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Afghan National Army hostile to Pakistan: Report

I am still waiting for you to prove that why you believe Afghan ridiculous claims are justified. You often quit when you don't have anything to back yourself with.

You need to do better. Indian trolls are more consistent than that.

A claim need not be 'justified' to you because you think it is unjustified..something like you guys have not been able to 'justify' your stand on Kashmir for 65 years.

On the bolded part - pardon me, unlike some I do have a real world to deal with. A university, work and social life. So I will be able to reply only at my leisure and not at yours.
A claim need not be 'justified' to you because you think it is unjustified..something like you guys have not been able to 'justify' your stand on Kashmir for 65 years.

On the bolded part - pardon me, unlike some I do have a real world to deal with. A university, work and social life. So I will be able to reply only at my leisure and not at yours.

We are a party to the dispute. Your govt accepts it. Also the international community. And then Kashmir is a disputed territory. connect the dots. And you would realize that Pakistan has more justified and reasonable claim than municipal corporation of Kabul.

On the bolded part - pardon me, unlike some I do have a real world to deal with. A university, work and social life. So I will be able to reply only at my leisure and not at yours.

Well I also have many things to do. Work, University etc etc. But still I respond. May be because I don't claim something that I can't back with.
ANA is indeed rag tag right now. They have numbers, but lack discipline and training - from what US/NATO trainers report.
It takes a good long while to develop these. Perhaps if US was staying in Afghanistan till 2020, it was possible, however their leaving makes the prospect of ANA becoming a formidably trained Army questionable.
I must say it is amusing to read some comments from our Indian members sympathising with the Afghanis. And Pashtun people, I wonder where was this sympathy in the 80's and 90's and lets face it until 9/11 no one gave a rats *** about the Afghanis or the pashtun people or the durrand line. When the world had shunned Afganistan, the only country that maintained diplomatic contact with Afghanistan was PAKISTAN. Before ISAF, Before NATO or WHO or the Indian investment in Kabul, Pakistan ran a kidney hospital in Afghanistan. It was the only trading partner with Afghanistan and housed millions of refugees from Afghanistan.

people forget this and think us dim witted when they make arguements about the plight of the Afghans and the sympathise. they have with the pashtun people. When in reality, the world had abandoned these very people for 20+ years, without education, law or healthcare. Hemoraging mothers dying at childbirth and malnutrition in the young and old.

Where was the sympathy then? Where was the concern? Pakistan is not a saint when it comes to regional affairs, but it is far from the villian some people portray it as.
The day Pakistan corrects is policy towards Afghanistan and halts its destructive meddling which has resulted in oppression of millions of Malalas and assassinations of hundreds of Bilours, will be the beginning Afghanistan becoming it first most ally. The state of Pakistan should halt sponsoring terrorism.
The day Pakistan corrects is policy towards Afghanistan and halts its destructive meddling which has resulted in oppression of millions of Malalas and assassinations of hundreds of Bilours, will be the beginning Afghanistan becoming it first most ally. The state of Pakistan should halt sponsoring terrorism.

The ball is in your court, accept Durand line. Secondly don't forget that NA was supported by some countries too, how come Pakistan is the only country you remember? What about USA, Soviet Union, Iran? I think you focus on Pakistan since you believe that it is weaker at the moment.
Current puppet corrupt Afghan Govt. & everybody who is part of this puppet corrupt Govt. are all enemies of Pakistan & they are helping US & allies to hire rented terrorists from inside Afghanistan.
The ball is in your court, accept Durand line. Secondly don't forget that NA was supported by some countries too, how come Pakistan is the only country you remember? What about USA, Soviet Union, Iran? I think you focus on Pakistan since you believe that it is weaker at the moment.

Durrand Line is a non-issue. We respect the integrity of Pakistan and pledge our support to Pakistan's stability. It is Pakistan having wet dreams of strategic sheeeet. Out of the countries you have mentioned I greatly favor Pakistan. Those days are gone and now Pakistan instead of acting as a spoiler should play its part for restoring peace and stability in Afghanistan and the region. Eventually peace will come and we Afghans will six our differences. Your role will determine what kind will you receive from us and hence our future relations. Pakistan should never ever aim to any kind of control in Afghanistan as we will never allow that wrt any country let alone Pakistan. We must be going through our low times but the day when we will regain our strength is not far inshallah.

Current puppet corrupt Afghan Govt. & everybody who is part of this puppet corrupt Govt. are all enemies of Pakistan & they are helping US & allies to hire rented terrorists from inside Afghanistan.

