read the link provided by Agnostic in which an Afghan Taliban speaks about their fighters going into our territory to fight our army. If you won't accept that both Taliban factions are one and the same atleast accept that there are elements in the Afghan Taliban who are against the Pakistani state and want to attack us. The sooner we accpet this the sooner we can act.
No friends, Afghan Taliban are fighting against USA and Pakistani Taliban are fighting against every Pakistani. We treasure Afghan Taliban and they are not hostile to Pakistan while TTP is treasure of India and USA who wants to create Pashtoon Insurgency movement against Pakistan, ultimately breaking it. Don't forget they want to cut NWFP and Baluchistan from rest of the Pakistan and secure those Natural Resources and Gawadar Port but create an insurgency movement in Iran as because of Baluchistan. These two organizations might have some common traces but their goals and struggles are independent from each other.

We must Identify Afghan Taliban as an entity and help them gain control of Afghanistan even further. Taliban are the only entity that could bring peace in the Afghan provinces touching Pakistan borders. USA must be beaten to death and that will bring peace in Baluchistan and NWFP and rest of the country.

So basicall you are saying Jahaleen aka taliban are good in afghanistan cause its in paksitan interest but bad in pakistan?

This is what prophet Muhammad (peace upon said) the following meaning:

"Seven persons are such that Allah (God) will not look at them on the Day of Judgment .... and Allah (God) will enter them into the Hell... except for those who repent. As those who repent Allah will accept their repentance.
A person who masturbates.
A person who performs the act of sodomy.
The person upon whom the act of sodomy is performed.
A perpetual drunkard.
The person who hits his parents so much that they appeal for help.
The person who harms his neighbors so much so that they curse him.
The person who commits adultery with his neighbor's wife. "

No wonder all afghans curse pakistan...its cause of people like you...but mark my word... Monafeqeen like you will not only destroy afghanistan but pakistan with it too.
Screw them both, as if they haven't caused anything besides problems for all of us.
Please read the link provided by Agnostic in which an Afghan Taliban speaks about their fighters going into our territory to fight our army. If you won't accept that both Taliban factions are one and the same atleast accept that there are elements in the Afghan Taliban who are against the Pakistani state and want to attack us. The sooner we accpet this the sooner we can act.

Who is right & who is wrong ... time will decide.

But It is my personal View that TTP are different that from Afghani Taliban. TTP consist of elements that know nothing about Islam & Jihad but they keep on to unstabilize Pakistan.
They are Enemies of Islam & Pakistan.
Who is right & who is wrong ... time will decide.

But It is my personal View that TTP are different that from Afghani Taliban. TTP consist of elements that know nothing about Islam & Jihad but they keep on to unstabilize Pakistan.
They are Enemies of Islam & Pakistan.

What is their difference of view with respect to Islam and Jehad?

They both have same view blow yourself up and go to Jannat to find some Virgin hoors.

They are targetting pakistan because and only because you have chased them out of their homes in Tribal regions. This is what they say so.

If you are sick of Taliban treat them equally, Afghan taliban or Pakistan taliban, or else you would be back to square one.
So basicall you are saying Jahaleen aka taliban are good in afghanistan cause its in paksitan interest but bad in pakistan?

This is what prophet Muhammad (peace upon said) the following meaning:

"Seven persons are such that Allah (God) will not look at them on the Day of Judgment .... and Allah (God) will enter them into the Hell... except for those who repent. As those who repent Allah will accept their repentance.
A person who masturbates.
A person who performs the act of sodomy.
The person upon whom the act of sodomy is performed.
A perpetual drunkard.
The person who hits his parents so much that they appeal for help.
The person who harms his neighbors so much so that they curse him.
The person who commits adultery with his neighbor's wife. "

No wonder all afghans curse pakistan...its cause of people like you...but mark my word... Monafeqeen like you will not only destroy afghanistan but pakistan with it too.

Thanks for sharing the Ahadith. I appreciate and thank you for that.

Regarding the Ahadith in bold, The person who harms his neighbors so much so that they curse him, no differences on that. My point is that Afghan Taliban do not interfere in Pakistan because they are too busy fighting USA and they need Pakistan's support, whenever it would be available, to mintain and sustain the areas they captured. Pakistan and Saudi Arabia were the first countries who Identified them and Pakistan never have any complains from Afghan Taliban. Taliban are Pashtoon and People across this side of the border are same Pashtoons who have family relationships with Afghan Pashtoons since ages. No other ethnice group, let it be Punjabis, Sindhis or Baloch has any issues with Pakistani Pashtoon or Afghans Pashtoons. There is no ground for Afghan Taliban to be anti-Pakistan. They are NOT interfering in Pakistan and neither People in Pakistan curse them for any misdeeds. And whenever we have first chance, Pakistan will recognize Taliban and their control over Afghanistan. America is not ready to accept it but they will end up doing the same. We have already seen Helery Clinton saying that.

