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Afghan Taliban condemn Hakimullah Mehsud's killing


Apr 27, 2012
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Afghan Taliban condemn Hakimullah Mehsud's killing


KABUL: The Afghan Taliban on Saturday described the killing of Pakistani Taliban chief Hakimullah Mehsud as “a big loss” and urged Islamabad to prevent any further US drone strikes.

Mehsud, who was under a $5 million US government bounty, was killed when a drone targeted his car in the North Waziristan tribal district of Pakistan, near the Afghan border.

“The Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan strongly condemns this terror act by America and describes the martyrdom of Mullah Hakimullah Mehsud as a big loss,” the Taliban said in a statement, using the group's formal name.

“America can not create a vacuum or achieve their evil goals by martyring mujahideen.”

“The Islamic Emirate calls on the Pakistani people and government to make more effort than at any other time to prevent such brutal attacks by the American invaders,” said the statement.

The Pakistani Taliban, known as the Tehrik-i-Taliban Pakistan (TTP), is an umbrella group founded in December 2007 following a deadly military raid on the radical Red Mosque in Islamabad.

The TTP officially swears allegiance to Mullah Omar, the leader of the Afghan Taliban, who ruled Kabul from 1996-2001, but the two groups are separate, with independent command structures.

Afghan Taliban condemn Hakimullah Mehsud's killing
Afghan Taliban condemn Hakimullah Mehsud's killing


KABUL: The Afghan Taliban on Saturday described the killing of Pakistani Taliban chief Hakimullah Mehsud as “a big loss” and urged Islamabad to prevent any further US drone strikes.

Mehsud, who was under a $5 million US government bounty, was killed when a drone targeted his car in the North Waziristan tribal district of Pakistan, near the Afghan border.

“The Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan strongly condemns this terror act by America and describes the martyrdom of Mullah Hakimullah Mehsud as a big loss,” the Taliban said in a statement, using the group's formal name.

“America can not create a vacuum or achieve their evil goals by martyring mujahideen.”

“The Islamic Emirate calls on the Pakistani people and government to make more effort than at any other time to prevent such brutal attacks by the American invaders,” said the statement.

The Pakistani Taliban, known as the Tehrik-i-Taliban Pakistan (TTP), is an umbrella group founded in December 2007 following a deadly military raid on the radical Red Mosque in Islamabad.

The TTP officially swears allegiance to Mullah Omar, the leader of the Afghan Taliban, who ruled Kabul from 1996-2001, but the two groups are separate, with independent command structures.

Afghan Taliban condemn Hakimullah Mehsud's killing
and still pakistanies believe that afghan taliban is different from TTP .....hypocracy and denial at its worst
Afghan Taliban condemn Hakimullah Mehsud's killing


KABUL: The Afghan Taliban on Saturday described the killing of Pakistani Taliban chief Hakimullah Mehsud as “a big loss” and urged Islamabad to prevent any further US drone strikes.

Mehsud, who was under a $5 million US government bounty, was killed when a drone targeted his car in the North Waziristan tribal district of Pakistan, near the Afghan border.

“The Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan strongly condemns this terror act by America and describes the martyrdom of Mullah Hakimullah Mehsud as a big loss,” the Taliban said in a statement, using the group's formal name.

“America can not create a vacuum or achieve their evil goals by martyring mujahideen.”

“The Islamic Emirate calls on the Pakistani people and government to make more effort than at any other time to prevent such brutal attacks by the American invaders,” said the statement.

The Pakistani Taliban, known as the Tehrik-i-Taliban Pakistan (TTP), is an umbrella group founded in December 2007 following a deadly military raid on the radical Red Mosque in Islamabad.

The TTP officially swears allegiance to Mullah Omar, the leader of the Afghan Taliban, who ruled Kabul from 1996-2001, but the two groups are separate, with independent command structures.

Afghan Taliban condemn Hakimullah Mehsud's killing

Why should Pakistan stop these attacks? Actually it is Pakistan who requested these drone strikes since they are the most effective method of eliminating these snakes.

What Americans cannot do it, Pakistan should do it. Kill these terrorists for once and for all.
and still pakistanies believe that afghan taliban is different from TTP .....hypocracy and denial at its worst
He was going for peace talks with state. Also afghani talibans were saying that no one can use our name and kill innocent people and they are against US. So this time they were in side of Hakeem Ullah Mehsud and not the whole TTP. 
Why should Pakistan stop these attacks? Actually it is Pakistan who requested these drone strikes since they are the most effective method of eliminating these snakes.

What Americans cannot do it, Pakistan should do it. Kill these terrorists for once and for all.
Sir this is the gift of Zia-ul-Haq to the nation. Musharraf started eliminated these scumbags but now he is suffering..
Now the only choice for us is civilian government.
He was going for peace talks with state. Also afghani talibans were saying that no one can use our name and kill innocent people and they are against US. So this time they were in side of Hakeem Ullah Mehsud and not the whole TTP.
ya right and who gave you that information ..mehsud himself :rofl:
Even Pakistanis are condemning this killing.

TTP terrorists are enemies of Pakistan & they should be tortured to death...kill is a small word.:agree::sniper:
I thought Pakistanis claimed that Afghan Taliban and Pakistani Taliban are not aligned and are each others' enemies..

Politically - Yes Afghans Talibs have their differences with Pakistani Talibs
Militarily - Pakistani Talibs don't get acknowledged by Afghans. 
ya right and who gave you that information ..mehsud himself :rofl:

Its in the news everywhere and in articles :coffee:
Gov's envoy was in contact for peace talks and they were suppose to have their terms settled in upcoming two weeks time -.-
TTP=afghan taliban why?
simplr, afghan taliban draws a lot of strength from TTP man power..and TTP draws all its power using afghan taliban..a symbiotic relationship..just as it was with alqeda..this what i was saying from begining..i am glade that now its proved beyond any doubt
Which Afghan taliban ? Mullah omar is afg taliban were so worried for the death of their beloved friend why the started attacking ttp on the 1st place
afghan taliban may have condemned it, but they dont support them definitely, TTP are terrorists, US never wanted to kill him, but bcz they wanted to have peace talks with pakistan, thats y US drone killed him,
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