ANA's current design is to deal with internal threats only and even for that it is not sufficiently equipped. But there is a serious debate now to furnish the armed forces such that will be able to deal with external threats and particularly designed to meet threats from Pakistan. The recent incursions and rockets from Pakistan was disturbing enough given the disconcert on the part of our government and how it tried to deal with it. Other than the diplomatic non-sense it could rely on it was a hopeless situation, had the aggression continued our pathetic government would have been watching the barrage of rockets killing people of our border villages with their hands held behind their back. It is a good thing that we have strong and brave people who were taking the matter in to their own hands. We need to adopt a realistic defense policy. The yanks wouldn't allow us to do it, but we can find ways.
Durrand Line is a non-issue. We respect the integrity of Pakistan and pledge our support to Pakistan's stability. It is Pakistan having wet dreams of strategic sheeeet. Out of the countries you have mentioned I greatly favor Pakistan. Those days are gone and now Pakistan instead of acting as a spoiler should play its part for restoring peace and stability in Afghanistan and the region. Eventually peace will come and we Afghans will six our differences. Your role will determine what kind will you receive from us and hence our future relations. Pakistan should never ever aim to any kind of control in Afghanistan as we will never allow that wrt any country let alone Pakistan. We must be going through our low times but the day when we will regain our strength is not far inshallah.


Are you kidding me? US planes come out of the sky and bomb any person they want in the name of the war on terror and you guys are trying to say you won't be controlled by anyone. They are basically doing whatever they want in your country... but I guess you still haven't managed to notice that as yet. Read this:

Dilawar (torture victim) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Sabawoon-Noorzai, right now Afghanistan is a playground of foreign powers and their proxies. Only Afghans can solve this state of affairs. The only way for that to happen is to talk to various factions including Taliban and thus to evolve a national consensus. Just wait for USA/NATO to leave. Do not allow India to use your country for RAW activities. You would not have problems from Pakistan thereafter. We are brothers and we should not let anyone make trouble between us. No other country can help Afghanistan progress and grow like Pakistan.

Historically Afghan policy vis-a-vis Pakistan was irritating to Pakistan, and disastrous for Afghanistan. Had Afghanistan been closer to Pakistan, USSR might not have wanted to invade Afghanistan. Many of the students sent to USSR could have enrolled in Pakistan for example.

We Pakistanis should appreciate that during Pakistan-India wars Afghanistan stayed neutral.
Actually parts of Punjab were sliced away to create NWFP to begin with & Mianwali is our land & the Pashtuns therein are Punjabi Pashtuns :bunny:

But then again two can play that game - What about NWFP without food or jobs or any industrial output to service the local market & most of all anyone to pay the taxes or earn all that tax revenue in Karachi from the things we import from ? :azn:

We'd shift Risalpur, PMA, Meerat etc, else where ! :P

And what if the Pashtuns rebel - We'd loose NWFP i.e a buffer between Afghanistan & Us but you couldn't take Punjabi heartland as if your life depended upon it ! Sadaaa khuun wiii garaam ehhh ! :P

Khan Sahib you're important but we're very important too !

Khair at any rate the Pashtuns are interested in an Azad Buttistan so you'd both loose in the end & I'd win ! :chilli:
Actually we can easily take Punjab through lashkar-kashi if the entire factor of pakistan army is excluded from the scenario. Unlike punjabis we pashtuns are homogeneous with uniform tribal organization and system. We are democratic society since thousands of years and believe me or not, we pashtuns can come to a single decision like waging war on punjab :azn: if entire set up of jirga exist....Currently we have two levels of jirga operating in our society, the third and most important is missing in Pakistan. There are three level of jirga.
1- Maraka : a loca jirga taking decisions at the village level
2- Qaumi jirga : it takes decision at tribal level
3- Loya jirga : it takes decision at national level (it only exists in Afghanistan)
So dont imagine any punjabi vs pashtun scenario as punjab is totally vulnerable to lashkar-kashi from us if we ignore Pak army factor:victory: . We pashtuns have never relied on kings, nawabs, sardars, chaudris and have survived against all invaders with our pakhtunwali and our tribal set up was strong that our single tribes were able to capture countries e.g hotakis seized iran, lodhis seized hindostan.....
And never underestimate tribal lashkars, they are highly organized and efficient, infact in all anglo-afghan wars afghans kings relied on the help of tribal lashkars compared to their own official afghan army.
P.S: I am saying all this in light mode.

@Armstrong, @Hyperion, @Andromache, @haviZsultan, @Sher Malang, @Abu Zolfiqar
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