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Afghan Taliban (IEA) have raised White flags along the Durand Line.

Raja Porus

Aug 11, 2020
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The Taliban or Islamic Emirates of Afghanistan have raised white flags in the provinces they have occupied along the Pak-Afghan border a a sign of peace and friendship. This is the same border from which the ANA and NDS fired upon our troops.
Wonder how the US is bearing all this. The credit must be given where it is due...
The Taliban or Islamic Emirates of Afghanistan have raised white flags in the provinces they have occupied along the Pak-Afghan border a a sign of peace and friendship. This is the same border from which the ANA and NDS fired upon our troops.
Wonder how the US is bearing all this. The credit must be given where it is due...

Now that Afghanistan is under full control of the ISI / Taliban, Durand line issue is completely solved.

Annexation of Afghanistan by Pakistan is now inevitable.
Now that Afghanistan is under full control of the ISI / Taliban, Durand line issue is completely solved.

Annexation of Afghanistan by Pakistan is now inevitable.
Still sir, I politely request you not to use words such as annexation.
Because it is better to have a friendly and somewhat independent government than a controlled one. This will give foreign powers a propaganda to feed the the public and turn them against the IEA by calling them ISI goons etc.
LMAO even Taliban doesn't recognize Durrand Line so idk where they are going with this.
Now that Afghanistan is under full control of the ISI / Taliban, Durand line issue is completely solved.

Annexation of Afghanistan by Pakistan is now inevitable.

No it isn't Taliban doesn't recognize the line.
LMAO even Taliban doesn't recognize Durrand Line so idk where they are going with this.

No it isn't Taliban doesn't recognize the line.
What are they gonna do about it? Maybe they can beat the ANA, they can’t fight the FC or PA. They know very well that if they come to power they have to make sure not to piss Pakistan off, that would be their biggest mistake. With US gone and the Afghan government and army in shambles, nothing will hold back Pakistan from striking them if they try to be aggressive against us. They will leave us alone or suffer the consequences.
What are they gonna do about it? Maybe they can beat the ANA, they can’t fight the FC or PA. They know very well that if they come to power they have to make sure not to piss Pakistan off, that would be their biggest mistake. With US gone and the Afghan government and army in shambles, nothing will hold back Pakistan from striking them if they try to be aggressive against us. They will leave us alone or suffer the consequences.

Then TTP will flourish.
Okay. Let's call it merger of Afghanistan with Pakistan.

Creation of Afghanistan to start with was a mistake.

There are more Pushtuns in Pakistan than in Afghanistan.

Afghanistan was there before Pakistan. Reason why there are more Pashtuns is cuz the king sold the land and they voted to be with Pakistan.
LMAO even Taliban doesn't recognize Durrand Line so idk where they are going with this.

No it isn't Taliban doesn't recognize the line.
Show me one taliban main stream leader saying that they dont accept pakistan and that peshawar is their winter capital

Then i will show you all the main stream leaders including the president of afghn stating this
What are they gonna do about it? Maybe they can beat the ANA, they can’t fight the FC or PA. They know very well that if they come to power they have to make sure not to piss Pakistan off, that would be their biggest mistake. With US gone and the Afghan government and army in shambles, nothing will hold back Pakistan from striking them if they try to be aggressive against us. They will leave us alone or suffer the consequences.

No need to fire or physically harm them. Just tightly seal the Pakistani/Afghan border and let NOTHING come in or go out. See what happens to the Afghans and Afghanistan. What the British empire, the Soviets and Americans couldn't achieve, we would within 6 months............ :azn:
The ANA rats may soon hide among talban ranks and create new problems.

Regardless these flags are a good signal.. It signifies the new govt. will respect the borders.
I dont see the benefit of annexing Afghanistan unless the majority of the population can somehow be resettled elsewhere. The tajiks can be sent to tajikistan, uzbeks to uzbekistan, shia would be gladly taken in by Iran.

That way Afghanistan can remain soley pushtun province, and a portion of Pakistans large population can be resettled, (from sindh and punjab) in their place perhaps provided free land by the state. Only then can an annexation be successful.
The Taliban or Islamic Emirates of Afghanistan have raised white flags in the provinces they have occupied along the Pak-Afghan border a a sign of peace and friendship. This is the same border from which the ANA and NDS fired upon our troops.
Wonder how the US is bearing all this. The credit must be given where it is due...

The "White Flag" in Islam denotes that the Muslim Army is in time of peace. The Blackflags are raised when a Muslim Army is at War.

Anyone who doesn't realize this by now, ought to take a long hard look at themselves, because this is a Rahmah from Allah Subhanahu Wata'aalah.

Fools are those who don't see the signs from Allah Subhanahu Wata'aalah.
Show me one taliban main stream leader saying that they dont accept pakistan and that peshawar is their winter capital

Then i will show you all the main stream leaders including the president of afghn stating this

Ok true
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