It is in USA's interest to mix Afghan Taliban with Pakistan's TTP Terrorist clan because by doing that, USA hopes to get Pakistan's extended assistance in Afghanistan against Taliban. I am also not rejecting the possibility of contacts between Afghan and Pakistan Taliban but these connections are not developed because of common "goals". Real Taliban (Afghan Taliban or just Taliban) are fighting war against foreign occupation, the NATO and America but TTP (Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan) is fighting with Pakistan (Militry and General Public of the country).

When Taliban (Afghan Taliban) fight with NATO/America, they are fighting against Occupied Non-Muslim forces. BUT TTP is fighting against Muslim Sovereign country, against Muslim army and killing muslims of Pakistan. Whether you buy it or not but Religion is one big factor in these two wars and two wars have entirely different religious base. TTP is killing Muslims and Talibans are fighting to set their Muslim country free from a crusading force.
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yes its reality real Taliban (afghan taliban ) have no realtion with pakistani taliban-becaz afghan taliban are freedom fighters while taliban which is pakistan are feeding on Raw and Mosad money and also work for those agencies-but soon pakistani army destroy those taliban which are in pakistan
What's the difference? One faction kills women and children in Afghanistan, the other in Pakistan.
Tuesday, February 24, 2009

By Mazhar Tufail

ISLAMABAD: The militants active in North and South Waziristan agencies have been directed by Mulla Omar to immediately stop their attacks on the Pakistani security forces.

In a letter to the militants, who have forged a new alliance, Mulla Omar admonished them not to fight the Pakistani security forces and kill their Muslim brethren, a reliable source told The News on Monday.

“Mulla Omar first sent an envoy to the local Taliban and then wrote a letter to the banned Tehrik-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) admonishing these leaders and told the TTP that fighting Muslims could not be described as Jihad so they should immediately cease attacks on the Pakistani security forces.

He told them that if they really want to participate in Jihad, they must fight the US and Nato troops inside Afghanistan because their attacks on the Pakistani security forces are undermining the objectives of the war against the invaders and cause of the Taliban movement.

“If anybody really wants to wage Jihad, he must fight the occupation forces inside Afghanistan,” the source quoted Mulla Omar as having told the TTP leaders. “Attacks on the Pakistani security forces and killing of fellow Muslims by the militants in the tribal areas and elsewhere in Pakistan is bringing a bad name to Mujahideen and harming the war against the US and Nato forces in Afghanistan.”

“Our aim is to liberate Afghanistan from the occupation forces and death and destruction inside neighbouring Pakistan has never been our goal,” he added. The source said according to Mulla Omar, the US was devising a new strategy and adopting new tactics to crush Mujahideen in Afghanistan so the Taliban, too, must forge unity in their ranks, and instead of operating in Pakistan, they must concentrate on actions against the US and Nato forces.

He said the new alliance has been directed by Mulla Omar to devise a new strategy to counter the invaders because the reinforcement of the US forces in Afghanistan is food for thought for all the forces fighting the occupation forces in the war-ravaged country.

“The formation of a new alliance of militants by the name of Shura Ittihad-ul-Mujahideen is aimed at implementing the advice given by Mullah Omar,” the source said. “After this development, the attacks on security forces by the local Taliban will decrease if not end completely,” he said.

This correspondent tried to seek comments from some government officials and leaders of the ruling parties, including the Awami National Party and the Pakistan People’s Party, but they refused to say anything on record.

However, one of the officials contacted by The News feared that if the newly found alliance of the militants stepped up their attacks on the coalition troops inside Afghanistan, it would create many problems for Pakistan and Islamabad would face its consequences.

According to an announcement made on Sunday, the new alliance comprises groups led by central head of the banned TTP, Baitullah Mehsud, and Maulvi Nazir of South Waziristan and Hafiz Gul Bahadar of North Waziristan, two militant commanders who were considered to be pro-government. A 13-member body has also been named to run the affairs of the new alliance.

link: Mulla Omar orders halt to attacks on Pak troops
diffrence? afghan taliban are freedom fighter like kashmiri mujhadin-while pakistani taliban which are trained agent of raw and mosad are killing innocent in blast-but dont warry soon they destroyed and finished
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