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Afghan gangs try to attack Pak consulate office Manchester UK.

Why are they not criticising their own Gov and soliders who fled to several neighbouring coutries?

I agree, they should have. And if they truly want progress in their ancestral country they should support the real activist progressives there, like the Solidarity Party of Afghanistan which actually not only rejects the Taliban but also the Ghani and Karzai governments :

The party boycotted the 2005 and 2010 parliamentary elections.

The party was suspended in June 2012 following a Kabul demonstration in late April 2012 where the party accused a number of Afghan leaders, including former leaders and commanders, of committing war crimes over the last three decades of conflict, and demanded they be brought to justice.

The SPA boycotted the 2004, 2009, and 2014 Afghan Presidential elections as the party alleges that an individual cannot be elected without the approval of the US government. The party does, however, take part in provincial elections as it believes these elections to be more democratic and harder for central government to control or rig. No SPA members ran in the 2013 provincial elections, although the party did support certain candidates
Is it me but don't afghans in the West try to portray themselves as only being a millimetre away from being a global hyper power surpassing both america and China but were prevented from doing so by Pakistan and Pakistanis?...........:lol:


Pakistan said .. "be gone".... and the entire afgan army melted away like swiss cheeze.
State is already doing that

1 i dont see any activity or response from Pakistani state or even communities
2nd bit which i find strange is every Pakistani you meet will say i will even die for my country but never actually see people standing up for its national image.
Why you dont see Pakistani consulates and PTI groups Supporting and sponsoring rallies against these idiots , neither against India.
How can you fight propaganda warfare without actually taking any precautions, State itself need to understand they will have sponsor Pro Pakistan Media outlets in western countries, Support people who Pakistani core beliefs and let them fight media war,
3rd I don't understand the Afghan Jacka** who are so aggressive towards the police and Pakistan if you are so macho why dont you go back and actually fight for your countrys own future. Atleast you will put up better fight then ANA did.

we do things that matter.

Our state is doing it's job for a change. .. ie a nice job in A-stan.

These afGOONs are desperate losers, they are fustrated that their "great" leader ghani ran away to Dubai , their rambo army melted faster than ice cream, and their great pals west and india left them high and dry

in short we dont need to do any thing and risk a criminal record in the west. These afGOON idiots dont realise that thier nationality or PR status can be canceled in view of public disburbance.

Australia for example striped a afgan naturalised citizen for submitting a fake driving licence.
What's wrong with these Afghans???

Do they think taking out thier frustration against Pakistan is going to make matters any better, can any Afghan answer the question, how did thier 300,000 strong national army trained by America melt away so fast offering very little resistance against Taliban caveman which has allowed them to come back in power.

Afghans please take care of your own country, no one is your caretaker.
Offspring of gilam jam whores. If these scum have the guts, why didnt they go to Afghanistan to fight?
Afghanistan 🇦🇫 had Allah Azab nothing more they will never sit in peace because they are people who like to dig a hole for others and they fall in themselves

since centuries either they kill each other or fight invaders and then kill each other
What's wrong with these Afghans???

Do they think taking out thier frustration against Pakistan is going to make matters any better, can any Afghan answer the question, how did thier 300,000 strong national army trained by America melt away so fast offering very little resistance against Taliban caveman which has allowed them to come back in power.

Afghans please take care of your own country, no one is your caretaker.

According to Afghans, Pakistan and the ISI have magical powers that made the 300,000 ANA unable to fight.......... :disagree:
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In all seriousness, I wish what the Afghans said about Pakistan and the power of ISI were all actually true.
Afghans have an age old habit of switching sides. The ANA knew they couldnt win so they either escaped or joined the winning side.
Can't they all go back to their country and fix it? Whats the point of protesting half a world away, just go back and rebuild. :lol:

They really did humiliate us when Afghans ruled Pakistan, raped our women, most probably raped our children and killed our people. They sat over our heads in Lahore and made full use of our culture and enjoyed themselves didn't they? I can only imagine how viciously they treated us back then if this is them in 2021.

How the tables have turned, us slaves are a nuclear power now and they are fighting over their dustbowl like rats, fleeing like rats :lol:

I hope they will always be made to feel humiliated because this is justice from the universe.
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Can't they all go back to their country and fix it? Whats the point of protesting half a world away, just go back and rebuild. :lol:

They really did humiliate us when Afghans ruled Pakistan, raped our women, most probably raped our children and killed our people. They sat over our heads in Lahore and made full use of our culture and enjoyed themselves didn't they? I can only imagine how viciously they treated us back then if this is them in 2021.

How the tables have turned, us slaves are a nuclear power now and they are fighting over their dustbowl like rats, fleeing like rats :lol:

I hope they will always be made to feel humiliated because this is justice from the universe.

According to the Afghans they were just 1 millimetre away from becoming a global hyper power surpassing both america and China then all of a sudden, Pakistan and those pesky evil Pakistanis stopped them from doing so........... :disagree:
anybody still thinks that tajik dallay are ever going to be friendly with Pakistan???
anybody still thinks that tajik dallay are ever going to be friendly with Pakistan???

Can't blame them. We Pakistanis did stop Afghanistan from becoming a global hyper power surpassing both america and China......... :disagree:

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