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Afghan Taliban say no links with Pakistani Taliban

" They control more than 70% of Afghanistan..."

Really? Prove it.

There's a map that shows the taliban have a heavy presence in 80% of Afghanistan but not control. Google up ICOS. Do you understand the difference between control and a heavy presence?

If not, let me help you with the map's definition. Heavy presence constitutes one lethal or non-lethal insurgent attack PER WEEK.

Hell, Peshawar meets that.:rolleyes:

Is Peshawar controlled by the taliban?

BTW, Sayyaf, the taliban aren't the same people whom we worked with in the mujahideen. You, like too many Pakistanis, forget that the mujahideen comprised far more than simply pashtus. There were uzbeks, tajiks, hazara, and turkomen-none of which are in the taliban.

Moreover, virtually none of the taliban today can remember the Soviet-Afghan war. Twenty-one years ago. Most of their fighters are that age or younger.

There's no comparison.

Get your facts straight. Now show me your data that says the taliban CONTROL 70% of Afghanistan. I'll be eagerly awaiting those results. You betcha!


Lol, no get your facts right!

you said "BTW, Sayyaf, the taliban aren't the same people whom we worked with in the mujahideen. You, like too many Pakistanis, forget that the mujahideen comprised far more than simply pashtus. There were uzbeks, tajiks, hazara, and turkomen-none of which are in the taliban.

Moreover, virtually none of the taliban today can remember the Soviet-Afghan war. Twenty-one years ago. Most of their fighters are that age or younger."

So if all of the Taliban existing today have not participated in the Afghan Soviet war, than who the hell is Mullah Omar? Who the hell is Jallaludin Haqani? Who the hell is Gulbudin Heckmatyar? Do these names ring a bell?

Jallaludin Haqani is the same guy who visited the white house during the Soviet Afghan war! Gulbudin was also a Mujahideen commander of Hizb-e-Islami group! Mullah Omar (though young at the time) also participated in the Afghan soviet war (which is why he lost his right eye)!

So basically i proved my point here, you are fighting your own created "freedom fighters", but now to make yourself feel better your terming them as "beasts"!

Now as far as the Taliban having presence or control, either way they still have the upper hand! I read in news just a few days ago that America offered Taliban 6 provinces for 8 bases, but the Taliban declined! it really show's how desperate the US is to get out!

Taliban Decline US Offer Of 6 Provinces for 8 Bases | Newsnet 14
Lol, no get your facts right!

you said "BTW, Sayyaf, the taliban aren't the same people whom we worked with in the mujahideen. You, like too many Pakistanis, forget that the mujahideen comprised far more than simply pashtus. There were uzbeks, tajiks, hazara, and turkomen-none of which are in the taliban.

Moreover, virtually none of the taliban today can remember the Soviet-Afghan war. Twenty-one years ago. Most of their fighters are that age or younger."

So if all of the Taliban existing today have not participated in the Afghan Soviet war, than who the hell is Mullah Omar? Who the hell is Jallaludin Haqani? Who the hell is Gulbudin Heckmatyar? Do these names ring a bell?

Jallaludin Haqani is the same guy who visited the white house during the Soviet Afghan war! Gulbudin was also a Mujahideen commander of Hizb-e-Islami group! Mullah Omar (though young at the time) also participated in the Afghan soviet war (which is why he lost his right eye)!

So basically i proved my point here, you are fighting your own created "freedom fighters", but now to make yourself feel better your terming them as "beasts"!

Now as far as the Taliban having presence or control, either way they still have the upper hand! I read in news just a few days ago that America offered Taliban 6 provinces for 8 bases, but the Taliban declined! it really show's how desperate the US is to get out!

Taliban Decline US Offer Of 6 Provinces for 8 Bases | Newsnet 14

I am worried soon S2 include you in his list of ignore members :lol:
Sayyaf, there's a reason that I said "virtually all".

Please read more carefully. I would think it obvious that some of the older leaders were involved in the Afghan-Soviet war. Haqqani, Hekmatyar, Omar. So?

The vast majority of the taliban were not involved in a war that ended some 21 years ago. So, no, I don't think you've made any point nor have you equated the taliban with their Afghan mujahideen predecessors.

Again, in attempting to equate the taliban with the mujahideen, uzbeks, hazara, turkomen, and tajiks appear ignored. They were a significant component of the afghan-Soviet war and are for the most part enemies of the taliban today.

Sayyaf, there's a reason that I said "virtually all".

Please read more carefully. I would think it obvious that some of the older leaders were involved in the Afghan-Soviet war. Haqqani, Hekmatyar, Omar. So?

The vast majority of the taliban were not involved in a war that ended some 21 years ago. So, no, I don't think you've made any point nor have you equated the taliban with their Afghan mujahideen predecessors.

Again, in attempting to equate the taliban with the mujahideen, uzbeks, hazara, turkomen, and tajiks appear ignored. They were a significant component of the afghan-Soviet war and are for the most part enemies of the taliban today.


hmmm, i was wrong, i apologize, Taliban don't have a presence in 70% of Afghanistan! they have presence in 80% of Afghanistan!

Eight years after 9/11, Taliban roils 80 percent of Afghanistan « RAWA News

Your wrong, Taliban are not only made up of Pashtuns, their made up of Uzbeks, Tajiks, and Hazaras as well!

Taliban 'invite' 10,000 Uzbeks to Helmand - Telegraph
Ok.. found out what it said. Said something about Beitullah Mehsud and some other Mehsud and that it was a Taliban check-point in Khyber Agency...

my mom saw me looking at it and said it was fake xD
"Taliban are not only made up of Pashtuns, their made up of Uzbeks, Tajiks, and Hazaras as well!"

Did you read your own link? Those are Yuldashev's men from "...the Islamic Movement Union of Uzbekistan...".

Get it? They're not afghans of uzbek origin. They're the same uzbeks encamped in Pakistan on Mehsud lands.

How do you guys survive? You barely know reality in a country right next to you. Pay attention to your own links, please.:hitwall:

"Taliban are not only made up of Pashtuns, their made up of Uzbeks, Tajiks, and Hazaras as well!"

Did you read your own link? Those are Yuldashev's men from "...the Islamic Movement Union of Uzbekistan...".

Get it? They're not afghans of uzbek origin. They're the same uzbeks encamped in Pakistan on Mehsud lands.

How do you guys survive? You barely know reality in a country right next to you. Pay attention to your own links, please.:hitwall:


lol, its funny how your trying to make sense out of your own silly posts! Firstly you said that Taliban are ONLY PASHTUNS! And now i proved you wrong that they are not just Pashtuns, you try to make it look like as if i'm the one who's not making sense!

Yuldashev's men or not, either way their still Uzbeks in Taliban movement (and you said Taliban are only Pashtuns)!

Either way, i proved you wrong! America is losing in Afghanistan, Taliban gaining more support and territory!

Face the truth :hitwall:!

you said "How do you guys survive? You barely know reality in a country right next to you."

lol, you must be out of your mind when you said that! Who knows Afghanistan more than us Pakistanis? If you can find someone, do let me know!

yar i think they are saying true they have no back link with afghan talibans.but govt ko is point per ghor kerna chahiay from where they are getting weapons and remuneration.but near my point of view wo to shehd ke makhian hain jo pak ko us side say protect ker rahay thay.1947 say 2007 tk unhn nay pehlay aisa kuch kion nahi kia.its just dramaybazi by govt.they are taking dollars from american govt and are illin there own citizens.may b aap logn ko mujh say ikhtalaf ho.hr bnday ke apni rai hoti hay.but over all i am with pak army.
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