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Afghan security forces fleeing towards Iran

Taliban are sitting in Tehran for dialogue. Millenia old Iranic brotherhood :flame:

btw we are going to see fractures among this militia over power distribution.
You know the words. "The enemy of my enemy is my Friend" Iran and Taliban are both enemys of USA. This can be a turning Point. In history saudia People influence Taliban yes. that can be a risk. But when Taliban fight USA. Saudia is a lovly friend of USA. Taliban i think are not that dangeres than ISIS for iran. The risk ist there that extremist that Join them try to bring them to war with iran. But The normal Taliban leader i think know it is better to be good with iran. Both are enemys of USA. if relations are good my be they can work togather an mybe become Support from iran economicaly and maybe millitaily. With what countrys the Taliban later have economicaly ties? That will be Iran, Pakistan and the Other countrys around Afghanistan. At the Moment all doors open.
A detailed report on current state in Afghanistan:
طالبان از گذشته درس گرفته؛ اما نه در نحوه تعامل با مردم که در شیوه‌ی تفوق بر آنها/ آمریکا می‌خواهد هزینه‌های خودش در جنگ به رقبای این کشور تحمیل شود/ رویکرد رسانه‌های ایرانی به روح و روان طرفداران جمهوری اسلامی در افغانستان آسیب زد | پایگاه اطلاع رسانی رجا

Key points:
1.Taliban is advancing fast because the impotent Afghanistan president has concentrated it's forces near big cities, so Taliban captures most places without any resistance.

2.In major areas, Taliban hasn't managed to capture the main cities, but they are the dominating power in roads and outside the cities!

3. Different groups with different agendas fight for Taliban and Taliban leaders have no control over them, so any agreement or commitment from Taliban is questionable.

4.Taliban forces destroy the infrastructures in any place which they capture, so most likely they don't plan to take the government, otherwise they will need the very same infrastructures which they are destroying today.
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Taliban are Pakistan’s friends

Real Taliban are true Muslims and can never be defeated no matter what

US, UK any everyone else knows these people don’t fight with weapons or numbers they fight with Iman
So I guess these soldiers, if you can call them that will be living in Iran now? I mean, it's not like they can go back...
We can organize Taliban volunteers and send them to Golan heights before marching towards Israel.
That's brilliant and that should be the goal of Taliban too. We should mass mobilize them against Israel.
You both are living in la la land although I dont know where the hell is that la la land you people need to wake up what taliban that you organize these are insects scorpions jakals the first one they think of biting is you
instead think of your brothers and sisters of hazarah organize those help those not the enemy
shia no hope of them know their enemy!!
You both are living in la la land although I dont know where the hell is that la la land you people need to wake up what taliban that you organize these are insects scorpions jakals the first one they think of biting is you
instead think of your brothers and sisters of hazarah organize those help those not the enemy
shia no hope of them know their enemy!!
We have armed Shia groups of several countries under our control. Shia (Persian) rights of Afghanistan are guaranteed and will get Iran's help as much as possible. You don't need to worry about that. Relations with Taliban is a must.. they are a reality and they are not going away so we have to cooperate in a effective manner.
We have armed Shia groups of several countries under our control. Shia (Persian) rights of Afghanistan are guaranteed and will get Iran's help as much as possible. You don't need to worry about that. Relations with Taliban is a must.. they are a reality and they are not going away so we have to cooperate in a effective manner.

I'll become a Jew if you manage to send Iraqis to Afghanistan, they're not gonna go there. Not even those degenerates
Vietnam flashbacks..... Doesnt the US get tired of this sort of predictable humiliation?

Go into a foreign country worlds away from home. Try to impose your will, government, and way of life on them by force. Chase your tail around for a decade, blowing trillions, and losing thousands of lives/prestige.

only to leave in humiliation, and barely have your puppet government survive to see your withdrawl....

their media will spin this as another "glorious american victory for freedom". they will say "look at all the gains we made for women, we killed bin laden!!!!!, and we killed so many al qaeda!!!!!!"

and then blame muslims for being "uncivilised" and unappreciative of american "Friendly invasions of democracy" and resistanting such a freedom exporting force on their lands... imposing their way of life on them... how dare those muslims not want western trash culture...

the current narrative is that afghans are just barbarians and no one can save them
Stop exaggerating when did Taliban in collision with saudi wanted to attack Iran? Taliban is local militias and enjoying the undisputed support of Pakistan don't assume they are weak prey. They defeated the Soviet and The US..

Taliban seek only it's territories within afghanistan but don't assume you can carve anything but Pakistan will carve big junk out of you..

The respected taliban never shied away from a conflict and won't do so for any provocator.. Iran is not even in that of strong position herself they will tread carefully... But Taliban is not after them or any neighbourly countries but there are major forces at play here behind the scenes
Pakistan and taliban will do nothing to Iran. Simply cuz they cant. If taliban does something Iran will dust them and Pakistan will just stand nd watch. Pakistan's battle is for its own economic internal survival, it cant play regional politics in a grand scale.
You both are living in la la land although I dont know where the hell is that la la land you people need to wake up what taliban that you organize these are insects scorpions jakals the first one they think of biting is you
instead think of your brothers and sisters of hazarah organize those help those not the enemy
shia no hope of them know their enemy!!
Hazaras are not our brothers and sisters. You don't call a part of yourself like that. Like Iraqi Hezbollah or Lebanese Hezbollah, they are a part of one body. That term, i use for Sunnis who side with us and believe me there are millions of those Sunnis.
You must remember when Ayatollah Mike (CIA's main asset in middle east and a Shia specialist) and tens of other CIA operatives who participated in terror mission of targeting General Soleimani and Abu Mahdi Muhandis were all sent to hell by a shoulder launched air defense system. That was done by Hazaras, it is a very telling story about capabilities of Hazara armed wing.
Hazara Hezbollah is armed to the teeth in Afghanistan. The reason why you don't hear much about them is because of the fact that Iran tried to keep them in secrecy. Fatemiyoun brigades was a small fraction of them. I can surely and confidently claim they currently are the strongest and most unknown group in Afghanistan.
When the time comes.......
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