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Afghan gangs try to attack Pak consulate office Manchester UK.

like a stupid kid they will blame everyone but not themselves . just look new generation of taliban almost 80% of them born after 2000 . no hope for them

I'm actually worried that the Afghans havn't protested outside the Somalian embassy yet.
these stupids should wor on society make a civilized afghanistan and issue will be resolved .

There is more chance of me and you being the first men on Mars and presidents of america than of that happening.
Honestly nothing to see

Apart from the genuine security issue that I'm sure UK police and our own efforts will ensure

We need to learn the "art of the smug bastard"

You know you did it.
They know you did it
You know you won
They know you won
As long as you and your interests are secure let them combust and sit back and enjoy the scene with the smile of a smug bastardView attachment 771909

When do think the Afghans will hold a protest outside the embassy of the Democratic Republic of Congo?

The Afghans were JUST about to invent Spaceships and Time machines but then come those evil Pakistanis and stopped them.
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This isn't Indian propaganda. Why is it so hard for Pakistani nationalists to admit how much hate Afghans have in their hearts?
Some sections of society are blinded by love for Afghans. Other Pakistanis have no interest and want to gain fame by Tiktok videos and harass innocent Pakistani women.
It is a matter of time until these Afghans cause immense damage and violance to the Pakistani communities abroad.
Remeber the cricket incident of 2017? Gangs of Afgans beat up middle aged Pakistani men in England.
Is it me but don't afghans in the West try to portray themselves as being only a millimetre away from being a global hyper power surpassing both america and China but were prevented from doing so by Pakistan and Pakistanis?...........:lol:
Saleh was posting pictures of 1971 to massage his ego but his people surrendered without putting up a fight. Their arrogance is their undoing and it would continue to hamper their development or good relations with Pakistan. The last refuge of these scoundrels is to fan the issue of Durand line while all of their country is on fire.
This isn't Indian propaganda. Why is it so hard for Pakistani nationalists to admit how much hate Afghans have in their hearts?
The hatred they have is from the very first day of creation of Pakistan and precisely for this reason their generations continue to live in misery and abject poverty. Their fictional 5000 years old Pushtunwali is not going to help them here at all.
Saleh was posting pictures of 1971 to massage his ego but his people surrendered without putting up a fight. Their arrogance is their undoing and it would continue to hamper their development or good relations with Pakistan. The last refuge of these scoundrels is to fan the issue of Durand line while all of their country is on fire.

1971 made Pakistan so bad that nearly 10 million legal and illegal Afghans came from the super power that is Afghanistan to settle in Pakistan for over 40 years............ :disagree:.............Afghan hyper intelligence shown once again.........:disagree:
1971 made Pakistan so bad that nearly 10 million legal and illegal Afghans came from the super power that is Afghanistan to settle in Pakistan for over 40 years............ :disagree:.............Afghan hyper intelligence shown once again.........:disagree:
The only time I've witnessed Pakistanis protesting in large numbers was during support for Palestine.
We dont show support for Pakistan or Kashmir.
The only time I've witnessed Pakistanis protesting in large numbers was during support for Palestine.
We dont show support for Pakistan or Kashmir.

This retardedness of some Pakistanis makes me mad........ :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: .............someone should ask these retards, how many Palestinians/Arabs have protested in support of Kashmir and Pakistan?...........:disagree:
Saleh was posting pictures of 1971 to massage his ego but his people surrendered without putting up a fight. Their arrogance is their undoing and it would continue to hamper their development or good relations with Pakistan. The last refuge of these scoundrels is to fan the issue of Durand line while all of their country is on fire.

The hatred they have is from the very first day of creation of Pakistan and precisely for this reason their generations continue to live in misery and abject poverty. Their fictional 5000 years old Pushtunwali is not going to help them here at all.

In another 5000 years, we will still be discussing why afghans are the most failed nation on earth. These people can NEVER change or be rehabilitated.
What happened to all the Apna crowd in UK, can't they go out there and stand up for Pakistani consulate. Can't believe these Afghan thugs have been getting the best of Pakistanis in UK be it the WC matches or here in this case.

Bro are you seriously trying to say that our community should be mounting run the clock patrols to defend the Pakistani consulate? Who has time for that? Also this job is for the police, why should it fall to the large expat community here? We have lives, jobs, families and numerous responsibilities. These people you see have literally all the time in the world, they're refugees.
As for the consulates themselves do you know how they treat the UK community? Like dirt. Go ask anyone, and then also try to convince them to defend it, they'd think you are insane for even suggesting it.
The WC matches were young refugees who would attack Pakistani men aged in their 50's. None of us has any interest in cricket. That being said many Afghans also physically stopped these cowardly morons, there's lots of videos on it.
We just have the 14th of August celebrations where tens of thousands of our youth came onto the streets, where were these lot then? No where to be seen. If you hate Pakistani people that would have been a good time to come out and show how brave you really are. I believe some did and were all "we love you Pakistanis".
We need to stop making mountains of worm mounds.

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